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Organisation XMLOrganisation XML
This page details the Organisation content type. On this page you will find different representations of the data elements contained within this type.
Below is the xsd for the Organisation content type that defines the import xml format. Also provided is mapping tables generated based on this XSD as well as an example xml that shows how the fields can be populated.
This is logical broken down into the different elements to help you gain a better understanding of the Organisation content type and how to create, read and update these records using the mechanisms provided in Pure.
Note: for the mapping tables all attributes and elements are listed, along with descriptions of the purposes of the field and any data requirements. Attribute are prefaced with an "@" to differentiate from elements, but as shown in the examples this isn't used when generating the xml.
Some elements offer options of which elements to include (such as whether to provide the ID of a person or organisation or name for lookup). These are denoted by reference to "Option Groups" where numbers are used to indicate where multiple elements are part of the same option. See example xmls for demonstrations of how to use these elements.
Below are a series of attachments for your reference:
- Simple Example XML - This shows only the mandatory fields that need to be populated
- Advanced Example XML - This shows all fields that can be used. Snippets of this file are shown with their related elements below.
- XSD (Xml Schema Definition) - This is a definition of what structure the XML must follow. This page has been generated based on the contents of the xsd file, and snippets of the definition are shown with their relevant element below
- Editor Example PNG - This image shows the result of loading the advanced example xml into Pure, to allow for easy reference of which fields in Pure point to which elements in the XML. Note that the way the data is presented within your Pure instance may be different due to different configuration
- Webservice Example Response - This shows an example response of retrieving the record generated via this xml via the webservice
- Pure API Example Response - This shows an example response of retrieving the record generated via this xml via the Pure API. Note as the Pure API allows for creation of records, this format could also be used to create a new record with these details, but some fields would be ignored in that case (such as audit fields like created/modified by and internal Pure identifiers like UUID and Pure ID which wouldn't exist yet). UUIDs for related content (such as organisational units) would need to be updated as well.
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A list of organisation elements of type organisation
The root element of the xml file.
XML Example
<organisations xmlns=""
<organisation managedInPure="false">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Tesla University</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">TeU</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris faucibus sem vitae nisl dapibus semper. Praesent iaculis lorem turpis, id dapibus mi tincidunt id.
Suspendisse aliquet magna turpis, quis dignissim elit mollis ut. Donec ut imperdiet ligula. Donec luctus malesuada laoreet.
Maecenas interdum dui ornare pharetra tempor. Vestibulum consectetur mollis magna. Vivamus tristique sem in sem imperdiet, laoreet vestibulum turpis commodo.
Duis nulla quam, bibendum eu turpis ut, venenatis imperdiet urna. Praesent sed ante purus.
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB"></cmns:text>
<postalCode>SW1V 4NP</postalCode>
<street>Wayne Street</street>
<geospatialPoint>40.64209354784047, -73.78486633300781</geospatialPoint>
<geospatialPolygon>40.64209354784047, -73.78486633300781, 35.64209354784047, 40.64209354784047</geospatialPolygon>
Tesla University
44 Wayne Street
London AK, SW1V 4NP
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="A"/>
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="T/TA"/>
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="T/TP">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Inorganic chemistry</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="da" country="DK">Uorganisk kemi</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="da" country="DK">Applied biochemistry</cmns:text>
<link id="link1">
<cmns:text>Organisational Unit Introduction</cmns:text>
<organisation managedInPure="false">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Faculty of Science</cmns:text>
<organisation managedInPure="false">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Old Faculty of Science</cmns:text>
<organisation managedInPure="false">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Faculty of Medicine</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="organisations">
The root element of the xml file.
<xs:element ref="organisation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="resumptionToken" type="xs:string">
To enable resumption tokens, add an URL to the "XML source data location" in the job configuration with "{resumptionToken}" as a placeholder, for instance "{resumptionToken}".
The endpoint must handle the resumptionToken in the following manner:
If an empty resumptionToken is sent, the endpoint must return all data. If a non-empty resumptionToken is sent, the endpoint must return all data that has changed since the time the resumptionToken was sent.
XML Example
<organisation xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Tesla University</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">TeU</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris faucibus sem vitae nisl dapibus semper. Praesent iaculis lorem turpis, id dapibus mi tincidunt id.
Suspendisse aliquet magna turpis, quis dignissim elit mollis ut. Donec ut imperdiet ligula. Donec luctus malesuada laoreet.
Maecenas interdum dui ornare pharetra tempor. Vestibulum consectetur mollis magna. Vivamus tristique sem in sem imperdiet, laoreet vestibulum turpis commodo.
Duis nulla quam, bibendum eu turpis ut, venenatis imperdiet urna. Praesent sed ante purus.
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB"></cmns:text>
<postalCode>SW1V 4NP</postalCode>
<street>Wayne Street</street>
<geospatialPoint>40.64209354784047, -73.78486633300781</geospatialPoint>
<geospatialPolygon>40.64209354784047, -73.78486633300781, 35.64209354784047, 40.64209354784047</geospatialPolygon>
Tesla University
44 Wayne Street
London AK, SW1V 4NP
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="keywordContainers">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="A"/>
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="T/TA"/>
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="T/TP">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Inorganic chemistry</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="da" country="DK">Uorganisk kemi</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="da" country="DK">Applied biochemistry</cmns:text>
<link id="link1">
<cmns:text>Organisational Unit Introduction</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs=""
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="organisation">
<xs:element name="organisationId" type="commons:string_400" minOccurs="1">
A unique identifier for the organisation. This is called the Source ID in the Pure interface and used to reference the organisation in XML files for other content types. Note, you can store multiple identifiers in the IDs element below.
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="1">
The organisation type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationtypes classification scheme
<xs:element name="name"
The name of the organisation. Element can be repeated for all submission locales in the Pure installation, by adding the "lang" attribute, with values matching the languages used in Pure. E.g. "da", "en", "de", "nl" etc.
<xs:element name="startDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="1">
Date the organisational unit was founded. Should be in YYYY-MM-DD format
<xs:element name="endDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
Date the organisational unit ended. If left blank it is presumed the unit continues to exist. Should be in YYYY-MM-DD format
<xs:element name="takenOverBy" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
If this organisation is a historical organisation and another organisation has replaced it, the ID of this organisation can be specified here. Pure will then make a relation between the two organisations
<xs:element name="visibility" type="commons:visibility" minOccurs="1">
If you want to you can set the visibility of the organisation. It can be either Publicly available, Campus (IP address) or Restricted to Pure users.
If you supply a value it must be one of the following: Public, Campus, Restricted
If no value is specified, Publicly available will be selected by default.
For organisational units that you do not wish to display on the Portal, use Restricted.
<xs:element name="owner" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
A parent organisation marked as the primary parent organisation. Note the owner organisation must also be in the "hierarchy" element as a parent to this organisation.
In the editor this is the "Reporting organisation unit".
<xs:element name="parentOrganisationId"
The organisation ID of the parent of this organisational unit. You can repeat this element to reflect hybrid structures with multiple parent organisations.
<xs:element name="nameVariants" type="nameVariants" minOccurs="0">
Alternative names of the organisation. Must of the types listed in /dk/atira/pure/organisation/namevariants classification scheme
<xs:element name="profileInfos" type="profileInfos" minOccurs="0">
Free text profile information about the organisation. Must be of the types listed in /dk/atira/pure/organisation/customfields classification scheme
<xs:element name="photos" type="photos" minOccurs="0">
Photos of the organisation and their work. Must be of the types listed in /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationfiles classification scheme
<xs:element name="phoneNumbers" type="phoneNumbers" minOccurs="0">
Contact numbers for the organisation. Type must be from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationphonenumbertype classification scheme
<xs:element name="emails" type="emails" minOccurs="0">
Contact emails for the organisation. Type must be from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationemailtype classification scheme
<xs:element name="webAddresses" type="webAddresses" minOccurs="0">
Websites for the organisation. Type must be from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationwebaddresstype classification scheme
<xs:element name="addresses" type="addresses" minOccurs="0">
Physical and postal addresses for the organisation. Type must be from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationaddresstype classification scheme
<xs:element name="keywords" type="commons:keywords" minOccurs="0">
Keywords related to the organisational unit. Can be managed under the Administrator -> Keywords menu
<xs:element name="ids" type="ids" minOccurs="0">
IDs of the organisation. Type must be from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationsources classification scheme
<xs:element name="costCenters" type="costCenters" minOccurs="0">
Related coster centers for the organisation. Must first be defined in /dk/atira/pure/upm/costcenter classification scheme
<xs:element name="links" type="links" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The links for the organisation. Type must be in the /dk/atira/pure/links/organisation classification scheme</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute type="xs:boolean" name="managedInPure" use="optional">
Indicates whether or not an organisation should be managed inside Pure. If set to TRUE, the synchronisation will only import the organisation and not lock any fields/relations. In subsequent synchronisation runs, the synchronisation will not update the organisation, unless the MANAGED_IN_PURE state is changed to FALSE. If changed the organisation will be picked up by the synchronisation and handled as a synchronised content and fields and relations will be locked based on the configuration.
The default behaviour for the synchronisation is to consider MANAGED_IN_PURE as FALSE.
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@managedInPure |
Indicates whether or not an organisation should be managed inside Pure. If set to TRUE, the synchronisation will only import the organisation and not lock any fields/relations. In subsequent synchronisation runs, the synchronisation will not update the organisation, unless the MANAGED_IN_PURE state is changed to FALSE. If changed the organisation will be picked up by the synchronisation and handled as a synchronised content and fields and relations will be locked based on the configuration. The default behaviour for the synchronisation is to consider MANAGED_IN_PURE as FALSE. |
xsd:boolean |
No |
organisationId |
A unique identifier for the organisation. This is called the Source ID in the Pure interface and used to reference the organisation in XML files for other content types. Note, you can store multiple identifiers in the IDs element below. |
Yes |
type |
The organisation type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationtypes classification scheme |
Yes |
name |
The name of the organisation. Element can be repeated for all submission locales in the Pure installation, by adding the "lang" attribute, with values matching the languages used in Pure. E.g. "da", "en", "de", "nl" etc. |
Yes |
startDate |
Date the organisational unit was founded. Should be in YYYY-MM-DD format |
Yes |
endDate |
Date the organisational unit ended. If left blank it is presumed the unit continues to exist. Should be in YYYY-MM-DD format |
No |
takenOverBy |
If this organisation is a historical organisation and another organisation has replaced it, the ID of this organisation can be specified here. Pure will then make a relation between the two organisations |
No |
visibility |
If you want to you can set the visibility of the organisation. It can be either Publicly available, Campus (IP address) or Restricted to Pure users. If you supply a value it must be one of the following: Public, Campus, Restricted If no value is specified, Publicly available will be selected by default. For organisational units that you do not wish to display on the Portal, use Restricted. |
commons:visibilityWithOutConfidential (From 5.32.1) |
No |
owner |
A parent organisation marked as the primary parent organisation. Note the owner organisation must also be in the "hierarchy" element as a parent to this organisation. In the editor this is the "Reporting organisation unit". |
No |
parentOrganisationId |
The organisation ID of the parent of this organisational unit. You can repeat this element to reflect hybrid structures with multiple parent organisations. |
No |
nameVariants |
Alternative names of the organisation. Must of the types listed in /dk/atira/pure/organisation/namevariants classification scheme |
No |
profileInfos |
Free text profile information about the organisation. Must be of the types listed in /dk/atira/pure/organisation/customfields classification scheme |
No |
photos |
Photos of the organisation and their work. Must be of the types listed in /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationfiles classification scheme |
No |
phoneNumbers |
Contact numbers for the organisation. Type must be from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationphonenumbertype classification scheme |
No |
emails |
Contact emails for the organisation. Type must be from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationemailtype classification scheme |
No |
webAddresses |
Websites for the organisation. Type must be from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationwebaddresstype classification scheme |
No |
addresses |
Physical and postal addresses for the organisation. Type must be from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationaddresstype classification scheme |
No |
keywords |
Keywords related to the organisational unit. Can be managed under the Administrator -> Keywords menu |
No |
ids |
IDs of the organisation. Type must be from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationsources classification scheme |
No |
costCenters |
Related coster centers for the organisation. Must first be defined in /dk/atira/pure/upm/costcenter classification scheme |
No |
links |
The links for the organisation. Type must be in the /dk/atira/pure/links/organisation classification scheme |
No |
Name Variants
A list of nameVariant elements of type nameVariant
XML Example
<nameVariants xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">TeU</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="nameVariants">
<xs:element ref="nameVariant" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Pure comes with the shortname, sortname and webname types of name variants, but additional ones can be added. Sort name will be used to determine alphabetic sorting order if provided and web name will be used as the display name for the organisational unit on the portal if provided.
XML Example
<nameVariant xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">TeU</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="nameVariant">
Pure comes with the shortname, sortname and webname types of name variants, but additional ones can be added. Sort name will be used to determine alphabetic sorting order if provided and web name will be used as the display name for the organisational unit on the portal if provided.
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification">
The name variant type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/namevariants classification scheme
<xs:element name="name"
The value of the name variant. Can be repeated for each submission language enabled in the system
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>Unique ID (across a single content) for the association</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Unique ID (across a single content) for the association |
Yes |
type |
The name variant type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/namevariants classification scheme |
Yes |
name |
The value of the name variant. Can be repeated for each submission language enabled in the system |
Yes |
Profile Information
A list of profileInfo elements of type profileInfo
XML Example
<profileInfos xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris faucibus sem vitae nisl dapibus semper. Praesent iaculis lorem turpis, id dapibus mi tincidunt id.
Suspendisse aliquet magna turpis, quis dignissim elit mollis ut. Donec ut imperdiet ligula. Donec luctus malesuada laoreet.
Maecenas interdum dui ornare pharetra tempor. Vestibulum consectetur mollis magna. Vivamus tristique sem in sem imperdiet, laoreet vestibulum turpis commodo.
Duis nulla quam, bibendum eu turpis ut, venenatis imperdiet urna. Praesent sed ante purus.
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="profileInfos">
<xs:element ref="profileInfo" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Free text information about the organisational unit. By adding additional types to the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/customfields classification scheme you can include many different types of profile information for display on the portal
XML Example
<profileInfo xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris faucibus sem vitae nisl dapibus semper. Praesent iaculis lorem turpis, id dapibus mi tincidunt id.
Suspendisse aliquet magna turpis, quis dignissim elit mollis ut. Donec ut imperdiet ligula. Donec luctus malesuada laoreet.
Maecenas interdum dui ornare pharetra tempor. Vestibulum consectetur mollis magna. Vivamus tristique sem in sem imperdiet, laoreet vestibulum turpis commodo.
Duis nulla quam, bibendum eu turpis ut, venenatis imperdiet urna. Praesent sed ante purus.
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="profileInfo">
Free text information about the organisational unit. By adding additional types to the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/customfields classification scheme you can include many different types of profile information for display on the portal
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification">
The profile information type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/customfields classification scheme
<xs:element name="profileInfo"
The free text profile information. Can contain basic html formatting, but must be escaped or wrapped in CDATA tags. Can be repeated for each submission language enabled in the system
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>Unique ID (across a single content) for the association</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Unique ID (across a single content) for the association |
Yes |
type |
The profile information type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/customfields classification scheme |
Yes |
profileInfo |
The free text profile information. Can contain basic html formatting, but must be escaped or wrapped in CDATA tags. Can be repeated for each submission language enabled in the system |
Yes |
A list of photo elements of type photo
XML Example
<photos xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="photos">
<xs:element ref="photo" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Depending on the type of photo these can then be used on the portal page for this organisational unit.
XML Example
<photo xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="photo">
Depending on the type of photo these can then be used on the portal page for this organisational unit.
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification">
The photo type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationfiles classification scheme
<xs:element name="photoValue" type="xs:string">
The photo contents. If the protocol is HTTP then a URL that the Pure server can access should be provided. If FILE then a path on the server to the file. If BYTE then a base64 encoded byte array should be provided
<xs:element name="photoProtocol" type="xs:string">
The protocol used to access the photo. Valid values are BYTE, FILE, HTTP
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>Unique ID (across a single content) for the association</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Unique ID (across a single content) for the association |
Yes |
type |
The photo type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationfiles classification scheme |
Yes |
photoValue |
The photo contents. If the protocol is HTTP then a URL that the Pure server can access should be provided. If FILE then a path on the server to the file. If BYTE then a base64 encoded byte array should be provided |
xsd:string |
Yes |
photoProtocol |
The protocol used to access the photo. Valid values are BYTE, FILE, HTTP |
xsd:string |
Yes |
Contact Details
A list of phoneNumber elements of type phoneNumber
XML Example
<phoneNumbers xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="phoneNumbers">
<xs:element ref="phoneNumber" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Can represent multiple types of phone numbers, to represent the different services they may provide
XML Example
<phoneNumber xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="phoneNumber">
Can represent multiple types of phone numbers, to represent the different services they may provide
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification">
The phone number type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationphonenumbertype classification scheme
<xs:element name="phoneNumber" type="commons:string_64">
The phone number value
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>Unique ID (across a single content) for the association</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Unique ID (across a single content) for the association |
Yes |
type |
The phone number type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationphonenumbertype classification scheme |
Yes |
phoneNumber |
The phone number value |
Yes |
A list of email elements of type email
XML Example
<emails xmlns=""
Accordion Title
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="emails">
<xs:element ref="email" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Can represent many different types of email addresses, to cover different enquiry types that might be made
XML Example
<email xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="email">
Can represent many different types of email addresses, to cover different enquiry types that might be made
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification">
The email type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationemailtype classification scheme
<xs:element name="email" type="commons:string_256">
The email itself
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>Unique ID (across a single content) for the association</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Unique ID (across a single content) for the association |
Yes |
type |
The email type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationemailtype classification scheme |
Yes |
The email itself |
Yes |
A list of webAddress elements of type webAddress
XML Example
<webAddresses xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB"></cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="webAddresses">
<xs:element ref="webAddress" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Web address can obviously contain the same information as a link element, however web address should be used for official sites owned by the organisational unit.
XML Example
<webAddress xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB"></cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="webAddress">
Web address can obviously contain the same information as a link element, however web address should be used for official sites owned by the organisational unit.
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification">
The web address type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationwebaddresstype classification scheme
<xs:element name="webAddress"
The web address, should be a full URL including prefix (e.g. http://). Can be repeated for each submission language enabled in the system, allowing for different URLs for different languages
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>Unique ID (across a single content) for the association</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Unique ID (across a single content) for the association |
Yes |
type |
The web address type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationwebaddresstype classification scheme |
Yes |
webAddress |
The web address, should be a full URL including prefix (e.g. http:// ). Can be repeated for each submission language enabled in the system, allowing for different URLs for different languages |
Yes |
A list of address elements of type address
XML Example
<addresses xmlns=""
<postalCode>SW1V 4NP</postalCode>
<street>Wayne Street</street>
<geospatialPoint>40.64209354784047, -73.78486633300781</geospatialPoint>
<geospatialPolygon>40.64209354784047, -73.78486633300781, 35.64209354784047, 40.64209354784047</geospatialPolygon>
Tesla University
44 Wayne Street
London AK, SW1V 4NP
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="addresses">
<xs:element ref="address" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Can represent multiple addresses of an organisational unit, such as the physical address of its building, or its postal address
XML Example
<address xmlns=""
<postalCode>SW1V 4NP</postalCode>
<street>Wayne Street</street>
<geospatialPoint>40.64209354784047, -73.78486633300781</geospatialPoint>
<geospatialPolygon>40.64209354784047, -73.78486633300781, 35.64209354784047, 40.64209354784047</geospatialPolygon>
Tesla University
44 Wayne Street
London AK, SW1V 4NP
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="address">
Can represent multiple addresses of an organisational unit, such as the physical address of its building, or its postal address
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="1">
The address type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationaddresstype classification scheme
<xs:element name="city" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The city part of the address
<xs:element name="postalCode" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The post code of the address
<xs:element name="street" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The street of the address
<xs:element name="building" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The building related to the address
<xs:element name="country" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
The country type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/core/countries classification scheme
<xs:element name="subdivision" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
The subdivision type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/core/countries/subdivision classification scheme. Note not all countries are presently supported for subdivisions.
<xs:element name="geospatialPoint" type="commons:string_512" minOccurs="0">
Coordinates to specify the location of the address. E.g. 57.013543, 9.98934
<xs:element name="geospatialPolygon" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
A series of comma seperated coordinate pairs that specify the corners of a polygon position of the address
<xs:element name="displayFormat" type="commons:string_2048" minOccurs="0">
Rather than providing a breakdown of the address by components, a single text field containing the entire address can be provided
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>Unique ID (across a single content) for the association</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Unique ID (across a single content) for the association |
Yes |
type |
The address type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationaddresstype classification scheme |
Yes |
city |
The city part of the address |
No |
postalCode |
The post code of the address |
No |
street |
The street of the address |
No |
building |
The building related to the address |
No |
country |
The country type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/core/countries classification scheme |
No |
subdivision |
The subdivision type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/core/countries/subdivision classification scheme. Note not all countries are presently supported for subdivisions. |
No |
geospatialPoint |
Coordinates to specify the location of the address. E.g. 57.013543, 9.98934 |
No |
geospatialPolygon |
A series of comma seperated coordinate pairs that specify the corners of a polygon position of the address |
xsd:string |
No |
displayFormat |
Rather than providing a breakdown of the address by components, a single text field containing the entire address can be provided |
No |
A list of id elements of type id
XML Example
<ids xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="ids">
<xs:element ref="id" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
IDs can hold multiple different types of identifiers for an organisation unit to reflect the multiple codes it may have associated across an institution
XML Example
<id xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="id">
IDs can hold multiple different types of identifiers for an organisation unit to reflect the multiple codes it may have associated across an institution
<xs:element name="idSource" type="commons:classification">
The id type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationsources classification scheme
<xs:element name="id" type="commons:string_256">
The value of the identifier
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
id |
The value of the identifier |
Yes |
idSource |
The id type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/organisation/organisationsources classification scheme |
Yes |
Cost Centers
A list of costCenter elements of type commons:classification
XML Example
<costCenters xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="costCenters">
<xs:element name="costCenter"
The cost center. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/upm/costcenter classification scheme. Can contain multiple entries
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
costCenter |
The cost center. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/upm/costcenter classification scheme. Can contain multiple entries |
No |
A list of link elements of type link
XML Example
<links xmlns=""
<link id="link1">
<cmns:text>Organisational Unit Introduction</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="links">
<xs:element name="link" type="link" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Links obviously have overlap with web addresses, web addresses should be used for official sites. Links can be used for related content, such as the Portal Multimedia type which allows for the display of videos on the organisation's portal page
XML Example
<link xmlns=""
<cmns:text>Organisational Unit Introduction</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="link">
Links obviously have overlap with web addresses, web addresses should be used for official sites. Links can be used for related content, such as the Portal Multimedia type which allows for the display of videos on the organisation's portal page
<xs:element name="url" type="xs:string">
The url of the link. Should be a full URL including prefix (e.g. http://)
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
The link type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/links/organisation classification scheme
<xs:element name="description" type="commons:localized_string" minOccurs="0">
Free text description of the link
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
Unique ID (across a single content) for the association
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Unique ID (across a single content) for the association |
Yes |
url |
The url of the link. Should be a full URL including prefix (e.g. http:// ) |
xsd:string |
Yes |
type |
The link type. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/links/organisation classification scheme |
No |
description |
Free text description of the link |
No |
Published at February 19, 2025