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Journal-level metricsJournal-level metrics
Metrics from Scopus
Journal level metrics from Scopus
Metrics available
Without subscription:
- Number of publications
- Total citations
- Total citations (excluding self-cites)
- Number of documents with zero citations
- Percent of articles cited
- CiteScore
- Category metrics
- Journal rank,
- Quartile,
- Percentile
Updating metrics:
The metrics can be updated by using the job "Scopus: Update/Create Journals And Metrics" (Administration → Cron job → Scopus: Update/Create Journals And Metrics)
Journals are matched by ISSN number
Available in Pure:
The Scopus metrics are stored on the Journal editor.
The rating is shown in the short renderer of a journal (eg. for searching for a journal to add to a Research Output)
Pure portal:
Scopus journal ratings are not available in Pure portal
Available in reporting:
Scopus metrics are available for reporting
Title | Description | File (To be used →5.24) | File (To be used 5.25+5.26) | File (To be used 5.27→) |
Citescore | Listing CiteScore per journal per year | CiteScore.json | ||
Citescore per year | Listing publications including CiteScore per year of related journal - using split functionality | |||
Current years publications incl. SJR and SNIP |
Listing all publication from current year, the related Journal with SNIP and SJR (Note current year = 2021) |
Journal metric year equal publications year | Listing all Research outputs and include the CiteScore, SNIP and SJR of the year of the earliest publication year (e-pub or publish year) of the publication. |
Further information
- 5.19.0 Release notes: see 4.1.2. Citescore metrics on Journals
- 5.9.0 Release notes: see 2.1. CiteScore
- Knowledge base
Metrics from Web of Science
Journal metrics from Web of Science
Metrics available:
Uploaded to Pure via the WoS Journal API (requires subscription):
5-year impact factor | % Articles in Citable Items | Article influence score |
Average Journal Impact Factor | Average Journal Impact Factor Percentile | Citable Items |
Cited Half-Life | Citing Half-Life | Eigenfactor score |
Immediacy index | Impact Factor without Journal Self Cites | Journal Impact Factor |
Normalized Eigenfactor | Percentile (category) | Quartile (category) |
Rank (category) | Total Cites | |
Edition (this is not a metric, but we store information on which index the journal is indexed in - stored on the metrics page) |
Notice: When running the job, we check each journal for new metrics every 6 month. So if you run your journal metrics job in April, we will check for new metrics again in October
Uploaded to Pure via spreadsheet (requires subscription - needed for access to download the data for the spreadsheet):
5-Year Impact Factor | % Articles in Citable Items | Article Influence Score |
Average Journal Impact Factor Percentile | Citable Items | Cited Half-Life |
Citing Half-life | Eigenfactor Score | Immediacy Index |
Impact Factor without Journal Self Cites | Journal Impact Factor | Normalized Eigenfactor |
Rank | Total Cites |
Manually added to Journal editor (requires subscription - needed for access to the data):
- Category Impact factor
- Rank
- Quartile
- JIP Percentile
Updating metrics:
Metrics from WoS can be added to Pure in 3 ways:
Synchronised from WoS via the Journal API:
- To enable the automatic import of metrics for the WoS Journals API go to: Administrator > Integrations > Web of Science Journal metrics
- Insert the API key for your institution's subscription to the WoS Journals API. Start the job
- Metrics from Pure is added by matching on ISSN numbers in Pure
Uploaded via Spreadsheet:
- Metrics from WoS Journal Citation report can be uploaded to the journal record in Pure using a CSV file (this can be downloaded from InCites Journal Citation Report)
- This can be done by navigating to Administration tab → Citations and Impact factors → JCR Impact factors
- To upload the metrics use the example file to populate the spreadsheet. All metrics are yearly metrics and should be uploaded to Pure one year at the time, with a new file for each year.
- Journals are matched by ISSN number
Manually adding Category based metrics:
- Category based metrics (Rank, Quartile, JIF Percentile) can be added to the individual journal template manually.
- To do so, open the journal in question → Metrics tab → Add metrics → Category Impact Factors
Available in Pure:
The WoS metrics are stored on the Journal editor.
The rating is shown in the short renderer of a journal (eg. for searching for a journal to add to a Research Output) (Note this can be adjusted see: Admin → Journals → Metrics visibility for associated metrics
Pure portal:
WoS journal ratings are not available in Pure portal
Available in reporting:
WoS metrics are reportable from version 5.27.0 forward. Prior to this release only few WoS was reportable.
Title |
Description |
Workspace file (To be used → 5.26) |
Workspace file (To be used 5.27 → ) |
Articles including 5-year Impact factor | This workspace file enables you to pull out all your publication, including the journal published in and the 2021 WoS 5-year Impact factor | ||
Journals with WoS 2021 metrics | This workspace file enables you to pull out all your journals and includes Impact factor, 5-year Impact factor and Immediacy Index, all from 2021 | ||
Journal metric year equal publications year | Listing all Research outputs and include the Impact Factor, Normalised Eigenfactor and Quartile (category) of the year of the earliest publication year (e-pub or publish year) of the publication |
Further information
Local metrics (Journal ratings)
Local metrics (Journal ratings)
Metrics available:
On top of the metrics made available in Pure, institutions might have the need of uploading additional metrics to journals. These can be uploaded as local ratings (Journal ratings)
Updating metrics:
To upload local ratings navigating to Administration tab → Citations and Impact factors → Journal ratings
Ratings are added as yearly ratings
Steps to upload ratings
- Navigating to Administration tab → Citations and Impact factors → Journal ratings
- Select the "type" of ratings to add. If the type you are looking for is not in the drop-down, then
- navigate to Masterdata → Classification scheme. Locate the scheme "Rating sources"
- Add a new classification to the scheme
- save the editor
- Select the year of the rating (only one year at the time can be added)
- Select the data format of the rating you are entering (Text, Number, Integer)
- Upload the file and run the job
Spreadsheet options
Column description for the uploaded file
Column | Description | Mandatory |
ISSN | ISSN that the journal should be matched to | No |
Title | Used if title matches should be used for the finding the journal | No |
UUID | Used if the Pure UUID should be used for finding the journal | No |
ID | Used if the journal was imported using a synchronisation then the synchronised ID | No |
Rating | The value that should be used | Yes |
Matching journals
The job is using the following priority to locate the journal, but it will not try two options for the same row in the spreadsheet.
ID > ISSN > Title > UUID
Example 1: If a column have both an ISSN and Title, the ISSN will be used and if no journal is found, it will not try to find a journal with the Title if present in the spreadsheet.
Example 2: If two rows appear with the same title, it will update both of them with both values.
Available in Pure:
The local ratings (Journals) are stored on the Journal editor.
The rating is shown in the short renderer of a Journal (eg. for searching for a journal to add to a Research Output)
Pure portal:
Local ratings (Journals) are not available in Pure portal
Available in reporting:
Local ratings are available for reporting
Journal metrics for assessments (for Danish and Finnish customers)
Journal metrics for assessments
Metrics available:
- BFI journal level
- JUFO Journal metrics
Updating metrics:
- BFI assessment module is required
- BFI journal level can be added to journals using the job "BFI Journal Synchronisation" (Administrator → Cron jobs → BFI Journal Synchronisation)
- Before running the job, a BFI certificate needs to be added (Administrator → BFI → Settings → API certificate)
- JUFO journal level can be added to journals using the job "Import Metrics From Julkaisufoorumi (JUFO)" (Administrator → Cron jobs → Import Metrics From Julkaisufoorumi (JUFO))
- Matching on journal is based on ISSN
- (Notice, this job will also import JUFO metrics to Publishers)
Available in Pure:
- The BFI levels are stored on the Journal editor.
- The rating is shown in the short renderer of a journal (eg. for searching for a journal to add to a Research Output)
- The rating is shown on the BFI tab of the Research Output template
- The JUFO levels are stored on the Journal editor.
- The rating is shown in the short renderer of a journal (eg. for searching for a journal to add to a Research Output)
Pure portal:
- BFI levels are not available in Pure portal
- JUFO levels are not available in Pure portal
Available in reporting:
- BFI Journal rating is available for reporting
- JUFO levels are currently not available for reporting
Further information:
- Den bibliometriske forskningsindikator
- 5.8.0 Release notes: see 6.7. Finland : JUFO : Introducing the Finnish national metric for publishers and journals
Published at July 27, 2024