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Student thesis Synchronisation - ViewsStudent thesis Synchronisation - Views
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Datatype to database mappings
Datatype |
Postgres |
Oracle |
Double | Numeric | Number | Float |
Long | Numeric | Number | Int |
Integer | Numeric | Number | Int |
Date | Date | Date | Date |
String | Varchar | Varchar | Varchar |
String/Clob | Text | Clob | Ntext |
String/Blob | Bytea | Blob | Image |
Classification | Varchar | Varchar | Varchar |
Boolean | Boolean | Numeric(1,0) | Bit |
Column name | Data type | Size | Mandatory | Note | |
STUDENT_THESIS_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the thesis | |
QUALIFICATION_LEVEL | Classification | 1024 | Yes | Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/studentthesis/studentthesistypes | |
ORIGINAL_LANGUAGE | Classification | 1024 | Yes | Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/languages | |
TITLE_ORIGINAL_LANGUAGE | String | 1024 | Yes | The title in the original language (has to be valid XHTML) | |
SUBTITLE_ORIGINAL_LANGUAGE | String | 1024 | No | The subtitle in the original language (has to be valid XHTML) | |
TRANSLATED_TITLE | String | 1024 | No | The student thesis title in the Pure submission languages, If data is available in more languages create TRANSLATED_TITLE_EN, TRANSLATED_TITLE_FR etc. | |
TRANSLATED_SUBTITLE | String | 1024 | No | The student thesis sub title in the Pure submission languages, If data is available in more languages create TRANSLATED_SUBTITLE_EN, TRANSLATED_TITLE_FR etc. | |
ABSTRACT | Clob | No | The student thesis abstract, if more than one language is available create columns like ABSTRACT_EN, ABSTRACT_FR etc. | ||
PLACEMENT_ORG_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) |
If defined lookup for organisation will be done by Non-explicit Id Matching. The placement organisation must also occur in the STUDENT_THESIS_ORGANISATION view. |
The placement organisation must also occur in the STUDENT_THESIS_ORGANISATION view. |
PLACEMENT_ORG_SOURCE_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for organisation will be done by ORGANISATION_ID from organisation synchronisation. | |
PLACEMENT_ORG_PURE_ID | Long | No(*) | If defined the organisation will be found using the Pure ID. | ||
AWARD_DATE_YEAR | Integer | Min=1800, Max=2100 | Yes | ||
AWARD_DATE_MONTH | Integer | Min=1, Max=12 | No | ||
AWARD_DATE_DAY | Integer | Min=1, Max=31 | No | ||
BIBLIOGRAPHICAL_NOTE | String | 1024 | No | The student thesis bibliographical note, if more than one language is available create columns like BIBLIOGRAPHICAL_NOTE_EN, BIBLIOGRAPHICAL_NOTE_FR etc. | |
VISIBILITY | String | 1024 | No |
If you want to you can set the visibility of the person. It can be either Publicly available, Campus (IP address) or Restricted to Pure users. If you supply a value it must be one of the following: public, campus, restricted If no value is specified, Publicly available will be selected automatically. |
MANAGED_IN_PURE | Boolean | No |
Indicates whether or not a student thesis should be managed inside Pure. If set to TRUE the synchronisation will only import the student thesis and not lock any fields/relations. In subsequent synchronisation runs, the synchronisation will not update the student thesis, unless the MANAGED_IN_PURE state is changed to FALSE. If changed the student thesis will be picked up by the synchronisation and handled as a synchronised content and fields and relations will be locked based on the configuration. The default behaviour for the synchronisation is to consider MANAGED_IN_PURE as FALSE if data us not supplied for it. |
WORKFLOW | String | 1024 | No | The workflow step for the student thesis, valid values are "forApproval" and "approved"). This field is available from 5.4.1-1 and newer. |
(*) Placement is required on a thesis and one of the 3 ids should be used for linking the correct organisation to the thesis.
Column name | Data type | Size | Mandatory | Note |
STUDENT_THESIS_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the thesis |
AUTHOR_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | Unique value for the student thesis author relation |
PERSON_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for internal person will be done by Non-explicit Id Matching |
PERSON_SOURCE_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for internal person will be done by PERSON_ID from person synchronisation |
PERSON_PURE_ID | Long | (No*) | If defined the person will be found using the Pure ID | |
ROLE | Classification | 1024 | Yes | Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/studentthesis/roles/studentthesis |
FIRST_NAME | String | 1024 | No | The author first name at the time of writing the thesis |
LAST_NAME | String | 1024 | No | The author last name at the time of writing the thesis |
EXT_PERSON_ID | String | 1024 | No(**) | If defined lookup for external organisation will be done by Non-explicit Id Matching |
EXT_PERSON_SOURCE_ID | String | 1024 | No(**) | If defined lookup for external person will be done by EXTERNAL_PERSON_ID from external person synchronisation |
EXT_PERSON_PURE_ID | Long | No(**) | If defined the external person will be found using the Pure ID | |
EXT_PERSON_COUNTRY | Classification | 1024 | No | Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries |
EXT_PERSON_TYPE | Classification | 1024 | No | Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/externalperson/externalpersontypes |
LIST_INDEX | Long | Yes | The author order in the list of authors, this sort order is only used when the list of authors are synchronised the first time. |
(*) If the person is an internal person it is required that one of the 3 ids should be used for linking the person to the thesis.
(**) If the person is an external person it is required that one of the 3 ids should be used for linking the person to the thesis.
IMPORTANT: All organisations that are related to the student thesis. Also those that are related through authors.
Column name | Data type | Size | Mandatory | Note |
STUDENT_THESIS_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the thesis |
ORG_RELATION_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the student thesis organisation relation |
ORG_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for organisation will be done by Non-explicit Id Matching |
ORG_SOURCE_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for organisation will be done by ORGANISATION_ID from organisation synchronisation |
ORG_PURE_ID | Long | No(*) | If defined the organisation will be found using the Pure ID |
(*) If the thesis is related to an internal organisation it is required that one of the 3 ids should be used for linking the correct organisation to the thesis
IMPORTANT: All organisations that are in this list also need to be in STUDENT_THESIS_ORGANISATON view. However if the same organisation is related to 2 authors this view will have 2 entries and STUDENT_THESIS_ORGANISATION should only have one.
Column name | Data type | Size | Mandatory | Note |
AUTHOR_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The author id from STUDENT_THESIS_AUTHOR |
AUTHOR_ORG_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | Unique id for this author organisation |
ORG_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for organisation will be done non by Non-explicit Id Matching |
ORG_SOURCE_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for organisation will be done by ORGANISATION_ID from organisation synchronisation |
ORG_PURE_ID | Long | No(*) | If defined the organisation will be found using the Pure ID | |
LIST_INDEX | Long | Yes | The organisation order for the associated author, this sort order is only used when the list of organisations is synchronised the first time |
(*) If the person is related to an internal organisation it is required that one of the 3 ids should be used for linking the correct organisation to the person.
Column name | Data type | Size | Mandatory | Note |
AUTHOR_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The author id from STUDENT_THESIS_AUTHOR |
AUTHOR_EXT_ORG_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | Unique id for this author external organisation |
EXT_ORG_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for external organisation will be done by Non-explicit Id Matching |
EXT_ORG_SOURCE_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for external organisation will be done by EXTERNAL_ORGANISATION_ID from external organisation synchronisation |
EXT_ORG_PURE_ID | Long | No(*) | If defined the external organisation will be found using the Pure ID | |
EXT_ORG_NAME | String | 1024 | No | The name of the external organisation |
EXT_ORG_TYPE | Classification | 1024 | No | Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/ueoexternalorganisation/ueoexternalorganisationtypes. This type is used for matching the external organisation, unless this type of behavior is disabled in the synchronisation. The type "unknown" organisation type is ignored during matching, to provide the best possible matches. |
EXT_ORG_COUNTRY | Classification | 1024 | No | Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries |
LIST_INDEX | Long | Yes | The external organisation order for the associated author, this sort order is only used when the list of external organisations is synchronised the first time |
(*) If the person is related to an external organisation it is required that one of the 3 ids should be used for linking the correct external organisation to the person.
Column name |
Data type |
Size |
Mandatory |
Note |
STUDENT_THESIS_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the thesis |
EXTERNAL_ORG_RELATION_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the student thesis external organisation relation |
EXTERNAL_ORG_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for external organisation will be done by Non-explicit Id Matching |
EXTERNAL_ORG_SOURCE_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for external organisation will be done by EXTERNAL_ORGANISATION_ID from external organisation synchronisation |
EXTERNAL_ORG_PURE_ID | Long | No(*) | If defined the external organisation will be found using the Pure ID | |
EXTERNAL_ORG_NAME | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for external organisation will be done by the external organisation name. |
EXTERNAL_ORG_TYPE | Classification | 1024 |
No Only used when doing name matching. Otherwise not. |
The type of external organisation. Value from classification scheme dk/atira/pure/ueoexternalorganisation/ueoexternalorganisationtypes.
This type is used for matching the external organisation, unless this type of behavior is disabled in the synchronisation. The type "unknown" organisation type is ignored during matching, to provide the best possible matches. |
EXTERNAL_ORG_COUNTRY | Classification | 1024 |
No Only used when doing name matching. Otherwise not. |
Search by name is narrowed down by limiting to the country. If not defined search ignores country. Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries |
(*) Only one means of identification of other content must be used. Do not fill in data into more than one column per relation, unless otherwise noted.
Column name | Data type | Size | Mandatory | Note |
STUDENT_THESIS_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the thesis |
SUPERVISOR_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the student thesis supervisor relation |
PERSON_ROLE | Classification | 1024 | Yes |
Value from classification scheme
PERSON_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for internal person will be done by Non-explicit Id Matching |
PERSON_SOURCE_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for internal person will be done by PERSON_ID from synchronisation |
PERSON_PURE_ID | Long | No(*) | If defined the person will be found using the Pure ID | |
EXT_PERSON_ID | String | 1024 | No(**) | If defined lookup for external person will be done by Non-explicit Id Matching |
EXT_PERSON_SOURCE_ID | String | 1024 | No(**) | If defined lookup for external person will be done by EXTERNAL_PERSON_ID from external person synchronisation |
EXT_PERSON_PURE_ID | Long | No(**) | If defined the external person will be found using the Pure ID | |
EXT_PERSON_LAST_NAME | String | 1024 | No(**) | If defined lookup for external person will be done by name |
EXT_PERSON_FIRST_NAME | String | 1024 | No(**) | Search by name is narrowed down by limiting to the first name. If not defined search ignores first name. |
EXT_PERSON_COUNTRY | Classification | 1024 |
No Only used when doing name matching. Otherwise not. |
Search by name is narrowed down by limiting to the country. If not defined search ignores country. Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries |
LIST_INDEX | Long | Yes | The supervisor order in the list of supervisors, this sort order is only used when the list of supervisors are synchronised the first time |
(*) If the person is an internal person it is required that one of the 3 ids should be used for linking the person to the thesis.
(**) If the person is an external person one of the 3 ids or last name are required for linking the person to the thesis.
Column name | Data type | Size | Mandatory | Note |
STUDENT_THESIS_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the thesis |
AWARD_INSTITUTION_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the student thesis award institution relation |
ORG_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for organisation will be done by Non-explicit Id Matching |
ORG_SOURCE_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for organisation will be done by ORGANISATION_ID from organisation synchronisation |
ORG_PURE_ID | Long | No(*) | If defined the organisation will be found using the Pure ID | |
EXTERNAL_ORG_ID | String | 1024 | No(**) | If defined lookup for external organisation will be done by Non-explicit Id Matching |
EXTERNAL_ORG_SOURCE_ID | String | 1024 | No(**) | If defined lookup for external organisation will be done by EXTERNAL_ORGANISATION_ID from external organisation synchronisation |
EXTERNAL_ORG_PURE_ID | Long | No(**) | If defined the external organisation will be found using the Pure ID | |
EXTERNAL_ORG_TYPE | Classification | 1024 | No |
Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/ueoexternalorganisation/ueoexternalorganisationtypes. This type is used for matching the external organisation, unless this type of behavior is disabled in the synchronisation. The type "unknown" organisation type is ignored during matching, to provide the best possible matches. |
EXTERNAL_ORG_COUNTRY | Classification | 1024 | No | Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries |
EXTERNAL_ORG_NAME | String | 1024 | No(**) | The name of the external organisation |
LIST_INDEX | Long | Yes | The awarding institution order in the list of awarding institutions, this sort order is only used when the list of awarding instituitions are synchronised the first time |
(*) If the awarding institution is an internal organisation it is required that one of the 3 ids should be used for linking the awarding institution to the thesis.
(**) Only one means of identification of other content must be used. Do not fill in data into more than one column per relation, unless otherwise noted.
Column name | Data type | Size | Mandatory | Note |
STUDENT_THESIS_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the thesis |
SPONSOR_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the student thesis sponsor relation |
EXTERNAL_ORG_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | if defined lookup for external organisation will be done by Non-explicit Id Matching |
EXTERNAL_ORG_SOURCE_ID | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for external organisation will be done by the external organisation source id. |
EXTERNAL_ORG_PURE_ID | Long | No(*) | If defined lookup for external organisation will be done by the external organisation pure id. | |
EXTERNAL_ORG_NAME | String | 1024 | No(*) | If defined lookup for external organisation will be done by the external organisation name. |
EXTERNAL_ORG_TYPE | Classification | 1024 |
No Is only used when doing name matching. Otherwise not. |
The type of external organisation. Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/ueoexternalorganisation/ueoexternalorganisationtypes. This type is used for matching the external organisation, unless this type of behavior is disabled in the synchronisation. The type "unknown" organisation type is ignored during matching, to provide the best possible matches. |
EXTERNAL_ORG_COUNTRY | Classification | 1024 |
No Is only used when doing name matching. Otherwise not. |
Search by name is narrowed down by limiting to the country. If not defined search ignores country. Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries |
LIST_INDEX | Long | Yes | The sponsor order in the list of sponsors, this sort order is only used when the list of sponsors are synchronised the first time |
(*) Only one means of identification of other content must be used. Do not fill in data into more than one column per relation, unless otherwise noted.
Column name |
Data type |
Size |
Mandatory |
Note |
STUDENT_THESIS_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The ID for the student thesis to add this keyword. The STUDENT_THESIS_ID must exist in the STUDENT_THESIS_DATA view above. |
LOGICAL_NAME | String | 1024 | Yes | The logical name of the keyword group configuration in Pure, e.g. 'keywordContainers' NOTE there must exists a keyword group for Student thesis which has the specified logical name |
TYPE | Classification | 255 | no | The type of structured keyword to add. Note you must provide the last part of the uri (key) of the classification you want to use. Note the allowed types depends on what classifications are in the keyword group with the provided logical name. I.e. if the classification scheme is Keywords (/dk/atira/pure/core/keywords) then a valid type value is 'A/AC' which will result in the keyword 'AC Collections. Series. Collected works' |
FREE_KEYWORD | String | 1024 | no |
The free keyword to add. If no locale is specified in the column name, the keyword is added to all supported locales. If locales are provided, all supported locales must be specified To provide a locale you need to suffix the language to the column name and create a column for each supported locale. In the case of French and English this would result in the following columns: FREE_KEYWORD_EN FREE_KEYWORD_FR If locales are specified FREE_KEYWORD must not be present in your view without a locale suffix. The language should be appended in ISO 639-1 (two-letter codes) |
Column name | Data type | Size | Mandatory | Note |
STUDENT_THESIS_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the thesis |
DOCUMENT_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique value for the student thesis document relation |
TYPE | Classification | 1024 | Yes | Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/document/studentthesisdoctypes |
VALUE | String/Blob | 1024 | Yes | Where to fetch the document from for example an URL. Use Blob if BYTE protocol is used |
PROTOCOL | String | 1024 | Yes |
The following protocols are supported: BYTE, FILE & HTTP It is important that the value used is exactly identical to the above mentioned. |
FILE_NAME | String | 1024 | No | The document filename |
MIME_TYPE | String | 1024 | No | The document mimetype |
FILE_TITLE | String | 1024 | No | The document title |
VISIBILITY | String | 1024 | No |
If you want to you can set the visibility of the person. It can be either Publicly available, Campus (IP address) or Restricted to Pure users. If you supply a value it must be one of the following: public, campus, restricted If no value is specified, Publicly available will be selected automatically. |
EMBARGO_DATE | Date | |||
EMBARGO_REASON | Classification | 1024 | No | Value from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/document/studentthesisembargoreason |
Column name |
Data type |
Size |
Mandatory |
Note |
STUDENT_THESIS_ID | String | 1024 | Yes | STUDENT_THESIS_ID is refering to the STUDENT_THESIS_ID in the STUDENT_THESIS_DATA view. |
ID | String | 1024 | Yes | The unique id for the link. |
URL | String | 1024 | Yes | The url for the link |
TYPE | Classification | 1024 | No | The type of link. |
DESCRIPTION | String(*) | 1024 | No |
The DESCRIPTION to add. If no locale is specified in the column name, the DESCRIPTION is added to all supported locales. If locales are provided, all supported locales must be specified To provide a locale you need to suffix the language to the column name and create a column for each supported locale. In the case of French and English this would result in the following columns: DESCRIPTION_EN DESCRIPTION_FR If locales are specified DESCRIPTION must not be present in your view without a locale suffix. The language should be appended in ISO 639-1 (two-letter codes) |
Published at July 27, 2024