How Can We Help?
Acceleration of Cloudflare rolloutAcceleration of Cloudflare rollout
In April, we announced the rollout of Cloudflare.
We have now come to a point in the rollout where we can accelerate the rollout even more, but also adjust the settings of Cloudflare, based on our learning. We have decided to do so, mainly because we have seen increases in malicious bot traffic patterns in recent months. A strong defense is needed, and Cloudflare offers a lot of options to reduce threats.
So, the rollout continues, it is further accelerated, and we are now applying a slightly stricter policy on how we identify and handle web traffic. It is very important to us to protect the Pure instances for the best possible user experience.
As a side-effect to tighter controls, it is possible that human visitors may occasionally be met by a “I am a human”-challenge, where the guest has to click once to proceed. However, the vast majority of human visits should be detected as such and see no change. However, in cases where Cloudflare may think that a guest could be like a malicious bot, a one-click challenge will be presented.
Do you have your own crawler?
In case you have set up a service to crawl your own Pure Portal, it is very important that you create a support case and provide the details so we may ensure that your own crawler is not blocked. Kindly discuss with your IT department if any such crawler has been set up and inform us. Please mention this message/page in your support case.
Any questions or concerns on the above, please contact Pure Support.
The Pure Team
Published at September 05, 2024