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Journal level metrics from ScopusJournal level metrics from Scopus
Metrics available
Without subscription:
- Number of publications
- Total citations
- Total citations (excluding self-cites)
- Number of documents with zero citations
- Percent of articles cited
- CiteScore
- Category metrics
- Journal rank,
- Quartile,
- Percentile
Updating metrics:
The metrics can be updated by using the job "Scopus: Update/Create Journals And Metrics" (Administration → Cron job → Scopus: Update/Create Journals And Metrics)
Journals are matched by ISSN number
Available in Pure:
The Scopus metrics are stored on the Journal editor.
The rating is shown in the short renderer of a journal (eg. for searching for a journal to add to a Research Output)
Pure portal:
Scopus journal ratings are not available in Pure portal
Available in reporting:
Scopus metrics are available for reporting
Title | Description | File (To be used →5.24) | File (To be used 5.25+5.26) | File (To be used 5.27→) |
Citescore | Listing CiteScore per journal per year | CiteScore.json | ||
Citescore per year | Listing publications including CiteScore per year of related journal - using split functionality | |||
Current years publications incl. SJR and SNIP |
Listing all publication from current year, the related Journal with SNIP and SJR (Note current year = 2021) |
Journal metric year equal publications year | Listing all Research outputs and include the CiteScore, SNIP and SJR of the year of the earliest publication year (e-pub or publish year) of the publication. |
Further information
- 5.19.0 Release notes: see 4.1.2. Citescore metrics on Journals
- 5.9.0 Release notes: see 2.1. CiteScore
- Knowledge base
Published at December 05, 2024