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Research Output XMLResearch Output XML
This page details the Research Output content type. On this page you will find different representations of the data elements contained within this type.
Below is the xsd for the Research Output content type that defines the import xml format. Also provided is mapping tables generated based on this XSD as well as an example xml that shows how the fields can be populated.
This is logical broken down into the different elements to help you gain a better understanding of the Research Output content type and how to create, read and update these records using the mechanisms provided in Pure.
Note: for the mapping tables all attributes and elements are listed, along with descriptions of the purposes of the field and any data requirements. Attribute are prefaced with an "@" to differentiate from elements, but as shown in the examples this isn't used when generating the xml.
Some elements offer options of which elements to include (such as whether to provide the ID of a person or organisation or name for lookup). These are denoted by reference to "Option Groups" where numbers are used to indicate where multiple elements are part of the same option. See example xmls for demonstrations of how to use these elements.
Below are a series of attachments for your reference:
- Advanced Example XML - This shows all fields that can be used. Snippets of this file are shown with their related elements below.
- XSD (Xml Schema Definition) - This is a definition of what structure the XML must follow. This page has been generated based on the contents of the xsd file, and snippets of the definition are shown with their relevant element below
The root element of the document. Contains a series of elements that define research outputs.
Each type has its own defined element due to the different fields they have, but there are a number of common items to each type (such as title, authors, abstract and electronic versions).
See publicationType for the definition of the common elements and refer to each type for their specific elements.
XML Example
<publications xmlns=""
<contributionToJournal id="research_output1" subType="article">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Occupational exposure to pesticides and prostate cancer</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>A systematic review and meta-analysis</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Epidemiological studies on exposure to pesticides and risk of prostate cancer (PC) provide inconsistent results. We aimed to explore various potential sources of heterogeneity not previously assessed and to derive updated risk estimates from homogenous studies. We searched PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases for case-control and cohort studies published from 1985 to April 2014. We assessed the quality of the articles using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Pooled estimates were calculated using random-effects models. Heterogeneity was explored using subset analyses and metaregression. Fifty-two studies were included in the review and 25 in the meta-analysis. No association was found between low exposure to pesticides and PC, but association was significant for high exposure, pooled OR 1.33 (1.02 to 1.63), I2=44.8%, p=0.024. Heterogeneity was explained by a number of variables including method used to assess exposure. Pooled OR was weak and non-significant for studies measuring serum pesticide level, 1.12 (0.74 to 1.50), I2=0.00%, p=0.966. For studies applying self-reporting of exposure, pooled estimate was 1.34 (0.91 to 1.77), I2=0.00%, p=0.493, while a high significant association was detected for grouped exposure assessment, 2.24 (1.36 to 3.11), I2=0.00%, p=0.955. In spite of a weak significant association detected when pooling ORs for high occupational exposure to pesticides, the magnitude of the association was related to the method of exposure assessment used by the original studies. A family history-pesticide exposure interaction was also observed for a number of pesticides.</cmns:text>
<firstName>Anne Mary</firstName>
<cmns:text>Alexandria University</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Universidad de Granada</cmns:text>
<firstName>Sven Donald</firstName>
<cmns:text>UiT The Arctic University of Norway</cmns:text>
<firstName>Talia Ofir</firstName>
<cmns:text>Universidad de Granada</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Universidad de Granada</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>University of Jaen</cmns:text>
<firstName>José Juan</firstName>
<cmns:text>Universidad de Granada</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP)</cmns:text>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
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<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="Scopus">84954376799</id>
<title>Occupational and environmental medicine</title>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This is my case note</cmns:text>
<court id="123456">
<name>The court of Law</name>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="12345"/>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:text>This is my second case note</cmns:text>
<court id="23456">
<name>The court of Justice</name>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="34567"/>
<book id="19125302" subType="book">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Bone cancer</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">progression and therapeutic approaches</cmns:text>
<person id="person1">
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Bones -- Cancer</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Bones -- Cancer -- Treatment</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="librarianKeywordContainers">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/core/keywords/A/AC"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="CINII">BB01339800</id>
<commissioningBodyExternalOrganisation id="external_organisation_id_001">
<name>New Comm Body</name>
<name>Academic press</name>
<contributionToConference id="15476482" subType="poster">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Physical and functional characterisation of apoptotic cell-derived extracellular vesicles</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Damaged, aged or unwanted cells are removed from the body by an active process known as apoptosis. This highly orchestrated programme results in the exposure of 'flags' at the dying cell surface and the release of attractive signals to recruit phagocytes. Together these changes ensure efficient phagocytic removal of dying cells and prevention of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. Extracellular vesicles (EV) are released from a variety of cells (both viable and apoptotic) and they serve as a novel means of intercellular communication. They range in size: 70-100nm ('exosomes') through 100-1000nm ('microparticles') to large vesicles released from dying cells ('apoptotic bodies'). Release of apoptotic cell-derived extracellular vesicles (acdEV) of less than 1000nm is an important mechanism by which phagocytes are attracted to sites of cell death. Using a variety of approaches we characterize the release, physical characteristics and function of acdEV. Using fluorescence microscopy we demonstrate release of ICAM-3 on acdEV from dying leukocytes and, through the use of resistive pulse technology (qNano, IZON Science), we accurately size and quantitate acdEV release. The function of acdEV is revealed through the use of both horizontal chemotaxis assays (Dunn chambers) and vertical transwell migration assays (Cell-IQ, CM Technologies). These assays reveal potent chemoattractive capacity of acdEV and associated ICAM-3. Additionally we demonstrate an additional novel function of acdEV as anti-inflammatory immune-modulators. These data support an integrated approach to the physical and functional analyses of EV.</cmns:text>
<person origin="external">
<cmns:text>Aston University</cmns:text>
<person origin="external">
<fullName>Charlotte E. Bland</fullName>
<cmns:text>Communicable Diseases (Research)</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Aston Research Centre for Healthy Ageing (Research)</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Chronic & Communicable Disease (Research)</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Cellular and Molecular Biomedicine</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Aston Research Centre for Healthy Ageing</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Cell & Tissue Biomedical Research</cmns:text>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
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<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
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<title>The title of the file</title>
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<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
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<cmns:text>British Society for Immunology (BSI) annual congress</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Congress description</cmns:text>
<contributionToSpecialist id="19125448" subType="article">
<cmns:text lang="fr" country="FR">Le neuf ne remplace pas toujours l'ancien Entretien avec David Edgerton</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="fr" country="FR">Sciences Humaines</cmns:text>
<firstName>David Edward Herbert</firstName>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
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<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="ris">urn:4479DD940AAE9C09FFACD29CF593E4A6</id>
<title>Sciences Humaines</title>
<patent id="19125645" subType="patent">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Drug selection for breast cancer therapy using antibody-based arrays</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">The present invention provides compositions and methods for detecting the activation states of components of signal transduction pathways in tumor cells. Information on the activation states of components of signal transduction 5 pathways derived from use of the invention can be used for cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and in the design of cancer treatments.</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>PROMETHEUS LABORATORIES INC</cmns:text>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="espacenet">AU2015271927</id>
<ipc>G01N 33/ 50 A I</ipc>
<patent id="19125604" subType="patent">
<firstName>ALLAN E</firstName>
<cmns:text>PROMETHEUS LABORATORIES INC</cmns:text>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
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<title>some title</title>
<id type="espacenet">SG11201407141V</id>
<ipc>G06F 19/ 00 A I</ipc>
<other id="19125422" subType="other">
<cmns:text lang="da" country="DK">Sundhedsteknologi ? en vej til bedre velfærd?</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="da" country="DK">Der er ingen sikkerhed for, at nye sundhedsteknologiske løsninger skaber bedre velfærd. Erfaringerne viser, at nye teknologier er forbundet med store udfordringer, skriver seniorprojektleder Helle Wentzer fra KORA.</cmns:text>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="mendeley">0c2509a8-a065-31c4-a9bd-37699420fee5</id>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This is my case note</cmns:text>
<court id="123456">
<name>The court of Law</name>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="12345"/>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:text>This is my second case note</cmns:text>
<court id="23456">
<name>The court of Justice</name>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="34567"/>
<chapterInBook id="19125537" subType="conference">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Percutaneous and intraoperative irreversible electroporation of liver cancer – a monocenter experience</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Background: There is a huge variety of image guided local ablation technique to treat primary and secondary liver cancer. While thermal ablations are most common, these modalities have some limitations like coagulation necrosis to adjacent structures or undesired heat sink near to larger vessels. This indicates the need of alternative techniques to enable ablation of tumors not suitable for thermal procedures. Method: Irreversible electroporation (IRE) is a relatively young image guided ablation method based on ultra-short electricity pulses inducing apoptotic cell death. IRE in the liver is suggested to preserve critical vascular and biliary structures from procedure related coagulation necrosis and is therefore expected to overcome limitations of thermal ablation techniques. We retrospectively assessed our patients treated with IRE regarding procedure safety, shortterm complications and local tumor recurrence. Results: We treated 12 patients either with percutaneous CT guided IRE or with open surgical ultrasound guided IRE. The ablation was technically successful in all cases. There were three short-term complications (1 hematoma, 1 bilioma, 1 liver vein thrombosis) and one superficial track metastasis on follow up imaging. Discussion: IRE is a feasible ablation technique for primary and secondary liver cancer and can be the only remaining curative treatment option. However the previously stated preservation of critical vascular structures has to be regarded critically. The missing possibility for track ablation in IRE may indicate a potentially higher risk for inducing track metastases. However further clinical data are necessary to state the value of IRE in comparison to other ablation methods.</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology</cmns:text>
<firstName>T. O.</firstName>
<cmns:text>Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Department of Surgery</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology</cmns:text>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Image guided therapy</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Irreversible electroporation</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Liver cancer</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Minimal-invasive cancer treatment</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Open surgical ablation</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Percutaneous treatment</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/2200/2204"/>
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1500/1502"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="scopus">84946078254</id>
<hostPublicationTitle>IFMBE Proceedings</hostPublicationTitle>
<name>Springer-Verlag GmbH</name>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This is my case note</cmns:text>
<court id="123456">
<name>The court of Law</name>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="12345"/>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:text>This is my second case note</cmns:text>
<court id="23456">
<name>The court of Justice</name>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="34567"/>
<chapterInBook id="19125337" subType="chapter">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Metal Compounds as Kinase and Phosphatase Inhibitors in Drug Development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">The Role of the Metal and Ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based drugs play a major role in the treatment and diagnosis of a wide variety of diseases.
This chapter highlights some of the major developments that involve kinase and phosphatase inhibitors
with the metal playing a crucial role in the inhibitory activity and in the modes of action for the
treatment of diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Metal centers in complexes can occupy diverse
coordination geometries which allow the design of molecules with a better fit for the target kinase or
enzyme in more general terms. The modification of organic backbones with metal-based fragments provides
also possibilities for the improvement of pharmacological properties. This may influence the
pharmacokinetic behavior of compounds depending on the ligands, metal, and coordination geometry.
Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are an extensive subcategory of phosphatase enzymes which,
similarly to protein kinases, play an essential role in signal transduction and the regulation of
various cellular processes.
<firstName>Maria V.</firstName>
<cmns:text>University of Auckland</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>University of Auckland</cmns:text>
<firstName>Christian G.</firstName>
<cmns:text>University of Auckland</cmns:text>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="scopus">84948845025</id>
<hostPublicationTitle>Kinomics: Approaches and Applications</hostPublicationTitle>
<name>Lecture Notes in Computer Science</name>
<workingPaper id="4122824" subType="workingpaper">
<cmns:text>While labour hoarding may be over, insiders' control is not</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">determinants of employment growth in Polish large firms, 1996-2001</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This paper examines the determinants of employment changes using a panel of Polish large firms during the period 1996-2001. We investigate the impact of wages, output growth, investment, firm size and sectors upon employment, focusing on the asymmetry hypothesis. We... find that investment plays an important role in enhancing employment growth. We also notice that employment dynamics is not affected by alternative wages and therefore appears consistent with the ‘right to manage’ model. Furthermore, unlike the early transition period, we can confirm that employment adjusts to positive sales growth, not just to decline as found in studies on earlier periods (K?ll?, 1998). This reflects that labour hoarding can no longer be a factor, which decreased employment elasticity in times of positive demand shocks. Interestingly, large state companies appear to cut employment in response to output growth, when one controls for investment. A result, which may be consistent with the insiders (employee) control model.</cmns:text>
<person origin="external">
<cmns:text>University College London</cmns:text>
<person origin="unknown">
<cmns:text>Economics & Strategy Group</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>University College London</cmns:text>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="ris">urn:34A97EB32694ED5D9FB3D5448B13F85F</id>
<placeOfPublication>Ann Arbor, MI (US)</placeOfPublication>
<name>William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan</name>
<name>William Davidson Institute working paper series</name>
<publisherName>William Davidson Institute</publisherName>
<nonTextual id="6390233" subType="digitalorvisualproducts">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">TRANSFORMATIONfilm's channel</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">The TRANSFORMATION Project's YouTube channel</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Work & Organisational Psychology (Research)</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Work & Organisational Psychology</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Centre for Innovation, Change and Renewal</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Aston Centre for Human Resources</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Work & Organisational Psychology Research Group</cmns:text>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<memorandum id="19125534" subType="academicmemorandum">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">The Transposition by Denmark of EC Directive 85/337/EEC on the Assessment of Certain Public and Private Projects Impacts on the Environment</cmns:text>
<person id="person1">
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Memorendum</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<name>The Islet Research Laboratory</name>
<name>Memorendum Serie</name>
<thesis id="12325040" subType="master">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Efficient Skyline Computation in MapReduce</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Caclulate the perfect skyline</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Skyline queries are useful for finding interesting tuples from
a large data set according to multiple criteria. The sizes of
data sets are constantly increasing and the architecture of
back-ends are switching from single-node environments to
non-conventional paradigms like MapReduce.</cmns:text>
<person id="person1">
<firstName>Jens Laurits</firstName>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">MapReduce</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This was for the final master project</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This is a placeholder note</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Depart of Awards</cmns:text>
<thesisSupervisor id="supervisor1">
<person id="560118">
<name>Department of Parallellisation</name>
<publisher id="44421">
<name>Open Proceedings</name>
<edition>Volume 5</edition>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="publications">
The root element of the document. Contains a series of elements that define research outputs.
Each type has its own defined element due to the different fields they have, but there are a
number of common items to each type (such as title, authors, abstract and electronic versions).
See publicationType for the definition of the common elements and refer to each type for their specific elements.
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element ref="contributionToJournal"/>
<xs:element ref="chapterInBook"/>
<xs:element ref="contributionToConference"/>
<xs:element ref="contributionToSpecialist"/>
<xs:element ref="patent"/>
<xs:element ref="other"/>
<xs:element ref="book"/>
<xs:element ref="workingPaper"/>
<xs:element ref="nonTextual"/>
<xs:element ref="memorandum"/>
<xs:element ref="contributionToMemorandum"/>
<xs:element ref="thesis"/>
<xs:attribute name="resumptionToken" type="xs:string">
To enable resumption tokens, add an URL to the "XML source data location" in the job configuration with "{resumptionToken}" as a placeholder, for instance "{resumptionToken}".
The endpoint must handle the resumptionToken in the following manner:
If an empty resumptionToken is sent, the endpoint must return all data. If a non-empty resumptionToken is sent, the endpoint must return all data that has changed since the time the resumptionToken was sent.
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@resumptionToken |
To enable resumption tokens, add an URL to the "XML source data location" in the job configuration with "{resumptionToken}" as a placeholder, for instance "{resumptionToken}". The endpoint must handle the resumptionToken in the following manner: If an empty resumptionToken is sent, the endpoint must return all data. If a non-empty resumptionToken is sent, the endpoint must return all data that has changed since the time the resumptionToken was sent. |
xsd:string |
Yes |
contributionToJournal |
Yes |
chapterInBook |
Yes |
contributionToConference |
Yes |
contributionToSpecialist |
Yes |
patent |
Yes |
other |
Yes |
book |
Yes |
workingPaper |
Yes |
nonTextual |
Yes |
memorandum |
Yes |
contributionToMemorandum |
Yes |
thesis |
Yes |
This is the core element that all types are based off. You can't have an element by this name in your xml
but should refer to these fields for every type you do create.
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
This is the core element that all types are based off. You can't have an element by this name in your xml
but should refer to these fields for every type you do create.
<xs:element name="peerReviewed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>Peer reviewed - This can only be true if the publication type and category
combination is peer reviewable
<xs:element name="internationalPeerReviewed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Internationally Peer Reviewed - This can only be true if the publication type and
category combination is peer reviewable and the publication is marked as peerReviewed
<xs:element name="acceptedDuplicate" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>If true, the publication will no longer be considered when searching for
<xs:element name="publicationCategory"
<xs:documentation>Classification /dk/atira/pure/publication/category</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="publicationStatuses" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>List of publication statuses and related dates. Must have at least one item</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="workflow" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
Used to set the workflow state of the publication (workflow states: forApproval, approved and validated (If enabled in the Pure backend))
<xs:element ref="classifiedDescriptions" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>List of descriptions for the publication. These should be defined in the notes classification for the relevant type</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="language" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Language of the research output. Should be defined in the classification /dk/atira/pure/core/languages</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="title" type="commons:localized_string" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>The publication title. Can have multiple values to support translation</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="subTitle" type="commons:localized_string" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The publication subtitle. Can have multiple values to support translation</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="abstract" type="commons:localized_string" minOccurs="0">
The publication abstract
It is recommended that this field is wrapped in a CDATA field and that < and > characters are encoded to &gt; and &lt; if they aren't a part of HTML markup in the data.
<xs:element ref="persons" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>The internal or external authors of the output</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="organisations" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The internal or external organisations related to the output</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="totalNumberOfAuthors" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The total number of authors (if different from the listed persons)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="owner" type="organisation" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>The managing organisation of the publication, this must always be an internal
organisation in Pure
<xs:element name="keywords" type="commons:keywords" minOccurs="0">
Research output keywords. Should align with the keywords defined against the Research Output content type in the Administrator menu
<xs:element ref="urls" minOccurs="0">
Links related to the publication. Types of links should be defined in the /dk/atira/pure/links/researchoutput classification scheme
<xs:element ref="electronicVersions" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Electronic versions (full texts, doi and links) of the publication
<xs:element ref="additionalFiles" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Additional files related to the publication</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="existingStores" minOccurs="0">
This element is for when full text files is already stored in an external repository and Pure is
being configured to synchronise with the repository
<xs:element name="transferToRepository" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
Should the content be transfered to the repository, only use if the Pure installation is
connected to a repository
<xs:element name="bibliographicalNotes" minOccurs="0">
Extra text related to the research output, such as funding, aknowledgements, etc
<xs:element name="bibliographicalNote"
Text field for adding extra text field to a publication
<xs:element name="visibility" type="commons:visibility" minOccurs="0">
The visibility of the publication. Options are Public, Campus, Restricted or Confidential
<xs:element ref="externalIds" minOccurs="0">
The external id(s) of the publication. Types can be freetext.
<xs:element ref="miscellaneous" minOccurs="0">
Element that doesn't have a field representation in Pure, however data that doesn't fit into
existing fields or the bibliographical note field,
can be added in this field and will be available in the source data of the imported xml and be
available for later import into Pure if applicable fields become available.
<xs:element ref="articleProcessingCharge" minOccurs="0">
APC paid. Is only supported if enabled in pure
<xs:element name="comments" type="commons:comments" minOccurs="0">
This element can be used to populate the comment field in history and comments on a publication.
This can be used for i.e. library notes.
<xs:element name="relatedPublications"
<xs:documentation>IDs of any related research outputs</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="relatedStudentTheses"
<xs:documentation>IDs of any related student theses</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="relatedActivities"
<xs:documentation>IDs of any related activities</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="relatedClippings"
<xs:documentation>IDs of any related press/media</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="relatedEquipment"
<xs:documentation>IDs of any related equipment</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="relatedProjects"
<xs:documentation>IDs of any related projects</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="relatedDataSets"
<xs:documentation>IDs of any related datasets</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="relatedImpacts"
<xs:documentation>IDs of any related impacts</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
The external ID of the publication, this must be an unique value and will be used to match against the research output for any future loads
<xs:attribute type="commons:classification" name="subType" use="required">
When searching for a subtype use the parent scheme /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/researchoutputtypes/{template}
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
The external ID of the publication, this must be an unique value and will be used to match against the research output for any future loads |
Yes |
@subType |
When searching for a subtype use the parent scheme /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/researchoutputtypes/{template} |
Yes |
peerReviewed |
Peer reviewed - This can only be true if the publication type and category combination is peer reviewable |
xsd:boolean |
Yes |
internationalPeerReviewed |
Internationally Peer Reviewed - This can only be true if the publication type and category combination is peer reviewable and the publication is marked as peerReviewed |
xsd:boolean |
No |
acceptedDuplicate |
If true, the publication will no longer be considered when searching for duplicates |
xsd:boolean |
No |
publicationCategory |
Classification /dk/atira/pure/publication/category |
No |
publicationStatuses |
List of publication statuses and related dates. Must have at least one item |
Yes |
workflow |
Used to set the workflow state of the publication (workflow states: forApproval, approved and validated (If enabled in the Pure backend)) |
xsd:string |
No |
classifiedDescriptions |
List of descriptions for the publication. These should be defined in the notes classification for the relevant type |
No |
language |
Language of the research output. Should be defined in the classification /dk/atira/pure/core/languages |
No |
title |
The publication title. Can have multiple values to support translation |
Yes |
subTitle |
The publication subtitle. Can have multiple values to support translation |
No |
abstract |
The publication abstract It is recommended that this field is wrapped in a CDATA field and that < and > characters are encoded to > and < if they aren't a part of HTML markup in the data. |
No |
persons |
The internal or external authors of the output |
Yes |
organisations |
The internal or external organisations related to the output |
No |
totalNumberOfAuthors |
The total number of authors (if different from the listed persons) |
xsd:int |
No |
owner |
The managing organisation of the publication, this must always be an internal organisation in Pure |
Yes |
keywords |
Research output keywords. Should align with the keywords defined against the Research Output content type in the Administrator menu |
No |
urls |
Links related to the publication. Types of links should be defined in the /dk/atira/pure/links/researchoutput classification scheme |
No |
electronicVersions |
Electronic versions (full texts, doi and links) of the publication |
No |
additionalFiles |
Additional files related to the publication |
No |
existingStores |
This element is for when full text files is already stored in an external repository and Pure is being configured to synchronise with the repository |
No |
transferToRepository |
Should the content be transfered to the repository, only use if the Pure installation is connected to a repository |
xsd:boolean |
No |
bibliographicalNotes |
Extra text related to the research output, such as funding, aknowledgements, etc |
Contains below components |
No |
bibliographicalNotes.bibliographicalNote |
Text field for adding extra text field to a publication |
Yes |
visibility |
The visibility of the publication. Options are Public, Campus, Restricted or Confidential |
No |
externalIds |
The external id(s) of the publication. Types can be freetext. |
No |
miscellaneous |
Element that doesn't have a field representation in Pure, however data that doesn't fit into existing fields or the bibliographical note field, can be added in this field and will be available in the source data of the imported xml and be available for later import into Pure if applicable fields become available. |
No |
articleProcessingCharge |
APC paid. Is only supported if enabled in pure |
No |
comments |
This element can be used to populate the comment field in history and comments on a publication. This can be used for i.e. library notes. |
No |
relatedPublications |
IDs of any related research outputs |
No |
relatedStudentTheses |
IDs of any related student theses |
No |
relatedActivities |
IDs of any related activities |
No |
relatedClippings |
IDs of any related press/media |
No |
relatedEquipment |
IDs of any related equipment |
No |
relatedProjects |
IDs of any related projects |
No |
relatedDataSets |
IDs of any related datasets |
No |
relatedImpacts |
IDs of any related impacts |
No |
Specific Output Types
This type refers to research outputs that are published in a journal, e.g. journal articles, editorials and some conference articles.
In addition to the base components of publicationType it also requires a Journal and can include information such as volume, issue, article or page numbers.
XML Example
<contributionToJournal xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Occupational exposure to pesticides and prostate cancer</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>A systematic review and meta-analysis</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Epidemiological studies on exposure to pesticides and risk of prostate cancer (PC) provide inconsistent results. We aimed to explore various potential sources of heterogeneity not previously assessed and to derive updated risk estimates from homogenous studies. We searched PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases for case-control and cohort studies published from 1985 to April 2014. We assessed the quality of the articles using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Pooled estimates were calculated using random-effects models. Heterogeneity was explored using subset analyses and metaregression. Fifty-two studies were included in the review and 25 in the meta-analysis. No association was found between low exposure to pesticides and PC, but association was significant for high exposure, pooled OR 1.33 (1.02 to 1.63), I2=44.8%, p=0.024. Heterogeneity was explained by a number of variables including method used to assess exposure. Pooled OR was weak and non-significant for studies measuring serum pesticide level, 1.12 (0.74 to 1.50), I2=0.00%, p=0.966. For studies applying self-reporting of exposure, pooled estimate was 1.34 (0.91 to 1.77), I2=0.00%, p=0.493, while a high significant association was detected for grouped exposure assessment, 2.24 (1.36 to 3.11), I2=0.00%, p=0.955. In spite of a weak significant association detected when pooling ORs for high occupational exposure to pesticides, the magnitude of the association was related to the method of exposure assessment used by the original studies. A family history-pesticide exposure interaction was also observed for a number of pesticides.</cmns:text>
<firstName>Anne Mary</firstName>
<cmns:text>Alexandria University</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Universidad de Granada</cmns:text>
<firstName>Sven Donald</firstName>
<cmns:text>UiT The Arctic University of Norway</cmns:text>
<firstName>Talia Ofir</firstName>
<cmns:text>Universidad de Granada</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Universidad de Granada</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>University of Jaen</cmns:text>
<firstName>José Juan</firstName>
<cmns:text>Universidad de Granada</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP)</cmns:text>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="Scopus">84954376799</id>
<title>Occupational and environmental medicine</title>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This is my case note</cmns:text>
<court id="123456">
<name>The court of Law</name>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="12345"/>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:text>This is my second case note</cmns:text>
<court id="23456">
<name>The court of Justice</name>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="34567"/>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
This type refers to research outputs that are published in a journal, e.g. journal articles, editorials and some conference articles.
In addition to the base components of publicationType it also requires a Journal and can include information such as volume, issue, article or page numbers.
<xs:extension base="publicationType">
<xs:element name="pages" type="commons:string_128" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Pages (from-to) format can be used, but there is not restrictions
<xs:element name="numberOfPages" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
The number of pages in the contributed publication
<xs:element name="articleNumber" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The article number</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="journalNumber" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The journal issue number
<xs:element name="journalVolume" type="commons:string_128" minOccurs="0">
The volume of the journal
<xs:element name="earlyOnlineDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
DEPRECATED: Create a publication status of type epub instead.
<xs:element ref="journal">
The journal the article was posted in. This can be reference based on ID or Pure will attempt to match on title and/or ISSN and create if an existing records isn't found
<xs:element ref="event" minOccurs="0">
The event the article is related to (if, for example, it is a conference article). Pure will attempt to match to existing events and create if not found.
<xs:element ref="caseNotes" minOccurs="0">
This element can be used to populate the case notes on research output. Cases notes must be enabled in Pure to use this
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
pages |
Pages (from-to) format can be used, but there is not restrictions |
No |
numberOfPages |
The number of pages in the contributed publication |
xsd:integer |
No |
articleNumber |
The article number |
No |
journalNumber |
The journal issue number |
No |
journalVolume |
The volume of the journal |
No |
journal |
The journal the article was posted in. This can be reference based on ID or Pure will attempt to match on title and/or ISSN and create if an existing records isn't found |
Yes |
event |
The event the article is related to (if, for example, it is a conference article). Pure will attempt to match to existing events and create if not found. |
No |
caseNotes |
This element can be used to populate the case notes on research output. Cases notes must be enabled in Pure to use this |
No |
This type refers to a research output that is a chapter in a book, report or conference proceeding.
As a result it needs information of this "parent document" that it is published in, which will often have related ISBNs.
XML Example
<chapterInBook xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Percutaneous and intraoperative irreversible electroporation of liver cancer – a monocenter experience</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Background: There is a huge variety of image guided local ablation technique to treat primary and secondary liver cancer. While thermal ablations are most common, these modalities have some limitations like coagulation necrosis to adjacent structures or undesired heat sink near to larger vessels. This indicates the need of alternative techniques to enable ablation of tumors not suitable for thermal procedures. Method: Irreversible electroporation (IRE) is a relatively young image guided ablation method based on ultra-short electricity pulses inducing apoptotic cell death. IRE in the liver is suggested to preserve critical vascular and biliary structures from procedure related coagulation necrosis and is therefore expected to overcome limitations of thermal ablation techniques. We retrospectively assessed our patients treated with IRE regarding procedure safety, shortterm complications and local tumor recurrence. Results: We treated 12 patients either with percutaneous CT guided IRE or with open surgical ultrasound guided IRE. The ablation was technically successful in all cases. There were three short-term complications (1 hematoma, 1 bilioma, 1 liver vein thrombosis) and one superficial track metastasis on follow up imaging. Discussion: IRE is a feasible ablation technique for primary and secondary liver cancer and can be the only remaining curative treatment option. However the previously stated preservation of critical vascular structures has to be regarded critically. The missing possibility for track ablation in IRE may indicate a potentially higher risk for inducing track metastases. However further clinical data are necessary to state the value of IRE in comparison to other ablation methods.</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology</cmns:text>
<firstName>T. O.</firstName>
<cmns:text>Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Department of Surgery</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology</cmns:text>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Image guided therapy</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Irreversible electroporation</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Liver cancer</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Minimal-invasive cancer treatment</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Open surgical ablation</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Percutaneous treatment</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/2200/2204"/>
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1500/1502"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="scopus">84946078254</id>
<hostPublicationTitle>IFMBE Proceedings</hostPublicationTitle>
<name>Springer-Verlag GmbH</name>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This is my case note</cmns:text>
<court id="123456">
<name>The court of Law</name>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="12345"/>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:text>This is my second case note</cmns:text>
<court id="23456">
<name>The court of Justice</name>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="34567"/>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="chapterInBookType">
This type refers to a research output that is a chapter in a book, report or conference proceeding.
As a result it needs information of this "parent document" that it is published in, which will often have related ISBNs.
<xs:extension base="publicationType">
<xs:element name="pages" type="commons:string_128" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Pages (from-to) format can be used, but there is not restrictions
<xs:element name="numberOfPages" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
The number of pages in the contributed publication
<xs:element name="chapter" type="commons:string_128" minOccurs="0">
The chapter in the contributed publication
<xs:element name="articleNumber" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
The article number in the contributed publication
<xs:element name="edition" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The edition of the host publication
<xs:element name="placeOfPublication" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The place of the publication
<xs:element name="volume" type="commons:string_128" minOccurs="0">
The volume of the host publication
<xs:element name="printIsbns" type="isbns" minOccurs="0">
The printed isbns
<xs:element name="electronicIsbns" type="isbns" minOccurs="0">
The electronic isbns
<xs:element name="hostPublicationTitle" type="commons:string_1024">
The host publication title
<xs:element name="hostPublicationSubTitle"
The subtitle of the host publication
<xs:element ref="publisher" minOccurs="0">
The publisher of the host publication
<xs:element name="editors" type="editors" minOccurs="0">
The editor of the host publication
<xs:element ref="series" minOccurs="0">
The series the publication is related to
<xs:element ref="event" minOccurs="0">
The event the publication is related to
<xs:element ref="caseNotes" minOccurs="0">
This element can be used to populate the case notes on research output, if enabled
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
pages |
Pages (from-to) format can be used, but there is not restrictions |
No |
numberOfPages |
The number of pages in the contributed publication |
xsd:integer |
No |
chapter |
The chapter in the contributed publication |
No |
articleNumber |
The article number in the contributed publication |
No |
edition |
The edition of the host publication |
No |
placeOfPublication |
The place of the publication |
No |
volume |
The volume of the host publication |
No |
printIsbns |
The printed isbns |
No |
electronicIsbns |
The electronic isbns |
No |
hostPublicationTitle |
The host publication title |
Yes |
hostPublicationSubTitle |
The subtitle of the host publication |
No |
publisher |
The publisher of the host publication |
No |
editors |
The editor of the host publication |
No |
series |
The series the publication is related to |
No |
event |
The event the publication is related to |
No |
caseNotes |
This element can be used to populate the case notes on research output, if enabled |
No |
This type refers to a research output that was presented at a conference, such as a paper, poster or abstract.
This means there is likely a related event, but this field is not mandatory.
XML Example
<contributionToConference xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Physical and functional characterisation of apoptotic cell-derived extracellular vesicles</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Damaged, aged or unwanted cells are removed from the body by an active process known as apoptosis. This highly orchestrated programme results in the exposure of 'flags' at the dying cell surface and the release of attractive signals to recruit phagocytes. Together these changes ensure efficient phagocytic removal of dying cells and prevention of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. Extracellular vesicles (EV) are released from a variety of cells (both viable and apoptotic) and they serve as a novel means of intercellular communication. They range in size: 70-100nm ('exosomes') through 100-1000nm ('microparticles') to large vesicles released from dying cells ('apoptotic bodies'). Release of apoptotic cell-derived extracellular vesicles (acdEV) of less than 1000nm is an important mechanism by which phagocytes are attracted to sites of cell death. Using a variety of approaches we characterize the release, physical characteristics and function of acdEV. Using fluorescence microscopy we demonstrate release of ICAM-3 on acdEV from dying leukocytes and, through the use of resistive pulse technology (qNano, IZON Science), we accurately size and quantitate acdEV release. The function of acdEV is revealed through the use of both horizontal chemotaxis assays (Dunn chambers) and vertical transwell migration assays (Cell-IQ, CM Technologies). These assays reveal potent chemoattractive capacity of acdEV and associated ICAM-3. Additionally we demonstrate an additional novel function of acdEV as anti-inflammatory immune-modulators. These data support an integrated approach to the physical and functional analyses of EV.</cmns:text>
<person origin="external">
<cmns:text>Aston University</cmns:text>
<person origin="external">
<fullName>Charlotte E. Bland</fullName>
<cmns:text>Communicable Diseases (Research)</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Aston Research Centre for Healthy Ageing (Research)</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Chronic & Communicable Disease (Research)</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Cellular and Molecular Biomedicine</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Aston Research Centre for Healthy Ageing</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Cell & Tissue Biomedical Research</cmns:text>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<event id="event1">
<cmns:text>British Society for Immunology (BSI) annual congress</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Congress description</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
This type refers to a research output that was presented at a conference, such as a paper, poster or abstract.
This means there is likely a related event, but this field is not mandatory.
<xs:extension base="publicationType">
<xs:element name="pages" type="commons:string_128" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Pages (from-to) format can be used, but there is not restrictions
<xs:element name="numberOfPages" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
The number of pages in the contributed publication
<xs:element ref="event" minOccurs="0">
The event related to the conference
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
pages |
Pages (from-to) format can be used, but there is not restrictions |
No |
numberOfPages |
The number of pages in the contributed publication |
xsd:integer |
No |
event |
The event related to the conference |
No |
This type refers to an output published in a domain specialised publication, which is normally for a less academic audience.
It has a very similar structure to contribution to journal and requires a related journal element, although this could be of type "specialist publication".
XML Example
<contributionToSpecialist xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="fr" country="FR">Le neuf ne remplace pas toujours l'ancien Entretien avec David Edgerton</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="fr" country="FR">Sciences Humaines</cmns:text>
<firstName>David Edward Herbert</firstName>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="ris">urn:4479DD940AAE9C09FFACD29CF593E4A6</id>
<title>Sciences Humaines</title>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
This type refers to an output published in a domain specialised publication, which is normally for a less academic audience.
It has a very similar structure to contribution to journal and requires a related journal element, although this could be of type "specialist publication".
<xs:extension base="publicationType">
<xs:element name="pages" type="commons:string_128" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Pages (from-to) format can be used, but there is not restrictions
<xs:element name="numberOfPages" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
The number of pages in the contributed publication
<xs:element name="number" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The issue number of the specialist publication
<xs:element name="volume" type="commons:string_128" minOccurs="0">
The volume of the specialist publication
<xs:element ref="journal" minOccurs="1">
The specialist publication. If an ID is not provided Pure will attempt to match to existing records and create if a match is not found
<xs:element ref="publisher" minOccurs="0">
The publisher of the specialist publication. If preferred, this information can be stored on the related journal to avoid duplication.
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
pages |
Pages (from-to) format can be used, but there is not restrictions |
No |
numberOfPages |
The number of pages in the contributed publication |
xsd:integer |
No |
number |
The issue number of the specialist publication |
No |
volume |
The volume of the specialist publication |
No |
journal |
The specialist publication. If an ID is not provided Pure will attempt to match to existing records and create if a match is not found |
Yes |
publisher |
The publisher of the specialist publication. If preferred, this information can be stored on the related journal to avoid duplication. |
No |
This type holds details of a patent, including identifiers and details of where and when the patent was filed
XML Example
<patent xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Drug selection for breast cancer therapy using antibody-based arrays</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">The present invention provides compositions and methods for detecting the activation states of components of signal transduction pathways in tumor cells. Information on the activation states of components of signal transduction 5 pathways derived from use of the invention can be used for cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and in the design of cancer treatments.</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>PROMETHEUS LABORATORIES INC</cmns:text>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="espacenet">AU2015271927</id>
<ipc>G01N 33/ 50 A I</ipc>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="patentType">
<xs:documentation>This type holds details of a patent, including identifiers and details of where and when the patent was filed</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="publicationType">
<xs:element name="ipc" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The international patent classification
<xs:element name="patentNumber" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
The patent number
<xs:element name="date" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
The date the patent was filed
<xs:element name="priorityDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
The priority date
<xs:element name="priorityNumber" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The priority number
<xs:element name="country" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
Country the patent applies in. Classification key from the scheme: /dk/atira/pure/core/countries
<xs:element ref="publisher" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The publisher of the patent</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
ipc |
The international patent classification |
No |
patentNumber |
The patent number |
No |
date |
The date the patent was filed |
No |
priorityDate |
The priority date |
No |
priorityNumber |
The priority number |
No |
country |
Country the patent applies in. Classification key from the scheme: /dk/atira/pure/core/countries |
No |
publisher |
The publisher of the patent |
No |
This type is a catch-all for any content not covered by the other types
XML Example
<other xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="da" country="DK">Sundhedsteknologi ? en vej til bedre velfærd?</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="da" country="DK">Der er ingen sikkerhed for, at nye sundhedsteknologiske løsninger skaber bedre velfærd. Erfaringerne viser, at nye teknologier er forbundet med store udfordringer, skriver seniorprojektleder Helle Wentzer fra KORA.</cmns:text>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="mendeley">0c2509a8-a065-31c4-a9bd-37699420fee5</id>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This is my case note</cmns:text>
<court id="123456">
<name>The court of Law</name>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="12345"/>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:text>This is my second case note</cmns:text>
<court id="23456">
<name>The court of Justice</name>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="34567"/>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="otherType">
<xs:documentation>This type is a catch-all for any content not covered by the other types</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="publicationType">
<xs:element name="shortDescription" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
Short description of the output
<xs:element name="outputMedia" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
The type of output media
<xs:element name="numberOfPages" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
The number of pages
<xs:element name="placeOfPublication" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
Place of publication
<xs:element name="volume" type="commons:string_128" minOccurs="0">
The volume of the publication
<xs:element name="edition" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The edition of the publication
<xs:element name="printIsbns" type="isbns" minOccurs="0">
The printed isbns
<xs:element name="electronicIsbns" type="isbns" minOccurs="0">
The electronic isbns
<xs:element ref="series" minOccurs="0">
The publication series
<xs:element ref="publisher" minOccurs="0">
The publisher of the publication
<xs:element ref="caseNotes" minOccurs="0">
This element can be used to populate the case notes on research output, if enabled
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
shortDescription |
Short description of the output |
No |
outputMedia |
The type of output media |
No |
numberOfPages |
The number of pages |
xsd:integer |
No |
placeOfPublication |
Place of publication |
No |
volume |
The volume of the publication |
No |
edition |
The edition of the publication |
No |
printIsbns |
The printed isbns |
No |
electronicIsbns |
The electronic isbns |
No |
series |
The publication series |
No |
publisher |
The publisher of the publication |
No |
caseNotes |
This element can be used to populate the case notes on research output, if enabled |
No |
This type refers to books, reports and other collections of work where the authors are responsible
for the collation and editing.
XML Example
<book xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Bone cancer</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">progression and therapeutic approaches</cmns:text>
<person id="person1">
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Bones -- Cancer</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Bones -- Cancer -- Treatment</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="librarianKeywordContainers">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/core/keywords/A/AC"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="CINII">BB01339800</id>
<commissioningBodyExternalOrganisation id="external_organisation_id_001">
<name>New Comm Body</name>
<name>Academic press</name>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="bookType">
This type refers to books, reports and other collections of work where the authors are responsible
for the collation and editing.
<xs:extension base="publicationType">
<xs:element name="numberOfPages" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
The number of pages in the book/report
<xs:element name="placeOfPublication" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The place of publication
<xs:element name="edition" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The publication edition
<xs:element name="volume" type="commons:string_128" minOccurs="0">
The publication volume
<xs:element name="printIsbns" type="isbns" minOccurs="0">
The printed isbns
<xs:element name="electronicIsbns" type="isbns" minOccurs="0">
The electronic isbns
<xs:element name="commissioningBodyExternalOrganisation"
The commissioning body for the publication. The external organisation should have a Nature of the Organisations Work of commissioning_body
<xs:element ref="series" minOccurs="0">
Details of the series the publication is part of
<xs:element ref="publisher" minOccurs="0">
The publisher of the publication, if not specified a publisher with the name 'Unknown
Publisher' will be created
<xs:element ref="event" minOccurs="0">
An event related to the book/report
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
numberOfPages |
The number of pages in the book/report |
xsd:integer |
No |
placeOfPublication |
The place of publication |
No |
edition |
The publication edition |
No |
volume |
The publication volume |
No |
printIsbns |
The printed isbns |
No |
electronicIsbns |
The electronic isbns |
No |
commissioningBodyExternalOrganisation |
The commissioning body for the publication. The external organisation should have a Nature of the Organisations Work of commissioning_body |
No |
series |
Details of the series the publication is part of |
No |
publisher |
The publisher of the publication, if not specified a publisher with the name 'Unknown Publisher' will be created |
No |
event |
An event related to the book/report |
No |
This type represents documents that may have been made available for discussion, but without going through
the normal publication process.
XML Example
<workingPaper xmlns=""
<cmns:text>While labour hoarding may be over, insiders' control is not</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">determinants of employment growth in Polish large firms, 1996-2001</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This paper examines the determinants of employment changes using a panel of Polish large firms during the period 1996-2001. We investigate the impact of wages, output growth, investment, firm size and sectors upon employment, focusing on the asymmetry hypothesis. We... find that investment plays an important role in enhancing employment growth. We also notice that employment dynamics is not affected by alternative wages and therefore appears consistent with the ‘right to manage’ model. Furthermore, unlike the early transition period, we can confirm that employment adjusts to positive sales growth, not just to decline as found in studies on earlier periods (K?ll?, 1998). This reflects that labour hoarding can no longer be a factor, which decreased employment elasticity in times of positive demand shocks. Interestingly, large state companies appear to cut employment in response to output growth, when one controls for investment. A result, which may be consistent with the insiders (employee) control model.</cmns:text>
<person origin="external">
<cmns:text>University College London</cmns:text>
<person origin="unknown">
<cmns:text>Economics & Strategy Group</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>University College London</cmns:text>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<id type="ris">urn:34A97EB32694ED5D9FB3D5448B13F85F</id>
<placeOfPublication>Ann Arbor, MI (US)</placeOfPublication>
<name>William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan</name>
<name>William Davidson Institute working paper series</name>
<publisherName>William Davidson Institute</publisherName>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="workingPaperType">
This type represents documents that may have been made available for discussion, but without going through
the normal publication process.
<xs:extension base="publicationType">
<xs:element name="pages" type="commons:string_128" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Pages (from-to) format can be used, but there is not restrictions
<xs:element name="numberOfPages" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
The number of pages
<xs:element name="placeOfPublication" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The place of publication
<xs:element name="volume" type="commons:string_128" minOccurs="0">
The publisher volume for the publication
<xs:element name="edition" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The publisher edition of the publication
<xs:element ref="publisher" minOccurs="0">
The publisher for the publication
<xs:element name="printIsbns" type="isbns" minOccurs="0">
The printed isbns
<xs:element name="electronicIsbns" type="isbns" minOccurs="0">
The electronic isbns
<xs:element ref="series" minOccurs="0">
The series the publication is part of
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
pages |
Pages (from-to) format can be used, but there is not restrictions |
No |
numberOfPages |
The number of pages |
xsd:integer |
No |
placeOfPublication |
The place of publication |
No |
volume |
The publisher volume for the publication |
No |
edition |
The publisher edition of the publication |
No |
publisher |
The publisher for the publication |
No |
printIsbns |
The printed isbns |
No |
electronicIsbns |
The electronic isbns |
No |
series |
The series the publication is part of |
No |
Non textual types are often more creative works that generate some sort of output other than a manuscript.
As such it has fields for capturing the media and size/duration of the output
XML Example
<nonTextual xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">TRANSFORMATIONfilm's channel</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">The TRANSFORMATION Project's YouTube channel</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Work & Organisational Psychology (Research)</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Work & Organisational Psychology</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Centre for Innovation, Change and Renewal</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Aston Centre for Human Resources</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Work & Organisational Psychology Research Group</cmns:text>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text>Drug development</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitor-derived ligands</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal complexes</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal compounds</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Metal-based kinase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Phosphatase inhibitors</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="nonTextualType">
Non textual types are often more creative works that generate some sort of output other than a manuscript.
As such it has fields for capturing the media and size/duration of the output
<xs:extension base="publicationType">
<xs:element name="outputMedia" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/nontextual/mediatypes
<xs:element name="size" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The size/duration of the publication
<xs:element name="placeOfPublication" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The place of the publication
<xs:element name="edition" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The publisher edition of the publication
<xs:element ref="publisher" minOccurs="0">
The publisher of the publication
<xs:element ref="event" minOccurs="0">
The event of the publication
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
outputMedia |
Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/nontextual/mediatypes |
No |
size |
The size/duration of the publication |
No |
placeOfPublication |
The place of the publication |
No |
edition |
The publisher edition of the publication |
No |
publisher |
The publisher of the publication |
No |
event |
The event of the publication |
No |
Note the memorandum type is not enabled in Pure by default and should be enabled if you wish to use it.
XML Example
<memorandum xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">The Transposition by Denmark of EC Directive 85/337/EEC on the Assessment of Certain Public and Private Projects Impacts on the Environment</cmns:text>
<person id="person1">
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Memorendum</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<name>The Islet Research Laboratory</name>
<name>Memorendum Serie</name>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="memorandumType">
Note the memorandum type is not enabled in Pure by default and should be enabled if you wish to use it.
<xs:extension base="publicationType">
<xs:element name="numberOfPages" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
The number of pages in the contributed publication
<xs:element name="projectNumber" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The project or case number for the memorandum
<xs:element name="journalNumber" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The journal or file number for the memorandum
<xs:element name="dateFinished" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
The finishing or case date
<xs:element name="applicant" type="externalOrganisation" minOccurs="0">
The applicant
<xs:element ref="series" minOccurs="0">
If the memorandum is part of a series
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
numberOfPages |
The number of pages in the contributed publication |
xsd:integer |
No |
projectNumber |
The project or case number for the memorandum |
No |
journalNumber |
The journal or file number for the memorandum |
No |
dateFinished |
The finishing or case date |
No |
applicant |
The applicant |
No |
series |
If the memorandum is part of a series |
No |
Note the contribution to memorandum type is not enabled in Pure by default and should be enabled if you wish to use it.
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
Note the contribution to memorandum type is not enabled in Pure by default and should be enabled if you wish to use it.
<xs:extension base="publicationType">
<xs:element name="numberOfPages" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
The number of pages in the contributed publication
<xs:element name="projectNumber" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The project or case number for the memorandum
<xs:element name="journalNumber" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The journal or file number for the memorandum
<xs:element name="dateFinished" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
The finishing or case date
<xs:element name="applicant" type="externalOrganisation" minOccurs="0">
The applicant
<xs:element ref="series" minOccurs="0">
If the memorandum is part of a series
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
numberOfPages |
The number of pages in the contributed publication |
xsd:integer |
No |
projectNumber |
The project or case number for the memorandum |
No |
journalNumber |
The journal or file number for the memorandum |
No |
dateFinished |
The finishing or case date |
No |
applicant |
The applicant |
No |
series |
If the memorandum is part of a series |
No |
The thesis type represents the final thesis of a research student. As such it supports details of not just
the authors, but the supervisors and the organisations who sponsered the student and awarded the degree.
NOTE: Pure also supports a Student Thesis content type which can be used instead if you wish to support
a seperate approval workflow for thesis submissions
XML Example
<thesis xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Efficient Skyline Computation in MapReduce</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Caclulate the perfect skyline</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Skyline queries are useful for finding interesting tuples from
a large data set according to multiple criteria. The sizes of
data sets are constantly increasing and the architecture of
back-ends are switching from single-node environments to
non-conventional paradigms like MapReduce.</cmns:text>
<person id="person1">
<firstName>Jens Laurits</firstName>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<owner id="organisation2"/>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">MapReduce</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1300"/>
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This was for the final master project</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This is a placeholder note</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Depart of Awards</cmns:text>
<thesisSupervisor id="supervisor1">
<person id="560118">
<name>Department of Parallellisation</name>
<publisher id="44421">
<name>Open Proceedings</name>
<edition>Volume 5</edition>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="thesisType">
The thesis type represents the final thesis of a research student. As such it supports details of not just
the authors, but the supervisors and the organisations who sponsered the student and awarded the degree.
NOTE: Pure also supports a Student Thesis content type which can be used instead if you wish to support
a seperate approval workflow for thesis submissions
<xs:extension base="publicationType">
<xs:element name="qualification" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/thesis/qualification
<xs:element ref="awardingInstitutions" minOccurs="0">
List of awarding institutions
<xs:element ref="thesisSupervisors" minOccurs="0">
The thesis supervisors
<xs:element ref="supervisorOrganisations" minOccurs="0">
The supervisor organisations
<xs:element ref="sponsors" minOccurs="0">
The sponsors
<xs:element name="awardDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
The date of the award
<xs:element ref="publisher" minOccurs="0">
The publisher of the thesis
<xs:element name="edition" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The edition of the host publication
<xs:element name="placeOfPublication" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The place of the publication
<xs:element name="printIsbns" type="isbns" minOccurs="0">
The printed ISBNs
<xs:element name="electronicIsbns" type="isbns" minOccurs="0">
The electronic ISBNs
<xs:element name="numberOfPages" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
The number of pages in the contributed publication
<xs:element name="volume" type="commons:string_128" minOccurs="0">
The thesis volume
<xs:element ref="series" minOccurs="0">
The series the publication is related to
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
qualification |
Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/thesis/qualification |
No |
awardingInstitutions |
List of awarding institutions |
No |
thesisSupervisors |
The thesis supervisors |
No |
supervisorOrganisations |
The supervisor organisations |
No |
sponsors |
The sponsors |
No |
awardDate |
The date of the award |
No |
publisher |
The publisher of the thesis |
No |
edition |
The edition of the host publication |
No |
placeOfPublication |
The place of the publication |
No |
printIsbns |
The printed ISBNs |
No |
electronicIsbns |
The electronic ISBNs |
No |
numberOfPages |
The number of pages in the contributed publication |
xsd:integer |
No |
volume |
The thesis volume |
No |
series |
The series the publication is related to |
No |
The internal or external people responsible for the creation of the output
XML Example
<persons xmlns=""
<firstName>Anne Mary</firstName>
<cmns:text>Alexandria University</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Universidad de Granada</cmns:text>
<firstName>Sven Donald</firstName>
<cmns:text>UiT The Arctic University of Norway</cmns:text>
<firstName>Talia Ofir</firstName>
<cmns:text>Universidad de Granada</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>Universidad de Granada</cmns:text>
<cmns:text>University of Jaen</cmns:text>
<firstName>José Juan</firstName>
<cmns:text>Universidad de Granada</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="persons">
The internal or external people responsible for the creation of the output
<xs:element name="author" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Details of the author for the output. Can be an internal or external person</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="role" type="commons:classification">
<xs:documentation>The classification schemas per publication type
Book/report: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/bookanthology
Contribution to
Contribution to conference:
Contribution to journal:
Contribution to memorandum:
Memorandum: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/memorandum
Non-textual: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/nontextual
Other contribution: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/othercontribution
Patent: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/patent
Specialist publication:
Thesis: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/thesis
Working paper: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/workingpaper
<xs:element ref="person" minOccurs="0">
Details of the internal or external person.
<xs:element ref="organisations" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Internal or external organisations affiliated to the person for this output</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="groupAuthor" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>DEPRECATED: This element has been replaced by authorCollaboration</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="authorCollaboration" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
Mind that Author Collaborations can only relate to External Organisations.
<xs:element name="authorContributionPercent"
<xs:documentation>The percentage this author contributed to the output. Must be enabled in Pure to use</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="authorContributionDescription" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Description of the author's contribution to the output. Must be enabled in Pure to use</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="correspondingAuthor" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Whether the author is the corresponding author for the output. Should be enabled in Pure to use</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute type="xs:boolean" name="hidden" use="optional">
Indicates whether the author is hidden or not. A group author must be added in order for this to be enabled.
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@author.hidden |
Indicates whether the author is hidden or not. A group author must be added in order for this to be enabled. |
xsd:boolean |
Yes |
author.role |
The classification schemas per publication type Book/report: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/bookanthology Contribution to book/report:/dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/contributiontobookanthology Contribution to conference: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/contributiontoconference1 Contribution to journal: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/contributiontojournal Contribution to memorandum: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/contributiontomemorandum Memorandum: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/memorandum Non-textual: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/nontextual Other contribution: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/othercontribution Patent: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/patent Specialist publication: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/contributiontoperiodical Thesis: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/thesis Working paper: /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/workingpaper |
Yes |
author.person |
Details of the internal or external person. |
No |
author.organisations |
Internal or external organisations affiliated to the person for this output |
No |
author.authorCollaboration |
Mind that Author Collaborations can only relate to External Organisations. |
No |
author.authorContributionPercent |
The percentage this author contributed to the output. Must be enabled in Pure to use |
No |
author.authorContributionDescription |
Description of the author's contribution to the output. Must be enabled in Pure to use |
xsd:string |
No |
author.correspondingAuthor |
Whether the author is the corresponding author for the output. Should be enabled in Pure to use |
xsd:boolean |
No |
Details of an internal or external person. Pure will attempt to match to existing records in Pure based on the fields provided.
If no ID is provided and no match is found Pure will create a new external person.
XML Example
<person xmlns=""
<firstName>Anne Mary</firstName>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="person">
Details of an internal or external person. Pure will attempt to match to existing records in Pure based on the fields provided.
If no ID is provided and no match is found Pure will create a new external person.
<xs:element name="fullName" type="commons:string_2048" minOccurs="0">
Use if name is not applicable in the firstname and lastname fields
<xs:element name="firstName" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
first name of the person
<xs:element name="lastName" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
last name of the person
<xs:element name="workflow" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
Used if the person is not matched to a person in Pure. It is then possible to set the
workflow of the created external person
<xs:attributeGroup ref="id">
Regarding the ID on the person, the ID on the person mostly signifies that the author is assigned a
person from another system. The ID on the person is in this case the ID of the person in the HR system.
<xs:attribute type="origin" name="origin" use="optional" default="unknown">
Can be used to indicate if a person is an internal or external person, if set to unknown we will try and match as internal first then external if no match.
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Regarding the ID on the person, the ID on the person mostly signifies that the author is assigned a person from another system. The ID on the person is in this case the ID of the person in the HR system. |
Yes |
@origin |
Can be used to indicate if a person is an internal or external person, if set to unknown we will try and match as internal first then external if no match. |
Yes |
fullName |
Use if name is not applicable in the firstname and lastname fields |
No |
firstName |
first name of the person |
No |
lastName |
last name of the person |
No |
workflow |
Used if the person is not matched to a person in Pure. It is then possible to set the workflow of the created external person |
xsd:string |
No |
A list of organisation elements of type organisation
XML Example
<organisations xmlns=""
<cmns:text>Alexandria University</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="organisations">
<xs:element name="organisation" type="organisation" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
A list of organisation elements of type organisation
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="supervisorOrganisations">
<xs:element name="organisation" type="organisation" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Details of an internal or external organisation. Pure will attempt to match to existing
records based on the details provided. If no match is found a new record a new external organisation
will be created
XML Example
<organisation xmlns=""
<cmns:text>Alexandria University</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="organisation">
Details of an internal or external organisation. Pure will attempt to match to existing
records based on the details provided. If no match is found a new record a new external organisation
will be created
<xs:element name="name" type="commons:localized_string" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The name of the organisation</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="workflow" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
Used if the organisation is not matched to an organisation in Pure. It is then possible to set
the workflow of the created external organisation
<xs:element name="country" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
Classification key from the scheme: /dk/atira/pure/core/countries
Only used if this elements makes Pure create a new external organisation
<xs:element name="subdivision" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
Classification key from the scheme: /dk/atira/pure/core/countries/subdivision/
Only used if this elements makes Pure create a new external organisation.
<xs:attributeGroup ref="id">
<xs:documentation>The ID of the organisation</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute type="origin" name="origin" use="optional" default="unknown">
Can be used to indicate if an organisation is an internal or external organisation,
if set to unknown we will try and match as internal first then external if no match.
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
The ID of the organisation |
Yes |
@origin |
Can be used to indicate if an organisation is an internal or external organisation, if set to unknown we will try and match as internal first then external if no match. |
Yes |
name |
The name of the organisation |
No |
workflow |
Used if the organisation is not matched to an organisation in Pure. It is then possible to set the workflow of the created external organisation |
xsd:string |
No |
country |
Classification key from the scheme: /dk/atira/pure/core/countries Only used if this elements makes Pure create a new external organisation |
No |
subdivision |
Classification key from the scheme: /dk/atira/pure/core/countries/subdivision/ Only used if this elements makes Pure create a new external organisation. |
No |
Details of the journal the output is published in. Journals can be linked via ID to already existing journals,
otherwise Pure will attempt to match on title and issn. If no match is found a new journal will be created
XML Example
<journal xmlns=""
<title>Occupational and environmental medicine</title>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="journal">
Details of the journal the output is published in. Journals can be linked via ID to already existing journals,
otherwise Pure will attempt to match on title and issn. If no match is found a new journal will be created
<xs:element name="title" type="commons:string_512" minOccurs="0">
The journal title. Title is a required field when creating a new journal (if journal id is
not provided)
<xs:element name="printIssns" type="issns" minOccurs="0">
The printed issns (When this is provided both the title and issns have to match)
<xs:element name="electronicIssns" type="issns" minOccurs="0">
The electronic issns
<xs:element ref="publisher" minOccurs="0">
The publisher of the journal
<xs:element name="workflow" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
Used to set the workflow state, if the journal is not matched to an journal in Pure
<xs:attributeGroup ref="id">
The ID of the journal. Use this to match to journals that have already been loaded into Pure.
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
The ID of the journal. Use this to match to journals that have already been loaded into Pure. |
Yes |
title |
The journal title. Title is a required field when creating a new journal (if journal id is not provided) |
No |
printIssns |
The printed issns (When this is provided both the title and issns have to match) |
No |
electronicIssns |
The electronic issns |
No |
publisher |
The publisher of the journal |
No |
workflow |
Used to set the workflow state, if the journal is not matched to an journal in Pure |
xsd:string |
No |
A list of issn elements of type commons:string_9
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="issns">
<xs:element name="issn" type="commons:string_9" maxOccurs="unbounded">
ISSN for the publication. Should be in xxxx-yyyy format
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
issn |
ISSN for the publication. Should be in xxxx-yyyy format |
Yes |
Electronic Versions
A list of electronicVersion elements of type electronicVersion
Accordion Title
<electronicVersions xmlns=""
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="electronicVersions">
<xs:element ref="electronicVersion" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
A digital copy of the research output. Can be an attached document, a DOI or a link to another site containing the publication.
XSD Definition
Accordion Body
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
version |
The version of the document. Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/publication/electronicversion/versiontype |
No |
licence |
The licence the document can be used under. Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/document/licences |
No |
rightsStatement |
If custom rights statements is enabled in the editor, this field can be used for importing the statements |
No |
otherLicenceUrl |
If licence element is set to other, this element can be used for the link to the licence statement |
No |
publicAccess |
What access should be applied to the document. Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/openaccesspermission. If this electronic version is a file this will control whether the file can be accessed via the portal and web services. |
No |
embargoStartDate |
If publicAccess is set to embargoed, this field is used for setting the start date of the embargo |
No |
embargoEndDate |
If publicAccess is set to embargoed, this field is used for setting the end date of the embargo (Release date) |
No |
This is used when a document is uploaded to Pure as the electronic version
XML Example
<electronicVersionFile xmlns=""
<title>The title of the file</title>
<file id="file1">
<filename>The article</filename>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
This is used when a document is uploaded to Pure as the electronic version
<xs:extension base="electronicVersionType">
<xs:element name="title" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
Document title for the file
<xs:element name="file" type="file">
File data for the electronic version
In addition to below items, this element contains all fields as defined by electronicVersion
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
title |
Document title for the file |
No |
file |
File data for the electronic version |
Yes |
This is used where the electronic version is a DOI
XML Example
<electronicVersionDOI xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="electronicVersionDOIType">
<xs:documentation>This is used where the electronic version is a DOI</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="electronicVersionType">
<xs:element name="doi" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="1">
The DOI for the file
In addition to below items, this element contains all fields as defined by electronicVersion
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
doi |
The DOI for the file |
Yes |
This is used where the electronic version is a link (such as to the publisher or an open access repository)
XML Example
<electronicVersionLink xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
<xs:documentation>This is used where the electronic version is a link (such as to the publisher or an open access repository)</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="electronicVersionType">
<xs:element name="link" type="commons:string_1024">
The Link for the file. Should be a full url
In addition to below items, this element contains all fields as defined by electronicVersion
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
link |
The Link for the file. Should be a full url |
Yes |
A list of additionalFile elements of type additionalFile
Additional files can be used for supporting materials or administrative evidence that aren't the actual output itself
XML Example
<additionalFiles xmlns=""
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="additionalFiles">
Additional files can be used for supporting materials or administrative evidence that aren't the actual output itself
<xs:element ref="additionalFile" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
XML Example
<additionalFile xmlns=""
<file id="additonalFileSource_01">
<title>some title</title>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="additionalFile">
<xs:element name="file" type="file">
File data for the electronic version
<xs:element name="title" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
Document title for the file
<xs:element name="publicAccess" type="commons:classification">
What access the public should have to the document. Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/openaccesspermission
<xs:element name="embargoStartDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
If publicAccess is set to embargoed, this field is used for setting the start date of the
<xs:element name="embargoEndDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
If publicAccess is set to embargoed, this field is used for setting the end date of the
embargo (Release date)
<xs:element name="licence" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
The licence the file should be used under. Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/document/licences
<xs:element name="otherLicenceUrl" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
If licence element is set to other, this element can be used for the link
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
file |
File data for the electronic version |
Yes |
title |
Document title for the file |
No |
publicAccess |
What access the public should have to the document. Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/openaccesspermission |
Yes |
embargoStartDate |
If publicAccess is set to embargoed, this field is used for setting the start date of the embargo |
No |
embargoEndDate |
If publicAccess is set to embargoed, this field is used for setting the end date of the embargo (Release date) |
No |
licence |
The licence the file should be used under. Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/document/licences |
No |
otherLicenceUrl |
If licence element is set to other, this element can be used for the link |
No |
XML Example
<file xmlns=""
<filename>The article</filename>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="file">
<xs:element name="filename" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The file name that should be used for the file, if not provided one will be extracted from the fileLocation.
<xs:element name="fileLocation" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
HTTP, file, FTP is supported. HTTPS is supported only if the remote server uses a trusted
certificate. If the remote server uses a self-signed certificate,
the JVM running Pure will need an updated keystore.
<xs:element name="mimetype" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The mime type of the file. If not provided Pure will attempt to derive</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="filesize" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The size of the file. If not provided Pure will attempt to derive</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="depositDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
The date the file was created in the original system, this is only used by REF2020 Open Access Compliance
<xs:element name="accessDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
The date the file was accessible in the original system, this is only used by REF2020 Open Access Compliance
<xs:element name="source" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The store that the full text is located in. Used if it already exists a repository being connected to
<xs:element name="externalRepositoryState"
If the Pure installation is connected to a external repository, such as DSPace or Eprints, this
can be used to set the state of the document
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="optional">
An ID for the file
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
An ID for the file |
Yes |
filename |
The file name that should be used for the file, if not provided one will be extracted from the fileLocation. |
No |
fileLocation |
HTTP, file, FTP is supported. HTTPS is supported only if the remote server uses a trusted certificate. If the remote server uses a self-signed certificate, the JVM running Pure will need an updated keystore. |
No |
mimetype |
The mime type of the file. If not provided Pure will attempt to derive |
No |
filesize |
The size of the file. If not provided Pure will attempt to derive |
xsd:long |
No |
depositDate |
The date the file was created in the original system, this is only used by REF2020 Open Access Compliance |
No |
accessDate |
The date the file was accessible in the original system, this is only used by REF2020 Open Access Compliance |
No |
source |
The store that the full text is located in. Used if it already exists a repository being connected to |
No |
externalRepositoryState |
If the Pure installation is connected to a external repository, such as DSPace or Eprints, this can be used to set the state of the document |
No |
External Repositories
A list of existingStore elements of type existingStore
Existing stores should be used to connect to existing repositories, where a Pure connector is being useds (such as DSpace or Eprints). This will allow Pure to relate the existing repository IDs to the records created in Pure
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="existingStores">
Existing stores should be used to connect to existing repositories, where a
Pure connector is being useds (such as DSpace or Eprints). This will allow Pure to relate
the existing repository IDs to the records created in Pure
<xs:element ref="existingStore" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="existingStore">
<xs:element name="storeName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1">
If the Pure installation is connected to a external repository as DSPace, Eprints etc. this
can be used to set the state of the document
<xs:element name="storeContentId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1">
The content ID in the external repository
<xs:element name="updateRequired"
Set to 'true' if content metadata should be updated in the store post creation
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
storeName |
If the Pure installation is connected to a external repository as DSPace, Eprints etc. this can be used to set the state of the document |
xsd:string |
Yes |
storeContentId |
The content ID in the external repository |
xsd:string |
Yes |
updateRequired |
Set to 'true' if content metadata should be updated in the store post creation |
xsd:boolean |
No |
XSD Definition
<xs:simpleType xmlns:xs=""
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="STORED">
<xs:documentation>Full text file is already stored in external repository</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="AWAITING_CREATION">
<xs:documentation>Full text file will be uploaded to the external repository</xs:documentation>
Restricted value: xs:string
Type |
Value |
Comments |
xs:enumeration |
Full text file is already stored in external repository |
xs:enumeration |
Full text file will be uploaded to the external repository |
A list of url elements of type url
XML Example
<urls xmlns=""
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="urls">
<xs:element ref="url" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
A link to another website
XML Example
<url xmlns=""
<cmns:text>Other Link</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="url">
<xs:documentation>A link to another website</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="url" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="description" type="commons:localized_string" minOccurs="0">
Description of the URL
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
Type of the link. Should be defined in the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/links/researchoutput
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
url |
An URL |
No |
description |
Description of the URL |
No |
type |
Type of the link. Should be defined in the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/links/researchoutput |
No |
An event related to a research output (such as a conference where the output was presented).
Pure will attempt to match to existing events based on the information provided. If a match isn't found a new record will be created
XML Example
<event xmlns=""
<cmns:text>British Society for Immunology (BSI) annual congress</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Congress description</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="event">
An event related to a research output (such as a conference where the output was presented).
Pure will attempt to match to existing events based on the information provided. If a match isn't found a
new record will be created
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
The type of the event. Should be defined in the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/event/eventtypes
<xs:element name="title" type="commons:localized_string" minOccurs="0">
Title of the event
<xs:element name="description" type="commons:localized_string" minOccurs="0">
Description of the event
<xs:element name="city" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
City were the event was held
<xs:element name="location" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
Location where the event was held
<xs:element name="country" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
Country the event was held in. Should be defined in classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries
<xs:element name="startDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
Start date of the event format dd-mm-yyyy
Start date is a required field when creating a new event (if event id is not provided)
<xs:element name="endDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
End date of the event format dd-mm-yyyy. Can be omitted if event was for one day
<xs:element name="degreeOfRecognition"
Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/event/degreeofrecognition
<xs:element name="webAddress" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
Url to the event
<xs:element name="workflow" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
Used if the event is not matched to a person in Pure. It is then possible to set the
workflow of the created event
<xs:attributeGroup ref="id">
<xs:documentation>ID of the event. This can be used to match to existing events that have already been loaded</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
ID of the event. This can be used to match to existing events that have already been loaded |
Yes |
type |
The type of the event. Should be defined in the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/event/eventtypes |
No |
title |
Title of the event |
No |
description |
Description of the event |
No |
city |
City were the event was held |
No |
location |
Location where the event was held |
No |
country |
Country the event was held in. Should be defined in classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries |
No |
startDate |
Start date of the event format dd-mm-yyyy Start date is a required field when creating a new event (if event id is not provided) |
No |
endDate |
End date of the event format dd-mm-yyyy. Can be omitted if event was for one day |
No |
degreeOfRecognition |
Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/event/degreeofrecognition |
No |
webAddress |
Url to the event |
No |
workflow |
Used if the event is not matched to a person in Pure. It is then possible to set the workflow of the created event |
xsd:string |
No |
A list of id elements of type id
XML Example
<externalIds xmlns=""
<id type="Scopus">84954376799</id>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="externalIds">
<xs:element name="id" type="id" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
XML Example
<id xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="id">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="type" use="optional">
Attribute is used as the key for the ID, so e.g. Scopus, WOS or any other value is
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@type |
Attribute is used as the key for the ID, so e.g. Scopus, WOS or any other value is applicable |
xsd:string |
Yes |
XML Example
<id xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:attributeGroup xmlns:xs="" name="id">
<xs:attribute name="id" type="commons:string_400" use="optional">
ID of the external entity. If it is not found in Pure, an element with this ID will be created for
most types
<xs:attribute name="source" type="commons:string_400" use="optional">
Source can be used to hint to Pure, when there are two entities that match during the ID search,
which one to prefer.
i.e. organisation A has a synchronised ID "1234" and organisation B was created by pure using ID
1234. This would cause both to match, and the source can be used to hint the correct one
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
ID of the external entity. If it is not found in Pure, an element with this ID will be created for most types |
Yes |
@source |
Source can be used to hint to Pure, when there are two entities that match during the ID search, which one to prefer. i.e. organisation A has a synchronised ID "1234" and organisation B was created by pure using ID 1234. This would cause both to match, and the source can be used to hint the correct one |
Yes |
Whether the person/organisation is internal or external
XSD Definition
<xs:simpleType xmlns:xs="" name="origin">
<xs:documentation>Whether the person/organisation is internal or external</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="internal"/>
<xs:enumeration value="external"/>
<xs:enumeration value="unknown"/>
Restricted value: xs:string
Type |
Value |
Comments |
xs:enumeration |
internal |
xs:enumeration |
external |
xs:enumeration |
unknown |
Case Notes
A list of caseNote elements of type caseNote
XML Example
<caseNotes xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This is my case note</cmns:text>
<court id="123456">
<name>The court of Law</name>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="12345"/>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:text>This is my second case note</cmns:text>
<court id="23456">
<name>The court of Justice</name>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="34567"/>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="caseNotes">
<xs:element name="caseNote" type="caseNote" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
XML Example
<caseNote xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">This is my case note</cmns:text>
<court id="123456">
<name>The court of Law</name>
<cmns:id type="ecliid" id="12345"/>
<cmns:id type="casenumber" id="23456"/>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="caseNote">
<xs:element name="title" type="commons:localized_string_1024">
<xs:documentation>The caseNote title</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="judgementDate" type="commons:date">
The judgement date of the case note
<xs:element name="court" type="externalOrganisation">
The court of the judgement
<xs:element name="ids" type="commons:ids" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Type attribute must be a token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/courtcase/sources</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
title |
The caseNote title |
Yes |
judgementDate |
The judgement date of the case note |
Yes |
court |
The court of the judgement |
Yes |
ids |
Type attribute must be a token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/courtcase/sources |
No |
A list of entry elements of type entry
This field is not imported into any field in Pure.It is here to ensure data will be readable in the source data XML inside the Pure editor. This is for the data that should not be lost during conversion from other systems
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="miscellaneous">
This field is not imported into any field in Pure.It is here to ensure data will be readable in the
source data XML inside the Pure editor. This is for the data that should not be lost during conversion
from other systems
<xs:element ref="entry" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>An free text entry to be stored in the source data xml</xs:documentation>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="entry">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="key">
<xs:documentation>A key used to identify the entry</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@key |
A key used to identify the entry |
xsd:string |
Yes |
Pure will attempt to match to existing Publisher records and create a new record if none are found
XML Example
<publisher xmlns=""
<name>Academic press</name>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="publisher">
<xs:documentation>Pure will attempt to match to existing Publisher records and create a new record if none are found</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="name" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
Name of the publisher
Name is a required field when creating a new publisher (if publisher id is not provided)
<xs:element name="workflow" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
Used if the publisher is not matched to a publisher in Pure. It is then possible to set the
workflow of the created publisher
<xs:attributeGroup ref="id">
<xs:documentation>ID of the publisher. Can be used to match to publishers that have already been loaded into Pure</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
ID of the publisher. Can be used to match to publishers that have already been loaded into Pure |
Yes |
name |
Name of the publisher Name is a required field when creating a new publisher (if publisher id is not provided) |
No |
workflow |
Used if the publisher is not matched to a publisher in Pure. It is then possible to set the workflow of the created publisher |
xsd:string |
No |
A list of isbn elements of type commons:string_64
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="isbns">
<xs:element name="isbn" type="commons:string_64" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>An ISBN for the book</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
isbn |
An ISBN for the book |
Yes |
Editors are stored as a series of names. These are not created as people in Pure
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="editors">
<xs:documentation>Editors are stored as a series of names. These are not created as people in Pure</xs:documentation>
<xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="editor" type="commons:name">
<xs:documentation>The first and last name of the editor</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
editor |
The first and last name of the editor |
Yes |
XML Example
<series xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="series">
<xs:element name="serie" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="name" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The series name
<xs:element name="publisherName" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The name of the publisher of the series
<xs:element name="volume" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The series volume
<xs:element name="number" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
The series number
<xs:element name="printIssn" type="commons:string_9" minOccurs="0">
The print ISSN
<xs:element name="electronicIssn" type="commons:string_9" minOccurs="0">
The electronic ISSN
<xs:element ref="journal" minOccurs="0">
The series journal
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
serie |
Contains below components |
Yes | |
The series name |
No |
serie.publisherName |
The name of the publisher of the series |
No |
serie.volume |
The series volume |
No |
serie.number |
The series number |
No |
serie.printIssn |
The print ISSN |
No |
serie.electronicIssn |
The electronic ISSN |
No |
serie.journal |
The series journal |
No |
Thesis Supervisors
The supervisors of the student's thesis
XML Example
<thesisSupervisors xmlns=""
<thesisSupervisor id="supervisor1">
<person id="560118">
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="thesisSupervisors">
<xs:documentation>The supervisors of the student's thesis</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="thesisSupervisor" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Similar to authors this can be an internal or external person and Pure will attempt to match to existing people, creating a new record if none are found</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="person">
<xs:documentation>Details of the person to match against</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="role" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1">
Role of the thesis supervisor. Should be defined in the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/internalexternal/thesis
<xs:element ref="organisations" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Internal or external organisation related to the person, if the person is external the organisation cannot be an internal organisation</xs:documentation>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="id">
<xs:documentation>ID of the supervisor relationship</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
---|---|---|---| |
ID of the supervisor relationship |
Yes |
thesisSupervisor |
Similar to authors this can be an internal or external person and Pure will attempt to match to existing people, creating a new record if none are found |
Contains below components |
Yes |
thesisSupervisor.person |
Details of the person to match against |
Yes |
thesisSupervisor.role |
Role of the thesis supervisor. Should be defined in the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/roles/internalexternal/thesis |
xsd:string |
Yes |
thesisSupervisor.organisations |
Internal or external organisation related to the person, if the person is external the organisation cannot be an internal organisation |
No |
Organisation Relationships
A list of sponsor elements of type externalOrganisation
XML Example
<sponsors xmlns=""
<name>Department of Parallellisation</name>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="sponsors">
<xs:element name="sponsor"
Details of an external organisation who sponsored the student's studies
The internal or external organisations who awarded the student their degree
XML Example
<awardingInstitutions xmlns=""
<cmns:text>Depart of Awards</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="awardingInstitutions">
<xs:documentation>The internal or external organisations who awarded the student their degree</xs:documentation>
<xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="awardingInstitution" type="organisation">
<xs:documentation>Details of the organisation</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
awardingInstitution |
Details of the organisation |
Yes |
If ID is not provided, Pure will search for existing organisations by name and country. If no match is found a new organisation will be created
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="externalOrganisation">
<xs:documentation>If ID is not provided, Pure will search for existing organisations by name and country. If no match is found a new organisation will be created</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="name" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The name of the external organisation. If ID is not provided Pure will attempt to match this to already existing organisations</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
Type of the organisation. Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/ueoexternalorganisation/ueoexternalorganisationtypes
<xs:element name="country" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
Country the organisation is based in. Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries
<xs:element name="subdivision" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
Classification key from the scheme: /dk/atira/pure/core/countries/subdivision/
Only used if this elements makes Pure create a new external organisation.
<xs:attributeGroup ref="id">
ID of the organisation. Can be used to link to external organisations that have already been loaded in Pure
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
ID of the organisation. Can be used to link to external organisations that have already been loaded in Pure |
Yes |
name |
The name of the external organisation. If ID is not provided Pure will attempt to match this to already existing organisations |
No |
type |
Type of the organisation. Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/ueoexternalorganisation/ueoexternalorganisationtypes |
No |
country |
Country the organisation is based in. Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries |
No |
subdivision |
Classification key from the scheme: /dk/atira/pure/core/countries/subdivision/ Only used if this elements makes Pure create a new external organisation. |
No |
Publication Statuses
A collection of different publication statuses and dates they occurred.
Note the dates should follow a logical order (e.g. an output can't be published before it is submitted)
XML Example
<publicationStatuses xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="publicationStatuses">
A collection of different publication statuses and dates they occurred.
Note the dates should follow a logical order (e.g. an output can't be published before it is submitted)
<xs:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="publicationStatus" type="publicationStatus"/>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
publicationStatus |
Yes |
XML Example
<publicationStatus xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="publicationStatus">
<xs:element name="statusType" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="1">
The status. Should be defined in the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/publication/status
<xs:element name="date" type="commons:compoundDate" minOccurs="1">
The date the status change occurred. Only year is mandatory
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
statusType |
The status. Should be defined in the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/publication/status |
Yes |
date |
The date the status change occurred. Only year is mandatory |
Yes |
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="classifiedDescriptions">
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="classifiedDescription" type="classifiedDescription"/>
XML Attribute/Element |