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Pure API Roadmap / Resource catalogPure API Roadmap / Resource catalog
This is an overview of the different resources that we have and still need to implement in the Pure API. Endpoints mentioned under Other not part of current 524 web service are not guaranteed to be part of what we deliver before the old web service (524) is being deprecated.
Deprecating 5.24 Web service
Once all required endpoints are available, we will announce a 524 deprecation date, which is going to be at least 1 year from the release of the last endpoint.
Not prioritized endpoints have a link to the idea exchange post about it, go vote on the mostly needed endpoints, which will influence our priority order of implementation.
Other not part of current 524 web service
Editorial data
Activities | Released 5.28.1
Applications | Released 5.25.0
Awards | Released 5.25.0
Courses |
Released 5.32.1
Dataset | Released 5.28.0
Equipment | Released 5.28.0
Funding Opportunities | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
Impacts | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
Press media |
Currently in development
Prizes | Released 5.29.0 |
Projects | Released 5.25.0 |
Research Output | Released 5.22.2 |
Student thesis | Released 5.31.0
Student project | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
Milestones | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
Budget & expenditures | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
Ethical Review | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
Master data
Author Collaborations | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
Conference Series | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
Events |
Released 5.19.0
External Organizations | Released 5.17.0
External Persons | Released 5.22.0
Journals | Released 5.19.0
Organizational Units | Released 5.18.0
Persons | Released 5.22.0
Person expertise | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
User | Released 5.23.0
Publishers | Released 5.19.0
Metrics | Released 5.27.1
Classification Schemes |
Vendor only, investigating whether it can be made generally available
Keyword group configurations | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
CV | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
fingerprints, Concepts and Thesauri | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
semantic | No longer used after switching to new fingerprinting engine |
Downloads | Released 5.27.1
Changes | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
Search/Filter options | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
Other not part of current 524 web service
Not supported in current web service so might not be included initially, but is most likely going to be added at some point.
Usage metrics | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
Advanced synchronization support | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize |
Renderings (citation formats) for research output | Not currently scheduled vote here to prioritize Note: technically part of 524 ws, but can be created based upon available metadata. |
Updated at March 03, 2025