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Pure Portals and hosting migrationsPure Portals and hosting migrations
Who is this page for?
This page is intended for clients who have recently bought cloud servers for their existing self-hosted Pure, and are currently or will soon be working on a migration project with a Pure Implementation Manager. It provides general information that is applicable to all Pures; your Implementation Manager will help you address the details specific to your individual case.
If you have a Pure Portal in your self-hosted Pure, then a new Pure Portal will be created for you during your hosting migration. All configurations will be copied over, meaning the data shown will be identical to that in your old Portal. However, if you have made changes to any text resources in your current Pure Portal, these have to be recreated for the new Pure Portal.
If you have changed any text resources in your Pure Portal, this will have been done as shown in the screenshot below:

If you have made text resource changes but cannot recall where, your Implementation Manager will assist you in this process.
Updated at July 27, 2024