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Journal matchingJournal matching
When new Research Outputs that include journal data are added to Pure from online sources or a synchronization, matching will take place to see whether a record for the Journal already exists. If no match is found, Pure will create a new Journal record.
The rules for the matching are:
- If the import source of the article is Scopus, matching is attempted with Scopus Journal ID first.
- If the journal in the import data has one or more ISSNs (either print or electronic), matching is attempted with it/them - if this is unsuccessful, a new Journal record is created.
- If the journal in the import data has no ISSN, matching is attempted with the title - the titles must be mostly identical (ignoring upper/lower case) for this to be successful.
The reason for not matching on title if there is an ISSN on the journal in the import data is that Users might choose the wrong Journal from the list of title matches, thereby populating the ISSN to an existing Journal where it does not belong.
Note that the Update/Create Journals from Scopus job uses different matching rules. If a Journal has multiple ISSNs, it will only match on the first one on the list, and will prioritise any print ISSN.
Published at November 26, 2024