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Similar ProfilesSimilar Profiles
You can find the similar profile tab on the Portal profile page, and explore the profiles of other experts in a given field. The similarity is mainly based on overlapping concepts in their fingerprints, however, if there are no or few results, Pure supplements it with additional data based on the other criteria.
Finding similar profiles is done by looking at the below criteria, in the following priority order:
- Using the existing fingerprint similarity algorithm.
- Shared projects, sorted from most to least.
- Shared outputs, sorted from most to least.
- Persons directly sharing organisations, sorted from highest citation count to lowest.
We aim for a minimum of 6, and a maximum of 12 similar profiles for each profile. If the person already has 6 similar profiles based on the fingerprint similarity algorithm, no further criteria are used. If the threshold of 6 is not reached, it goes through the remaining criteria in the above order. If at any point the minimum threshold of 6 persons is reached, it stops searching.
As of 5.25, similar profiles are not available for reporting or exporting.
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Updated at July 27, 2024