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PlumX metricsPlumX metrics
Metrics available:
Without PlumX subscription:
- Citations
- Usage
- Captures
- Mentions
- Social media
Updating metrics:
The metrics can be updated by enabling the PlumX metrics import (Administration → Integrations → PlumX metrics)
Matches to add citations is done via Scopus ID or DOI.
Notice: The standard configuration of the job is to run on a 7 day cycle to spread out the load on the service. Changes in metrics can take more then 7 days to be reflected, if the change was done after the job has checked for an update in the current cycle. The change will then be picked up in the next cycle.
Available in Pure:
The PlumX metrics are stored on the Report Output editor → Metrics tab
Available on the Personal User Overview (as aggregated numbers)
Available on the Project timeline (as aggregated numbers and on the individual outputs linked to the project)
Pure portal:
PlumX icon is shown both in the list view as on the full view of an output
To enable PlumX metrics on the portal, navigate to Administrator → Pure Portal → Configuration → Research Output → Display PlumX
Available in reporting:
PlumX metrics are available for reporting
Title | Description | File (To be used →5.24) | File (To be used 5.25 + 5.26) | File (To be used 5.27→) |
PlumX metrics | Captures numbers of PlumX metrics per person | |||
Projects with most PlumX metrics | Number of PlumX metrics on Projects - looking at the metrics on the Research Output related to the Project |
Further information
Published at July 27, 2024