How Can We Help?
Welcome to Pure Help CenterWelcome to Pure Help Center
Welcome to the Pure Help Center
This website is for Pure Administrators, who have access to support from Elsevier for the Pure research management platform. If you're not a Pure Administrator but want information about Pure, you're welcome to explore the site. If you need more help with Pure, contact your Pure Administrator at your research institution, usually the research library or research office.
This site has info and documents to help Pure Administrators understand how Pure works and its features. Key sections include:
- Announcements: Updates about events and important information.
- Release Notes: Information about each Pure release and what's new.
- Knowledge Base articles: Quick tips and explanations about Pure features. They are searchable.
Additionally, the Help Center provides information about how to get further support, participate or explore further training materials, and visit information about current or past events.
We hope you enjoy the Pure Help Center - welcome!
Published at July 27, 2024