How Can We Help?
Article level metrics from WoSArticle level metrics from WoS
Metrics available:
With subscription to Web of Science
- WoS citations (Expanded API needed) (5.25.0)
- Highly cited papers (InCites API needed)(5.26.0)
- Hot paper (InCites API needed) (5.26.0)
(WoS Starter API does not include Research Output citations, Hot Papers, Hot Paper)
Updating Citations:
Web of Science citations can be populated into Pure in two ways:
A) Synchronised using job
We are using the premium edition of the WoS API
To enable Administrator > Integrations > WoS metrics > Configuration, where you will need to provide the WoS Expanded API key.
B) Uploaded using spreadsheet
WoS citations can be uploaded to research output as yearly metrics (citations by year)
Navigate to Administrator → Citations and Impact factor → Citations
Matches to add citations is done on title, author names, and journal name. It gets summed up to a total score and the highest scoring publication is chosen. Title needs to be 80% equal before a publication is taken into consideration.
Updating Highly cited papers + Hot papers:
We are using the Incited edition of the WoS API
To enable the automatic import of metrics from InCites:
Available in Pure:
The WoS citations + Hot paper + Highly cited paper are stored on the Research Output editor → Metrics tab
Pure portal:
Web of Science citations are available on Pure Portal
Hot paper + Highly cited paper are not available on Pure Portal
Available in Webservice
Citations + Hot papers + Highly cited papers are available
Available in reporting:
Citations + Hot papers + Highly cited papers are available for reporting
Title | Description | File to be used in 5.27 |
WoS citation per publication | Number of citations per publication - can be used to find publication with highest citation count | TODO |
Total number of WoS citations per person | Aggregated number of total citations per person, based on the related Research Output - can be used to locate most cited author | TODO |
Further information
Published at July 27, 2024