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The Difference between "Export affiliation to ORCID" and "Export detailed affiliations" The Difference between "Export affiliation to ORCID" and "Export detailed affiliations"
On the ORCID integration configuration page, there is an option to toggle on "Export detailed affiliations".

When enabled, all the user's organisational affiliations will be exported to ORCID. In the following example "Top Level Organisation" is configured with a ROR ID (or is set to be the root organisation in the ORCID integration configuration page), a user is associated to two organisations, "Bottom Level Organisation 1" and "Bottom Level Organisation 2":

As seen on the picture, both of the user's affiliations were exported to ORCID, with the date the user started and ended their employment at the Organisation. Compared to the Organisations being exported when "Export detailed affiliations" is disabled:

Note: The N/A on both pictures is the Organizations' addresses, it is N/A in ORCID, because an address has not be configured in Pure
Updated at July 27, 2024