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Taken from DBLP FAQ
The dblp computer science bibliography is the on-line reference for bibliographic information on major computer science publications. It has evolved from an early small experimental web server to a popular open-data service for the whole computer science community. Our mission at dblp is to support computer science researchers in their daily efforts by providing free access to high-quality bibliographic meta-data and links to the electronic editions of publications.
As of January 2019, dblp indexes over 4.4 million publications, published by more than 2.2 million authors. To this end, dblp indexes about than 40,000 journal volumes, more than 39,000 conference and workshop proceedings, and more than 80,000 monographs. Please find more statistics on dblp here.
This import source is available as of 5.18.0 of Pure.
Example regular response:
DBLP to Pure type mapping
Types in DBLP are described here:
In the response we do not get any indication of the sub type provided by DBLP. We therefore have to default to a type in Pure. During import this can be manually changed.
DBLP Type | Pure Type | Note |
Books and ThesesIn this category, we list authored monographs, as well as PhD theses. Edited monographs, such as proceedings or collections, are listed under Editorship. |
Book/Report - > Book | Peer review set to true |
Journal ArticlesArticles that have appeared in a peer-reviewed journal fall into this category. Due to technical limitations of dblp, editorial articles and prefaces are currently also listed under this type if they appeared in a peer-reviewed journal. |
Contribution to journal - > Article | Peer review set to true |
Conference and Workshop PapersThis category lists papers published in peer-reviewed conferences or peer-reviewed workshops. Since it is hard (or even impossible) to draw the line between conferences or workshops in computer science, we do not make a distinction between those two types. |
Contribution to conference - > Paper | Peer review set to true |
Parts in Books or CollectionsResearch articles that have been published as a chapter of a monograph are listed in this category. |
Chapter/Report/conference proceeding - > Chapter | Peer review set to true |
EditorshipAll publications that have been edited by a person go into this category. This type is intended to also include prefaces and editorial articles; although we are currently unable to make this distinction due to technical limitations of dblp. |
Contribution to journal - > Editorial | Peer review set to false |
Reference WorksScientists occasionally author publications that are not meant to be original research, but rather reference material for computer scientists. Survey papers and encyclopedia entries fall into this category. Please note that in dblp this classification is still far from being complete. |
Chapter/Report/conference proceeding - > Entry for encyclopedia | Peer review set to true |
Data and ArtifactsEvaluated and published research data and artifacts (such as software, multimedia supplements, VMs of experimental setups, etc.) are listed in this category. |
Non-textual form - > Software | Peer review set to false |
Informal and Other Publicationsdblp focuses on research papers that have been vetted in a strict peer-review process. However, papers published in online repositories without a strict vetting process, as well as as contributions to informal workshops, may still be valuable contributions to the scientific community. Usually, 'informal publications' are publications that are not excluded from being republished in peer-reviewed journals or proceedings. Also, reputable online repositories like CoRR, ECCC, or IACR generally fall into this category; although if the listed publication is part of a peer-reviewed journal or a peer-reviewed conference proceedings volume, then we change the type accordingly. As a rule of thumb, all publications that do not fall into into one of the other categories above are listed as informal publications. |
Other contribution - > Other contribution | Peer review set to false |
DBLP to Pure data mapping
DBLP field | Pure field |
type | Maps to above type map and defines the content type in Pure |
title |
Title |
volume | Volume |
number | Arcticle number |
pages | Pages |
year | Publication year |
key | Source id (External id) |
doi | DOI |
ee | DOI / Link |
url | Link |
venue |
Event name(s) or Journal names (s)
publisher | Publisher |
authors - > author - > @pid |
Author source id |
authors - > author - > text | Author first name and last name |
DBLP ORCID/DOI response format to Pure data mapping
Link to DBLP xml scheme:
Example DOI search response:
Example ORCID search response:
DBLP field | Pure field |
type |
Defined by the enclosing tag:
key | Source id (External id) |
title |
Title |
journal | Journal |
volume | Volume |
number | Article number |
pages | Pages |
year | Publication year |
doi | DOI |
ee | DOI / Link |
url | Link |
crossref | Link |
publisher | Publisher |
series | Series |
isbn | ISBNs |
author - > @pid |
Author source id |
author - > value | Author first name and last name |
booktitle | Series / Host publication title |
note | Bibliographical note |
school | Institution |
chapter | Chapter |
address | Not currently mapped |
month | Not currently mapped |
cdrom | Not currently mapped |
cite | Not currently mapped |
publnr | Not currently mapped |
reviewid | Not currently mapped |
rating | Not currently mapped |
Published at July 27, 2024