How Can We Help?
Local ratings (Publisher)Local ratings (Publisher)
Metrics available:
On top of the metrics made available in Pure, institutions might have the need of uploading additional metrics to Publishers. These can be uploaded as local ratings (Publisher ratings)
Updating metrics:
To upload local ratings navigating to Administration tab → Citations and Impact factors → Publisher ratings
Ratings are added as yearly ratings
Steps to upload ratings
- Navigating to Administration tab → Citations and Impact factors → Publisher ratings
- Select the "type" of ratings to add. If the type you are looking for is not in the dropdown, then
- navigate to Masterdata → Classification scheme. Locate the scheme "Rating sources"
- Add a new classification to the scheme
- save the editor
- Select the year of the rating (only one year at the time can be added)
- Upload the file and run the job (example file)
Publishers are matched by UUID
Available in Pure:
The Publisher metrics are stored on the Publisher editor.
The rating is shown in the short renderer of a Publisher (eg. for searching for a Publisher to add to a Research Output)
Pure portal:
Local ratings (Publisher) are not available in Pure portal
Available in reporting:
Local ratings are available for reporting
Updated at July 27, 2024