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OAI-PMH formats: SwePubOAI-PMH formats: SwePub
The table below shows the mapping from Pure to SwePub Research output types, when data is retrieved from OAI using the SwePub format from Pure version 5.9.0 (4.28.0) and onwards.
Please note that the SwePub format is only available Swedish customers on the common base.
Research output type mapping:
Research output Template |
Research Output type |
SwePub Output type |
Publication Type |
Artistic |
Content type: pop, vet or ref |
Contribution to journal |
Article |
publication/journal-articlee |
art |
ref |
Letter |
publication/editorial-letter |
art |
ref |
Debate/Note/Editorial |
publication/editorial-letter |
art |
ref |
Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.) |
publication/book-review |
rec |
ref |
Scientific Review |
publication/review-article |
for |
ref |
Special Issue (editor) |
publication/journal-issue |
ovr |
vet |
Published Meeting Abstract |
conference/other |
kon |
ref |
Contribution to Book/Report |
Book chapter |
publication/book-chapter |
kap |
ref |
Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary |
publication/encyclopedia- entry |
kap |
vet |
Chapter in Report |
publication/report-chapter |
kap |
vet |
Preface to conference proceeding |
publication/editorial-letter |
kon |
vet |
Paper in conference proceeding |
conference/paper |
pro |
ref |
Foreword/postscript |
publication/book-chapter |
kap |
vet |
Contribution to conference |
Paper, not in proceeding |
conference/other |
kon |
ref |
Poster |
conference/poster |
kon |
ref |
Abstract |
conference/other |
kon |
ref |
Other |
conference/other |
kon |
vet |
Contribution to specialist publication |
Specialist publication Article |
publication/magazine- article |
art |
vet |
Newspaper article |
publication/newspaper- article |
art |
pop |
Review (Book/Film/Exhibition/etc.) |
publication/book-review |
rec |
vet |
Patent |
Patent |
intellectual-property/patent |
pat |
vet |
Other |
intellectual-property/other |
vet |
Other contribution |
Miscellaneous |
Book/Report |
Book |
publication/book |
bok |
ref |
Anthology (editor) |
publication/edited-book |
sam |
ref |
Scholarly edition |
publication/translation |
ovr |
vet |
Report |
publication/report |
rap |
vet |
Conference proceeding (editor) |
conference/proceeding |
kon |
vet |
Working paper |
Working paper |
publication/working-paper |
ovr |
vet |
Non-textual form |
Artistic work |
artistic-work |
kfu |
yes |
ref |
Curated/produced exhibition/event |
artistic-work |
kfu |
yes |
ref |
Software |
Web publication/blog post/site |
Types of Thesis |
Doctoral Thesis (monograph) |
publication/doctoral-thesis |
doc |
vet |
Doctoral Thesis (compilation) |
publication/doctoral-thesis |
doc |
vet |
Licentiate Thesis |
publication/licentiate-thesis |
lic |
vet |
Master's Thesis |
Doctoral Thesis (artistic) |
publication/doctoral-thesis |
doc |
yes |
vet |
Memorandum/exposition |
Memorandum |
Question & Answer/hearing |
Contribution to memorandum /exposition |
Question & Answer/hearing contribution |
Question & Answer/hearing |
Please note the following information:
- UKÄ Keywords from the third level of the keyword group UKÄ keyword classification (URI uka_full) will be added as subject classification
- In addition each research output that has a keyword attached in Pure from the Artistic Work keyword catalogue (URI /dk/atira/pure/keywords/artistic_work) will be marked as artistic output
SwePub Content types
- If a research output in Pure has the popular science research output category set (URI key /dk/atira/pure/publication/category/popularscience), will be marked as pop
- If the publication category is set to research (URI /dk/atira/pure/publication/category/research) and it's not marked as peer reviewed in Pure, it will be marked as vet
- For all internal authors, there will also be a link to the exposing organisation, this can set in the OA configuration in Pure
- In addition all publicly visible internal organisations, these internal authors are affiliated to on the research output, will be added, with the exposing organisation as parent organisation
Access to full-text files
- Only embargoed full-text information, incl. link will be shown, when the embargo end date has been passed
The following mapping of the publication status is used:
Pure |
SwePub |
In preparation |
Submitted |
Submitted |
Submitted |
Accepted/In press |
In press |
Epub ahead of print |
Epub ahead of print/Online first |
Published |
Published |
Unpublished |
Submitted |
The following mapping on research output roles is used:
Pure |
SwePub |
author |
aut |
editor |
edt |
guesteditor |
edit |
translator |
trl |
any other role |
cre |
SwePub specific settings can be configured in the OAI settings when SwePub is enabled via Administrator > Web services > OAI configuration:

Updated at October 31, 2024