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Project model synchronisationProject model synchronisation
The child pages contains the view specification for application, awards and projects.
Three types of content in Pure
application (the pre-award)
amount asked for, applicants, funder, etc.
award (the post-award)
amount granted, participants, expenditure, etc.
project (the aggregator)
relations to outcomes (Publications, etc.)

- applications that you have applied for
- has a lifecycle (history can be stored)
- related to an award if granted
- information stored includes
- amount you applied for
- funder
- applicants (PI, CoI)
- can have budget
- applications that have been awarded
- information stored includes
- amount granted
- funder
- participants
- expenditure (by month, optionally broken down into budget lines)
- represents the academic project
- can be funded or non-funded (if no award -> not funded)
- multiple applications and awards can be related to a project
- stores relations to the outcomes of the project
- publications, activities, etc.
- outcomes are typically not synchronised
The synchronisation/integration jobs are ready here:
The jobs for running the jobs are available and can be set up under administrator -> Jobs -> Create job.
Here you will find three jobs - one per content type in Pure Application, Award and Project as shown on the image below.

As you can see in the release note for 5.1 it is possible to set up the synchronisation/integration yourself and determine in the configuration of the job which fields should be sync'ed and not.
Updated at July 27, 2024