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Person XMLPerson XML
This page details the Person content type. On this page you will find different representations of the data elements contained within this type.
Below is the xsd for the Person content type that defines the import xml format. Also provided is mapping tables generated based on this XSD as well as an example xml that shows how the fields can be populated.
This is logical broken down into the different elements to help you gain a better understanding of the Person content type and how to create, read and update these records using the mechanisms provided in Pure.
Note: for the mapping tables all attributes and elements are listed, along with descriptions of the purposes of the field and any data requirements. Attribute are prefaced with an "@" to differentiate from elements, but as shown in the examples this isn't used when generating the xml.
Some elements offer options of which elements to include (such as whether to provide the ID of a person or organisation or name for lookup). These are denoted by reference to "Option Groups" where numbers are used to indicate where multiple elements are part of the same option. See example xmls for demonstrations of how to use these elements.
The Person content type represents a person who has relationships with specific organisation units at your institution (e.g. an "internal" person). For each person you need to have a person element with metadata about the person and at least one organisation affiliation element, which can be for either a staff, student, honorary or visitor relationship. A person can have multiple relationships and of different types (for example the same person can have be a student studying a PhD and a staff member working as part of a research team).
Below files are available for your download at Pure:
- Simple Example XML - This shows only the mandatory fields that need to be populated
- Advanced Example XML - This shows all fields that can be used. Snippets of this file are shown with their related elements below.
- XSD (Xml Schema Definition) - This is a definition of what structure the XML must follow. This page has been generated based on the contents of the xsd file, and snippets of the definition are shown with their relevant element below
- Editor Example PNG - This image shows the result of loading the advanced example xml into Pure, to allow for easy reference of which fields in Pure point to which elements in the XML. Note that the way the data is presented within your Pure instance may be different due to different configuration
- Webservice Example Response - This shows an example response of retrieving the record generated via this xml via the webservice
- Pure API Example Response - This shows an example response of retrieving the record generated via this xml via the Pure API. Note as the Pure API allows for creation of records, this format could also be used to create a new record with these details, but some fields would be ignored in that case (such as audit fields like created/modified by and internal Pure identifiers like UUID and Pure ID which wouldn't exist yet). UUIDs for related content (such as organisational units) would need to be updated as well.
A list of person elements of type person
Root element of the xml document.
XML Example
<persons xmlns=""
xmlns:cmns=""><!--These first two lines should always be included in the xml as they appear above. A full set of records with each data load, not a delta set. If a record is removed from the XML that person will appear Former in Pure-->
<person id="person1" managedInPure="false"><!--There are many IDs required in the Pure XML. They can be alpha numeric and need to be unique. These IDs should not change with subsequent data loads as Pure will view them as new records and create duplicates.-->
<names><!-- IDs like this need to be unique for the person, but not for all people in Pure. They are used to definitively identify the entry, so if the type or value is changed, then the existing entry will be updated, not a new one created -->
<classifiedName id="classifiedAssoc1">
<title id="titleAssoc1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Professor</cmns:text>
<!-- Dates should be formatted DD-MM-YYYY -->
<cmns:road>Brewery Street 21</cmns:road>
<cmns:building>The old brewery</cmns:building>
<cmns:postalCode>SW1V 4NP</cmns:postalCode>
<leaveOfAbsence id="leaveAssoc1">
<personPhoto id="personPhotoAssoc1">
<data><!--You have a CHOICE of the next 3 items at this level-->
<phdResearchProjects>Tesla Coil</phdResearchProjects>
<organisationAssociations><!-- At least one organisation association is required, but it can be any of the four types -->
<staffOrganisationAssociation id="staffAssoc1" managedInPure="false">
<cmns:classifiedAddress id="staffAssoc1ClassifiedAddressAssoc1">
<cmns:postalCode>SW1V 4NP</cmns:postalCode>
<cmns:street>Wayne Street</cmns:street>
Wayne Street
57.100452089370705, 9.525146484375
56.935984453472, 9.832763671875
57.01083265740579, 10.2008056640625
57.1779474000072, 10.1019287109375
57.20771009775018, 9.7833251953125
57.097468259301586, 9.5196533203125
<cmns:classifiedPhoneNumber id="personStaffAssoc1PhoneNumber1">
<cmns:classifiedEmail id="personStaffAssocEmail1">
<cmns:classifiedWebAddress id="personStaffAssoc1WebAdress1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">http:\\</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="exofficio">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="headofdepartment"/>
When using Synchronised Jobs to create people, supervisor relationships are created
by using the Configurable Supervisor Synchronisation job on the same xml.
The Configurable Person Synchronisation job must be run first so as to create
all the people before these relationships are then added
<supervisorRelation id="supervisorRelation1">
<!-- This value is required and is used to determine licenses, which are based on current Academic staff -->
<cmns:text lang="en">Science research</cmns:text>
<visitingOrganisationAssociation id="visitingAssoc2">
<cmns:text lang="en">Scientific Research</cmns:text>
<!-- Rather than specifying the id for the organisation you can specify the details below, Pure will attempt to match to existing organisations and create if not found -->
</externalOrganisation> -->
<honoraryOrganisationAssociation id="honoraryAssoc3">
<cmns:text lang="en">Adjunct Professor in Microbology</cmns:text>
<studentOrganisationAssociation id="studentAssoc4">
<!--Date format should be DD-MM-YYYYY-->
<supervisorRelation id="supervisorRelation2"><!-- Supervisor element is used to match to internal supervisor -->
<supervisorRelation id="supervisorRelation2">
<externalSupervisor><!-- Can use either ID or name matching. If name does not match any existing external persons then it will be created --><!--
</id> -->
<period><!-- Exclude end date element to show supervision is ongoing -->
<!-- related to classification: /dk/atira/pure/person/studentstatus-->
<programme>Doctorate of Philosophy</programme>
<!-- related to classification: /dk/atira/pure/person/studenttypedescription-->
<cmns:text lang="en">Study of the effects of low gravity upon micro-organisms</cmns:text>
<affiliationNote>Exchange Student</affiliationNote>
<personEducation id="person1EducationAssoc1">
<!-- Only one of the two following fields should be used. Whether to use the fieldOfStudy as a string or classification is defined under System Settings -> Person -->
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Electronics</cmns:text>
<!-- Only one of the two following fields should be used. Whether to use the qualification as a string or classification is defined under System Settings -> Person -->
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Child genius</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Tesla Coils influence on the earths core</cmns:text>
<externalPosition id="person1ExternalPosAssoc1">
<!-- Only one of the two following fields should be used. Whether to use the appointment as a string or classification is defined under System Settings -> Person -->
</identification> --><!-- Rather than specifying the id for the organisation you can specify the details below, Pure will attempt to match to existing organisations and create if not found -->
<personCustomField id="person1ProfileInfo1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">
Elsevier is a world-leading provider of information solutions that help you make better decisions, deliver better care, and sometimes make groundbreaking discoveries in science, health, and technology.
Elsevier's cross-discipline platforms support your research journey, enable research and career management, and empower you to make an even greater impact in your field.
<professionalQualification id="person1Qualification1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Genius</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Genius</cmns:text>
<keywords><!-- Free text keyword not tied to classification. By default on Persons the default keyword is tied to a classification --><!-- <cmns:keyword logicalName="keywordContainers">Research Systems</cmns:keyword> --><!-- Keyword tied to classification scheme. Key should match URI suffix of desired classification value -->
<cmns:keyword logicalName="sustainabledevelopmentgoals" key="no_poverty"/>
<!-- If User Defined keywords are enabled for the keyword definition then values can be specified within the tag as per below -->
<cmns:keyword logicalName="keywordContainers" key="T/TK">Electromagnetism</cmns:keyword>
<cmns:link id="person1LinkAssoc1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Website for his proposed solution</cmns:text>
<!-- This user must be loaded before the person record to ensure the linkage can be made -->
<user id="user1"/>
<cmns:id type="employee" id="person1">person1</cmns:id>
<!-- Supervisors should already exist in Pure or be included in the load file -->
<person id="supervisor1">
<organisationAssociations><!-- association can be either staffOrganisationAssociation, studentOrganisationAssociation, honoraryOrganisationAssociation, or visitingOrganisationAssociation -->
<staffOrganisationAssociation id="organisationAssoc1">
<organisation><!-- organisation can be found in organisation-simple-examples.xml -->
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="persons">
<xs:documentation>Root element of the xml document.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="person" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="resumptionToken" type="xs:string">
To enable resumption tokens, add an URL to the "XML source data location" in the job configuration with "{resumptionToken}" as a placeholder, for instance "{resumptionToken}".
The endpoint must handle the resumptionToken in the following manner:
If an empty resumptionToken is sent, the endpoint must return all data. If a non-empty resumptionToken is sent, the endpoint must return all data that has changed since the time the resumptionToken was sent.
This xml element is used for persons you want to synchronise into Pure. This means that one entry in the xml has to exist per person you want to have in Pure. For each person you have to specify a unique ID, which will be the primary source ID for identifiying this person in the synchronisation.
This ID is for synchronisation purposes only, it has to be unique for each person and cannot change over time.
XML Example
<person xmlns=""
managedInPure="false"><!--There are many IDs required in the Pure XML. They can be alpha numeric and need to be unique. These IDs should not change with subsequent data loads as Pure will view them as new records and create duplicates.-->
<names><!-- IDs like this need to be unique for the person, but not for all people in Pure. They are used to definitively identify the entry, so if the type or value is changed, then the existing entry will be updated, not a new one created -->
<classifiedName id="classifiedAssoc1">
<title id="titleAssoc1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Professor</cmns:text>
<!-- Dates should be formatted DD-MM-YYYY -->
<cmns:road>Brewery Street 21</cmns:road>
<cmns:building>The old brewery</cmns:building>
<cmns:postalCode>SW1V 4NP</cmns:postalCode>
<leaveOfAbsence id="leaveAssoc1">
<personPhoto id="personPhotoAssoc1">
<data><!--You have a CHOICE of the next 3 items at this level-->
<phdResearchProjects>Tesla Coil</phdResearchProjects>
<organisationAssociations><!-- At least one organisation association is required, but it can be any of the four types -->
<staffOrganisationAssociation id="staffAssoc1" managedInPure="false">
<cmns:classifiedAddress id="staffAssoc1ClassifiedAddressAssoc1">
<cmns:postalCode>SW1V 4NP</cmns:postalCode>
<cmns:street>Wayne Street</cmns:street>
Wayne Street
57.100452089370705, 9.525146484375
56.935984453472, 9.832763671875
57.01083265740579, 10.2008056640625
57.1779474000072, 10.1019287109375
57.20771009775018, 9.7833251953125
57.097468259301586, 9.5196533203125
<cmns:classifiedPhoneNumber id="personStaffAssoc1PhoneNumber1">
<cmns:classifiedEmail id="personStaffAssocEmail1">
<cmns:classifiedWebAddress id="personStaffAssoc1WebAdress1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">http:\\</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="exofficio">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="headofdepartment"/>
When using Synchronised Jobs to create people, supervisor relationships are created
by using the Configurable Supervisor Synchronisation job on the same xml.
The Configurable Person Synchronisation job must be run first so as to create
all the people before these relationships are then added
<supervisorRelation id="supervisorRelation1">
<!-- This value is required and is used to determine licenses, which are based on current Academic staff -->
<cmns:text lang="en">Science research</cmns:text>
<visitingOrganisationAssociation id="visitingAssoc2">
<cmns:text lang="en">Scientific Research</cmns:text>
<!-- Rather than specifying the id for the organisation you can specify the details below, Pure will attempt to match to existing organisations and create if not found -->
</externalOrganisation> -->
<honoraryOrganisationAssociation id="honoraryAssoc3">
<cmns:text lang="en">Adjunct Professor in Microbology</cmns:text>
<studentOrganisationAssociation id="studentAssoc4">
<!--Date format should be DD-MM-YYYYY-->
<supervisorRelation id="supervisorRelation2"><!-- Supervisor element is used to match to internal supervisor -->
<supervisorRelation id="supervisorRelation2">
<externalSupervisor><!-- Can use either ID or name matching. If name does not match any existing external persons then it will be created --><!--
</id> -->
<period><!-- Exclude end date element to show supervision is ongoing -->
<!-- related to classification: /dk/atira/pure/person/studentstatus-->
<programme>Doctorate of Philosophy</programme>
<!-- related to classification: /dk/atira/pure/person/studenttypedescription-->
<cmns:text lang="en">Study of the effects of low gravity upon micro-organisms</cmns:text>
<affiliationNote>Exchange Student</affiliationNote>
<personEducation id="person1EducationAssoc1">
<!-- Only one of the two following fields should be used. Whether to use the fieldOfStudy as a string or classification is defined under System Settings -> Person -->
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Electronics</cmns:text>
<!-- Only one of the two following fields should be used. Whether to use the qualification as a string or classification is defined under System Settings -> Person -->
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Child genius</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Tesla Coils influence on the earths core</cmns:text>
<externalPosition id="person1ExternalPosAssoc1">
<!-- Only one of the two following fields should be used. Whether to use the appointment as a string or classification is defined under System Settings -> Person -->
</identification> --><!-- Rather than specifying the id for the organisation you can specify the details below, Pure will attempt to match to existing organisations and create if not found -->
<personCustomField id="person1ProfileInfo1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">
Elsevier is a world-leading provider of information solutions that help you make better decisions, deliver better care, and sometimes make groundbreaking discoveries in science, health, and technology.
Elsevier's cross-discipline platforms support your research journey, enable research and career management, and empower you to make an even greater impact in your field.
<professionalQualification id="person1Qualification1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Genius</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Genius</cmns:text>
<keywords><!-- Free text keyword not tied to classification. By default on Persons the default keyword is tied to a classification --><!-- <cmns:keyword logicalName="keywordContainers">Research Systems</cmns:keyword> --><!-- Keyword tied to classification scheme. Key should match URI suffix of desired classification value -->
<cmns:keyword logicalName="sustainabledevelopmentgoals" key="no_poverty"/>
<!-- If User Defined keywords are enabled for the keyword definition then values can be specified within the tag as per below -->
<cmns:keyword logicalName="keywordContainers" key="T/TK">Electromagnetism</cmns:keyword>
<cmns:link id="person1LinkAssoc1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Website for his proposed solution</cmns:text>
<!-- This user must be loaded before the person record to ensure the linkage can be made -->
<user id="user1"/>
<cmns:id type="employee" id="person1">person1</cmns:id>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="personType">
This xml element is used for persons you want to synchronise into Pure. This means that one entry in the xml has to exist per person you want to have in Pure. For each person you have to specify a unique ID, which will be the primary source ID for identifiying this person in the synchronisation.
This ID is for synchronisation purposes only, it has to be unique for each person and cannot change over time.
<xs:element name="name" type="commons:name" minOccurs="1">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">First name(s) & Last name</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>The default name of the person</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="names" type="names" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Name variant</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Name variants of the person, as defined in the /dk/atira/pure/person/names classification scheme</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="titles" type="titles" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Title</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Different titles for the person. typeClassification element must be a token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/person/titles</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="gender" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="1">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Gender</xs:appinfo>
The gender of the person. Should be a classification token from the scheme /dk/atira/pure/person/gender
Examples could be 'male', 'female', or 'unknown'
<xs:element name="dateOfBirth" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Date of birth</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Should be in format dd-MM-yyyy</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="nationality" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Nationality</xs:appinfo>
The nationality of the person. Should be a classification token from the scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries
<xs:element name="employeeStartDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Start date at institution</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Date the person started at the organisation. Format should be dd-MM-yyyy</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="systemLeavingDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">End date at institution</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Date the person left the organisation. Format should be dd-MM-yyyy</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="academicProfessionEntry" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Start date as an independant researcher</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Date when the person began working as a researcher. Format should be dd-MM-yyyy</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="retiralDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Retirement date</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Date when the person retired from working as a researcher. Format should be dd-MM-yyyy</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="privateAddress" type="commons:address" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Home address</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Private/Home address of a person (needs to be enabled in the System Settings options under Person)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="expert" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Create person as an expert</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Indicates a person is considered an expert (needs to be enabled in the System Settings options under Person)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="leavesOfAbsence" type="leavesOfAbsence" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Leave of absence</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Details of leaves of absence the person has scheduled (needs to be enabled in the System Settings options under Person)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="willingnessToPhd" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Willingness to take PhD students</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Whether the person is willing to be contacted as a potential PhD supervisor (needs to be enabled in the System Settings options under Person)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="photos" type="personPhotos" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Profile photos</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Photos of the person, such as a profile photo</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="phdResearchProjects" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">PhD research projects available</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>A list of the current research projects the person is looking for PhD candidates to work on</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="organisationAssociations" type="organisationAssociations">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Organisational affiliations</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>A collection of associations the person has with the institution. Can be of type staff, student, honorary or visiting.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="affiliationNote" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Further information on the affiliation</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Free text field describing the person's affiliation with the organisation (needs to be enabled in the System Settings options under Person)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="personEducations" type="personEducations" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Education/Academic Qualification</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>A list of the person education qualifications</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalPositions" type="externalPositions" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Positions outside of the institution</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>A list of the external positions the person has held</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="profileInformation" type="personCustomFields" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Curriculum and research description</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>A list of free text fields providing biographical information of the person. typeClassification must be a token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/person/customfields</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="professionalQualifications"
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Professional Qualifications</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>A list of different professional qualifications the person has achieved (needs to be enabled in the System Settings options under Person)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="keywords" type="commons:keywords" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Keywords</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>A combination of free text and structured keywords. Logical groups are validated against those defined as being tied to the Person Main Editor</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="links" type="commons:links" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Links</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>A collection of urls related to the person. The type attribute must be from the classification /dk/atira/pure/links/person</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="user" type="user" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Associated User</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>Used to link the person to an associated user. This grants Personal User access to this user to view, create and edit records associated with this person. The User import/sync needs to be run first to create the user so that it can be referenced here. The element has an attribute of "id", which would be the id from an external source used to create the user record i.e. an HR system.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="personIds" type="commons:ids" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">ID</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>IDs can be used to synchronise additional IDs to the persons. These IDs are not the IDs/primary keys we use to synchronise person data, but additional ones, like the HR ID of a person, or the ID in a student management system.
Type attribute must be a token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/person/personsources. Note that the ID attribute of this element is used to differentiate from other IDs in the load file. The subelement </xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="orcId" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">ORCID</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>The Orcid identifier of the person. Note just the suffix is accepted here, not the full URL. For example "0000-0001-2345-6789"</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="20"/>
<xs:element name="visibility" type="commons:visibility" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Visibility</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation>How the content can be viewed by others. Options include "Public", "Campus" & "Restricted". If no value is specified, Public will be selected by default.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="profiled" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Profiled</xs:appinfo>
Profiled is only available for customers who have the author profile module enabled, and is used to indicate who should be sent for the Profile Refinement Service. Please note, that this element will be set to false automatically when a person is retired.
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
<xs:appinfo source="pure.field">Source-ID</xs:appinfo>
This is unique ID of the Person, which will be the primary source ID for identifiying this person in the synchronisation.
This ID is for synchronisation purposes only, it has to be unique for each person and cannot change over time.
<xs:attribute type="xs:boolean" name="managedInPure" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>Whether the person is considered after creation to be managed in Pure or by an integrated external system. If you are planning to update people with data from your HR system this should be set to "false"</xs:documentation>
Field in Pure |
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
Source-ID |
@id |
This is unique ID of the Person, which will be the primary source ID for identifiying this person in the synchronisation. This ID is for synchronisation purposes only, it has to be unique for each person and cannot change over time. |
Yes |
@managedInPure |
Whether the person is considered after creation to be managed in Pure or by an integrated external system. If you are planning to update people with data from your HR system this should be set to "false" |
xsd:boolean |
Yes |
First name(s) & Last name |
name |
The default name of the person |
Yes |
Name variant |
names |
Name variants of the person, as defined in the /dk/atira/pure/person/names classification scheme |
No |
Title |
titles |
Different titles for the person. typeClassification element must be a token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/person/titles |
No |
Gender |
gender |
The gender of the person. Should be a classification token from the scheme /dk/atira/pure/person/gender Examples could be 'male', 'female', or 'unknown' |
Yes |
Date of birth |
dateOfBirth |
Should be in format dd-MM-yyyy |
No |
Nationality |
nationality |
The nationality of the person. Should be a classification token from the scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries |
No |
Start date at institution |
employeeStartDate |
Date the person started at the organisation. Format should be dd-MM-yyyy |
No |
End date at institution |
systemLeavingDate |
Date the person left the organisation. Format should be dd-MM-yyyy |
No |
Start date as an independant researcher |
academicProfessionEntry |
Date when the person began working as a researcher. Format should be dd-MM-yyyy |
No |
Retirement date |
retiralDate |
Date when the person retired from working as a researcher. Format should be dd-MM-yyyy |
No |
Home address |
privateAddress |
Private/Home address of a person (needs to be enabled in the System Settings options under Person) |
No |
Create person as an expert |
expert |
Indicates a person is considered an expert (needs to be enabled in the System Settings options under Person) |
xsd:boolean |
No |
Leave of absence |
leavesOfAbsence |
Details of leaves of absence the person has scheduled (needs to be enabled in the System Settings options under Person) |
No |
Willingness to take PhD students |
willingnessToPhd |
Whether the person is willing to be contacted as a potential PhD supervisor (needs to be enabled in the System Settings options under Person) |
xsd:boolean |
No |
Profile photos |
photos |
Photos of the person, such as a profile photo |
No |
PhD research projects available |
phdResearchProjects |
A list of the current research projects the person is looking for PhD candidates to work on |
xsd:string |
No |
Organisational affiliations |
organisationAssociations |
A collection of associations the person has with the institution. Can be of type staff, student, honorary or visiting. |
Yes |
Further information on the affiliation |
affiliationNote |
Free text field describing the person's affiliation with the organisation (needs to be enabled in the System Settings options under Person) |
xsd:string |
No |
Education/Academic Qualification |
personEducations |
A list of the person education qualifications |
No |
Positions outside of the institution |
externalPositions |
A list of the external positions the person has held |
No |
Curriculum and research description |
profileInformation |
A list of free text fields providing biographical information of the person. typeClassification must be a token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/person/customfields |
No |
Professional Qualifications |
professionalQualifications |
A list of different professional qualifications the person has achieved (needs to be enabled in the System Settings options under Person) |
No |
Keywords |
keywords |
A combination of free text and structured keywords. Logical groups are validated against those defined as being tied to the Person Main Editor |
No |
Links |
links |
A collection of urls related to the person. The type attribute must be from the classification /dk/atira/pure/links/person |
No |
Associated User |
user |
Used to link the person to an associated user. This grants Personal User access to this user to view, create and edit records associated with this person. The User import/sync needs to be run first to create the user so that it can be referenced here. The element has an attribute of "id", which would be the id from an external source used to create the user record i.e. an HR system. |
No |
ID |
personIds |
IDs can be used to synchronise additional IDs to the persons. These IDs are not the IDs/primary keys we use to synchronise person data, but additional ones, like the HR ID of a person, or the ID in a student management system. Type attribute must be a token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/person/personsources. Note that the ID attribute of this element is used to differentiate from other IDs in the load file. The subelement |
No |
orcId |
The Orcid identifier of the person. Note just the suffix is accepted here, not the full URL. For example "0000-0001-2345-6789" |
xsd:string |
No |
Visibility |
visibility |
How the content can be viewed by others. Options include "Public", "Campus" & "Restricted". If no value is specified, Public will be selected by default. |
No |
Profiled |
profiled |
Profiled is only available for customers who have the author profile module enabled, and is used to indicate who should be sent for the Profile Refinement Service. Please note, that this element will be set to false automatically when a person is retired. |
xsd:boolean |
No |
Used to link the person to an associated user. This grants Personal User access to this user to view, create and edit records associated with this person. The User import/sync needs to be run first to create the user so that it can be referenced here. The element has an attribute of "id", which would be the id from an external source used to create the user record i.e. an HR system.
XML Example
<user xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="user">
<xs:documentation>Used to link the person to an associated user. This grants Personal User access to this user to view, create and edit records associated with this person. The User import/sync needs to be run first to create the user so that it can be referenced here. The element has an attribute of "id", which would be the id from an external source used to create the user record i.e. an HR system.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="userName" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
DEPRECATED: This field is deprecated from 5.12 and will be removed in 5.15.
<xs:element name="email" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
DEPRECATED: This field is deprecated from 5.12 and will be removed in 5.15.
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
<xs:documentation>Id of the user. This would be the id from an external source i.e. an HR system.</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Id of the user. This would be the id from an external source i.e. an HR system. |
Yes |
A list of title elements of type title
XML Example
<titles xmlns=""
<title id="titleAssoc1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Professor</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="titles">
<xs:element name="title" type="title" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
A title for the person. This might be an official title, a preferred title or an honorary
XML Example
<title xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Professor</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="title">
A title for the person. This might be an official title, a preferred title or an honorary
<xs:element name="typeClassification"
The type of title. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/titles classification scheme
<xs:element name="value" type="commons:localized_string" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>Free text value of the title (e.g. Mrs, Professor, etc)</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor |
Yes |
typeClassification |
The type of title. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/titles classification scheme |
Yes |
value |
Free text value of the title (e.g. Mrs, Professor, etc) |
Yes |
Leaves of absence
A list of leaveOfAbsence elements of type leaveOfAbsence
XML Example
<leavesOfAbsence xmlns=""
<leaveOfAbsence id="leaveAssoc1">
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="leavesOfAbsence">
<xs:element name="leaveOfAbsence" type="leaveOfAbsence" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
A specific instance of leave for the person. This can be representing leave already taken or future dated leave
XML Example
<leaveOfAbsence xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="leaveOfAbsence">
A specific instance of leave for the person. This can be representing leave already taken or future dated leave
<xs:element name="classification" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="1">
The type of leave. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/loa classification scheme
<xs:element name="startDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>Start date of the leave. Should be in format dd-MM-yyyy</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="endDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>End date of the leave. Should be in format dd-MM-yyyy</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor |
Yes |
classification |
The type of leave. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/loa classification scheme |
Yes |
startDate |
Start date of the leave. Should be in format dd-MM-yyyy |
Yes |
endDate |
End date of the leave. Should be in format dd-MM-yyyy |
No |
A list of document elements of type document
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType name="documents">
<xs:element name="document" type="document" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
A specific Document
XML Example
<v1:document id="string">
<v1:title>Elsevier Logo</v1:title>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType name="document">
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="1" default="other"/>
<xs:element name="fileLocation" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="mimeType" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="fileName" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="title" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="visibility" type="commons:visibility" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required"/>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
This should be unique for the document and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor |
Yes |
type |
The type of photo. Must be a valid classification from the "/dk/atira/pure/person/persondocumenttypes". Default is general. |
Yes |
fileLocation |
Location where Pure can read the file from. Must be prefixed with protocol either http or https. Https is only supported if the remote server uses a trusted certificate. If the remote server uses a self-signed certificate, the JVM running Pure will need an updated keystore. |
Yes |
mimeType | What kind of file it is. | commons:string_256 | No |
fileName | What the file is named. | commons:string_256 | No |
title | Document Title. | commons:string_256 | No |
visibility | Where the document should be accessible from. | commons:visibility | No |
A list of personPhoto elements of type personPhoto
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="personPhotos">
<xs:element name="personPhoto" type="personPhoto" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
A specific photo of a given type. For instance a headshot as a profile photo, or a photo of them recieving an award. These can be displayed on the portal
XML Example
<personPhoto xmlns=""
<data><!--You have a CHOICE of the next 3 items at this level-->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="personPhoto">
A specific photo of a given type. For instance a headshot as a profile photo, or a photo of them recieving an award. These can be displayed on the portal
<xs:element name="classification" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="1">
The type of photo. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/personfiles classificationscheme
<xs:element name="data" type="dataType" minOccurs="1">
The data of the photo. This can be provided via a link to a URL that the Pure server has access to, a file path on the server or the base64 encoded byte being included in the xml file
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor |
Yes |
classification |
The type of photo. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/personfiles classificationscheme |
Yes |
data |
The data of the photo. This can be provided via a link to a URL that the Pure server has access to, a file path on the server or the base64 encoded byte being included in the xml file |
Yes |
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="dataType">
<xs:element name="http">
Use the HTTP element to indicate that the synchronization should fetch the file from an URL.
<xs:element name="url" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>URL pointing to where Pure can access the file</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="mimeType" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>MIME Type of the file, Pure will attempt to determine if not provided</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fileName" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Name to use for the file. Pure will derive if not provided</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="file">
Use the FILE element to indicate that the synchronization should fetch the file from the disk of the Pure installation.
<xs:element name="path" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>Path to the file on the server</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="mimeType" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>MIME Type of the file, Pure will attempt to determine if not provided</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fileName" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Name to use for the file. Pure will derive if not provided</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="byte">
Use the byte element to indicate that the synchronization should fetch the base64 encoded file from base64EncodedString element
<xs:element name="base64EncodedString" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>Base64 encoded string containing the file data</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="mimeType" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>MIME Type of the file</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fileName" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>Name to use for the file</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
http |
Use the HTTP element to indicate that the synchronization should fetch the file from an URL. |
Contains below components |
Yes |
http.url |
URL pointing to where Pure can access the file |
xsd:string |
Yes |
http.mimeType |
MIME Type of the file, Pure will attempt to determine if not provided |
No |
http.fileName |
Name to use for the file. Pure will derive if not provided |
No |
file |
Use the FILE element to indicate that the synchronization should fetch the file from the disk of the Pure installation. |
Contains below components |
Yes |
file.path |
Path to the file on the server |
xsd:string |
Yes |
file.mimeType |
MIME Type of the file, Pure will attempt to determine if not provided |
No |
file.fileName |
Name to use for the file. Pure will derive if not provided |
No |
byte |
Use the byte element to indicate that the synchronization should fetch the base64 encoded file from base64EncodedString element |
Contains below components |
Yes |
byte.base64EncodedString |
Base64 encoded string containing the file data |
xsd:string |
Yes |
byte.mimeType |
MIME Type of the file |
Yes |
byte.fileName |
Name to use for the file |
Yes |
Profile Information
A list of personCustomField elements of type personCustomField
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="personCustomFields">
<xs:element name="personCustomField"
A free text field containing biographical information of the person
XML Example
<personCustomField xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">
Elsevier is a world-leading provider of information solutions that help you make better decisions, deliver better care, and sometimes make groundbreaking discoveries in science, health, and technology.
Elsevier's cross-discipline platforms support your research journey, enable research and career management, and empower you to make an even greater impact in your field.
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="personCustomField">
A free text field containing biographical information of the person
<xs:element name="typeClassification"
The type of the custom field. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/customfields classification scheme
<xs:element name="value" type="commons:localized_string" minOccurs="1">
The text value for the field
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor |
Yes |
typeClassification |
The type of the custom field. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/customfields classification scheme |
Yes |
value |
The text value for the field |
Yes |
Name Variants
A list of classifiedName elements of type classifiedName
XML Example
<names xmlns=""
xmlns:cmns=""><!-- IDs like this need to be unique for the person, but not for all people in Pure. They are used to definitively identify the entry, so if the type or value is changed, then the existing entry will be updated, not a new one created -->
<classifiedName id="classifiedAssoc1">
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="names">
<xs:element name="classifiedName" type="classifiedName" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
A name variant of a defined type
XML Example
<classifiedName xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="classifiedName">
A name variant of a defined type
<xs:element name="name" type="commons:name" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="typeClassification"
The type of name. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/names classification scheme
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor |
Yes |
name |
Yes |
typeClassification |
The type of name. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/names classification scheme |
No |
A list of personEducation elements of type personEducation
XML Example
<personEducations xmlns=""
<personEducation id="person1EducationAssoc1">
<!-- Only one of the two following fields should be used. Whether to use the fieldOfStudy as a string or classification is defined under System Settings -> Person -->
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Electronics</cmns:text>
<!-- Only one of the two following fields should be used. Whether to use the qualification as a string or classification is defined under System Settings -> Person -->
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Child genius</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Tesla Coils influence on the earths core</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="personEducations">
<xs:element name="personEducation" type="personEducation" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Details of a specific education qualification the person has achieved
XML Example
<personEducation xmlns=""
<!-- Only one of the two following fields should be used. Whether to use the fieldOfStudy as a string or classification is defined under System Settings -> Person -->
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Electronics</cmns:text>
<!-- Only one of the two following fields should be used. Whether to use the qualification as a string or classification is defined under System Settings -> Person -->
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Child genius</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Tesla Coils influence on the earths core</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="personEducation">
Details of a specific education qualification the person has achieved
<xs:element name="startDate" type="commons:compoundDate" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The start date of the education, broken into seperate elements for year, month and day.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="endDate" type="commons:compoundDate" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The end date of the education, broken into seperate elements for year, month and day.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fieldOfStudyString"
Free text description of the field of study. Only one of the field of study fields should be used, which is determined by System Settings under Person
<xs:element name="fieldOfStudy" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The field of study. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/personeducation/fieldofstudy classification scheme. Only one of the field of study fields should be used, which is determined by System Settings under Person</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="qualificationString"
<xs:documentation>Free text description of the qualification. Only one of the qualification fields should be used, which is determined by System Settings under Person</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="qualification" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The qualification. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/personeducation/qualification classification scheme. Only one of the qualification fields should be used, which is determined by System Settings under Person</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="organisations"
<xs:documentation>The organisation the study was undertaken at. Can be internal or external.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="projectTitle"
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor
<xs:element name="awardDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Should be in format dd-MM-yyyy</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor |
Yes |
startDate |
The start date of the education, broken into seperate elements for year, month and day. |
No |
endDate |
The end date of the education, broken into seperate elements for year, month and day. |
No |
fieldOfStudyString |
Free text description of the field of study. Only one of the field of study fields should be used, which is determined by System Settings under Person |
No |
fieldOfStudy |
The field of study. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/personeducation/fieldofstudy classification scheme. Only one of the field of study fields should be used, which is determined by System Settings under Person |
No |
qualificationString |
Free text description of the qualification. Only one of the qualification fields should be used, which is determined by System Settings under Person |
No |
qualification |
The qualification. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/personeducation/qualification classification scheme. Only one of the qualification fields should be used, which is determined by System Settings under Person |
No |
organisations |
The organisation the study was undertaken at. Can be internal or external. |
No |
projectTitle |
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor |
No |
awardDate |
Should be in format dd-MM-yyyy |
No |
A list of professionalQualification elements of type professionalQualification
Contains one or more professional qualifications
XML Example
<professionalQualifications xmlns=""
<professionalQualification id="person1Qualification1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Genius</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Genius</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
Contains one or more professional qualifications
<xs:element name="professionalQualification"
Details of a professional qualification the person has achieved
XML Example
<professionalQualification xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Genius</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Genius</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
Details of a professional qualification the person has achieved
<xs:element name="startDate" type="commons:compoundDate" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The start date of the qualification, broken into seperate elements for year, month and day.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="endDate" type="commons:compoundDate" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The end date of the qualification, broken into seperate elements for year, month and day.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="qualification" type="commons:localized_string_1024">
<xs:documentation>Free text description of the qualification</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="abbreviatedQualification"
<xs:documentation>Abbreviated name of the qualification</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor |
Yes |
startDate |
The start date of the qualification, broken into seperate elements for year, month and day. |
No |
endDate |
The end date of the qualification, broken into seperate elements for year, month and day. |
No |
qualification |
Free text description of the qualification |
Yes |
abbreviatedQualification |
Abbreviated name of the qualification |
No |
Positions outside the institution
A list of externalPosition elements of type externalPosition
XML Example
<externalPositions xmlns=""
<externalPosition id="person1ExternalPosAssoc1">
<!-- Only one of the two following fields should be used. Whether to use the appointment as a string or classification is defined under System Settings -> Person -->
</identification> --><!-- Rather than specifying the id for the organisation you can specify the details below, Pure will attempt to match to existing organisations and create if not found -->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="externalPositions">
<xs:element name="externalPosition"
Details of an external position the person has been appointed to
XML Example
<externalPosition xmlns=""
<!-- Only one of the two following fields should be used. Whether to use the appointment as a string or classification is defined under System Settings -> Person -->
</identification> --><!-- Rather than specifying the id for the organisation you can specify the details below, Pure will attempt to match to existing organisations and create if not found -->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="externalPosition">
Details of an external position the person has been appointed to
<xs:element name="startDate" type="commons:compoundDate" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The start date of the external position, broken into seperate elements for year, month and day.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="endDate" type="commons:compoundDate" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The end date of the position, broken into seperate elements for year, month and day.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="appointment" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The type of appointment. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/externalposition classification scheme. By default the appointment field is free text using the appointmentString field. This must be enabled under System Settings -> Person</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="appointmentString" type="commons:string_512" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Description of the appointment. By default the appointment field is free text, but you can switch to using a classification and the appointment element. This must be enabled under System Settings -> Person</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrganisationAssociation"
<xs:documentation>The external organisation where the position was based.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
This should be unique for the person and is used to differentiate which record is modified when data is synchronized. It is not displayed in the editor |
Yes |
startDate |
The start date of the external position, broken into seperate elements for year, month and day. |
No |
endDate |
The end date of the position, broken into seperate elements for year, month and day. |
No |
appointment |
The type of appointment. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/externalposition classification scheme. By default the appointment field is free text using the appointmentString field. This must be enabled under System Settings -> Person |
No |
appointmentString |
Description of the appointment. By default the appointment field is free text, but you can switch to using a classification and the appointment element. This must be enabled under System Settings -> Person |
No |
externalOrganisationAssociation |
The external organisation where the position was based. |
No |
Organisational Affiliations
A list of organisationAssociation elements of type organisationAssociation
For each person at least one organisation association has to be included in the XML file. The association can be one of four types: staffOrganisationAssociation, studentOrganisationAssociation, honoraryOrganisationAssociation or visitingOrganisationAssociation.
There can always be more than one association per person , e.g. two staffOrganisationAssociation elements, even to the same organisation, or a visitingOrganisationAssociation element and a staffOrganisationAssociation element. You do not need to add elements you do not want to synchronise, so if you only want to synchronise staffOrganisationAssociation element, you do not need to add any other association elements.
XML Example
<organisationAssociations xmlns=""
xmlns:cmns=""><!-- At least one organisation association is required, but it can be any of the four types -->
<staffOrganisationAssociation id="staffAssoc1" managedInPure="false">
<cmns:classifiedAddress id="staffAssoc1ClassifiedAddressAssoc1">
<cmns:postalCode>SW1V 4NP</cmns:postalCode>
<cmns:street>Wayne Street</cmns:street>
Wayne Street
57.100452089370705, 9.525146484375
56.935984453472, 9.832763671875
57.01083265740579, 10.2008056640625
57.1779474000072, 10.1019287109375
57.20771009775018, 9.7833251953125
57.097468259301586, 9.5196533203125
<cmns:classifiedPhoneNumber id="personStaffAssoc1PhoneNumber1">
<cmns:classifiedEmail id="personStaffAssocEmail1">
<cmns:classifiedWebAddress id="personStaffAssoc1WebAdress1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">http:\\</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="exofficio">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="headofdepartment"/>
When using Synchronised Jobs to create people, supervisor relationships are created
by using the Configurable Supervisor Synchronisation job on the same xml.
The Configurable Person Synchronisation job must be run first so as to create
all the people before these relationships are then added
<supervisorRelation id="supervisorRelation1">
<!-- This value is required and is used to determine licenses, which are based on current Academic staff -->
<cmns:text lang="en">Science research</cmns:text>
<visitingOrganisationAssociation id="visitingAssoc2">
<cmns:text lang="en">Scientific Research</cmns:text>
<!-- Rather than specifying the id for the organisation you can specify the details below, Pure will attempt to match to existing organisations and create if not found -->
</externalOrganisation> -->
<honoraryOrganisationAssociation id="honoraryAssoc3">
<cmns:text lang="en">Adjunct Professor in Microbology</cmns:text>
<studentOrganisationAssociation id="studentAssoc4">
<!--Date format should be DD-MM-YYYYY-->
<supervisorRelation id="supervisorRelation2"><!-- Supervisor element is used to match to internal supervisor -->
<supervisorRelation id="supervisorRelation2">
<externalSupervisor><!-- Can use either ID or name matching. If name does not match any existing external persons then it will be created --><!--
</id> -->
<period><!-- Exclude end date element to show supervision is ongoing -->
<!-- related to classification: /dk/atira/pure/person/studentstatus-->
<programme>Doctorate of Philosophy</programme>
<!-- related to classification: /dk/atira/pure/person/studenttypedescription-->
<cmns:text lang="en">Study of the effects of low gravity upon micro-organisms</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="organisationAssociations">
<xs:documentation>For each person at least one organisation association has to be included in the XML file. The association can be one of four types: staffOrganisationAssociation, studentOrganisationAssociation, honoraryOrganisationAssociation or visitingOrganisationAssociation.
There can always be more than one association per person , e.g. two staffOrganisationAssociation elements, even to the same organisation, or a visitingOrganisationAssociation element and a staffOrganisationAssociation element. You do not need to add elements you do not want to synchronise, so if you only want to synchronise staffOrganisationAssociation element, you do not need to add any other association elements.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="organisationAssociation" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Base details common across all organisation association types
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
<xs:documentation>Base details common across all organisation association types</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="affiliationId" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The person's unique identifier for this position (such as staff id or student id)</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="30"/>
<xs:element name="addresses" type="commons:classifiedAddresses" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>A list of addresses related to the organisation affiliation (such as office location). The addressType element must be a token of the classification /dk/atira/pure/person/personaddresstype</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="phoneNumbers"
<xs:documentation>A list of phone numbers related to the organisation affiliation. The classification element must be a token of the classification /dk/atira/pure/person/personphonenumbertype</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="emails" type="commons:classifiedEmails" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>A list of email addresses related to the organisation affiliation. The classification element must be a token of the classification /dk/atira/pure/person/personemailtype</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="webAddresses"
<xs:documentation>A list of web addresses related to the organisation affiliation. The classification element must be a token of the classification /dk/atira/pure/person/personwebaddresstype</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="employmentType" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
The type of association. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/employmenttypes classification scheme for staff, visiting and honorary organisation associations
or /dk/atira/pure/person/studenttype for student organisation associations
<xs:element name="primaryAssociation"
<xs:documentation>Whether the association is the primary one for the person. Default false. Please be aware that only one associaton in total (staff, student, visting and honory) an be the primary association. Whether this field is enabled is controlled by the System Settings -> Person</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="organisation"
<xs:documentation>The unique id of the organisation unit this association is related to</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="period" type="commons:dateRange">
<xs:documentation>The period of time that the affiliation ran for. To show ongoing relationships, omit the endDate element.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="keywords" type="commons:keywords" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>A list of free text and/or structured keywords related to the association. Note that the logicalGroups here should match the affiliation type with the affiliation recorded in the Keyword specification</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="supervisedByRelations"
<xs:documentation>A list of the supervisors of the person in this particular affiliation. To load these via XML synchronization, the person xml sync job must be run first, followed by the Supervisor Synchronization job which uses the same XML. This way all necessary people are created before they are then linked as supervisors.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
<xs:documentation>The unique identifier for the organisation association. This ID must be unique and not change. It is used to control any updates to the record via the synchronization and is not displayed in the editor</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute type="xs:boolean" name="managedInPure" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>Whether the association is managed in Pure after creation or by the XML synchronisation. If you wish to update the record via XML post creation, this must be "false"</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
The unique identifier for the organisation association. This ID must be unique and not change. It is used to control any updates to the record via the synchronization and is not displayed in the editor |
Yes |
@managedInPure |
Whether the association is managed in Pure after creation or by the XML synchronisation. If you wish to update the record via XML post creation, this must be "false" |
xsd:boolean |
Yes |
affiliationId |
The person's unique identifier for this position (such as staff id or student id) |
xsd:string |
No |
addresses |
A list of addresses related to the organisation affiliation (such as office location). The addressType element must be a token of the classification /dk/atira/pure/person/personaddresstype |
No |
phoneNumbers |
A list of phone numbers related to the organisation affiliation. The classification element must be a token of the classification /dk/atira/pure/person/personphonenumbertype |
No |
emails |
A list of email addresses related to the organisation affiliation. The classification element must be a token of the classification /dk/atira/pure/person/personemailtype |
No |
webAddresses |
A list of web addresses related to the organisation affiliation. The classification element must be a token of the classification /dk/atira/pure/person/personwebaddresstype |
No |
employmentType |
The type of association. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/employmenttypes classification scheme for staff, visiting and honorary organisation associations or /dk/atira/pure/person/studenttype for student organisation associations |
No |
primaryAssociation |
Whether the association is the primary one for the person. Default false. Please be aware that only one associaton in total (staff, student, visting and honory) an be the primary association. Whether this field is enabled is controlled by the System Settings -> Person |
xsd:boolean |
No |
organisation |
The unique id of the organisation unit this association is related to |
Yes |
period |
The period of time that the affiliation ran for. To show ongoing relationships, omit the endDate element. |
Yes |
keywords |
A list of free text and/or structured keywords related to the association. Note that the logicalGroups here should match the affiliation type with the affiliation recorded in the Keyword specification |
No |
supervisedByRelations |
A list of the supervisors of the person in this particular affiliation. To load these via XML synchronization, the person xml sync job must be run first, followed by the Supervisor Synchronization job which uses the same XML. This way all necessary people are created before they are then linked as supervisors. |
No |
Used to represent a persons staff affiliation with an organisational unit. Note that licence counts in Pure are determined based on the number of people with current staff affiliations with staffType of academic.
XML Example
<staffOrganisationAssociation xmlns=""
<cmns:classifiedAddress id="staffAssoc1ClassifiedAddressAssoc1">
<cmns:postalCode>SW1V 4NP</cmns:postalCode>
<cmns:street>Wayne Street</cmns:street>
Wayne Street
57.100452089370705, 9.525146484375
56.935984453472, 9.832763671875
57.01083265740579, 10.2008056640625
57.1779474000072, 10.1019287109375
57.20771009775018, 9.7833251953125
57.097468259301586, 9.5196533203125
<cmns:classifiedPhoneNumber id="personStaffAssoc1PhoneNumber1">
<cmns:classifiedEmail id="personStaffAssocEmail1">
<cmns:classifiedWebAddress id="personStaffAssoc1WebAdress1">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">http:\\</cmns:text>
<cmns:logicalGroup logicalName="exofficio">
<cmns:structuredKeyword classification="headofdepartment"/>
When using Synchronised Jobs to create people, supervisor relationships are created
by using the Configurable Supervisor Synchronisation job on the same xml.
The Configurable Person Synchronisation job must be run first so as to create
all the people before these relationships are then added
<supervisorRelation id="supervisorRelation1">
<!-- This value is required and is used to determine licenses, which are based on current Academic staff -->
<cmns:text lang="en">Science research</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
<xs:documentation>Used to represent a persons staff affiliation with an organisational unit. Note that licence counts in Pure are determined based on the number of people with current staff affiliations with staffType of academic.</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="organisationAssociationType">
<xs:element name="staffType" type="commons:classification">
The type of staff. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/personstafftype classification. Note that license counts are based on current staff organisation associations with a staffType of academic
<xs:element name="contractType" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
The type of employment contract. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/personcontracttype classification.
<xs:element name="jobTitle" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
The title of the job. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/jobtitles classification.
<xs:element name="jobDescription"
A free text description of the job.
<xs:element name="fte" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
The full time equivalent of the role expressed as a decimal number
In addition to below items, this element contains all fields as defined by organisationAssociation
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
staffType |
The type of staff. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/personstafftype classification. Note that license counts are based on current staff organisation associations with a staffType of academic |
Yes |
contractType |
The type of employment contract. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/personcontracttype classification. |
No |
jobTitle |
The title of the job. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/jobtitles classification. |
No |
jobDescription |
A free text description of the job. |
No |
fte |
The full time equivalent of the role expressed as a decimal number |
xsd:double |
No |
Represents a student's relationship to an organisational unit (e.g. they are studying a course run by this unit)
XML Example
<studentOrganisationAssociation xmlns=""
<!--Date format should be DD-MM-YYYYY-->
<supervisorRelation id="supervisorRelation2"><!-- Supervisor element is used to match to internal supervisor -->
<supervisorRelation id="supervisorRelation2">
<externalSupervisor><!-- Can use either ID or name matching. If name does not match any existing external persons then it will be created --><!--
</id> -->
<period><!-- Exclude end date element to show supervision is ongoing -->
<!-- related to classification: /dk/atira/pure/person/studentstatus-->
<programme>Doctorate of Philosophy</programme>
<!-- related to classification: /dk/atira/pure/person/studenttypedescription-->
<cmns:text lang="en">Study of the effects of low gravity upon micro-organisms</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
<xs:documentation>Represents a student's relationship to an organisational unit (e.g. they are studying a course run by this unit)</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="organisationAssociationType">
<xs:element name="status" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The current status of the student's studies. Must be a token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/person/studentstatus</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="startYear" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The year the student commenced this program of study</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="30"/>
<xs:element name="programme" type="commons:string_512" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Free text description of the student study programme</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="studentTypeDescription"
<xs:documentation>Description of the student type. Must be a valid key from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/person/studentTypeDescription.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="expectedStudyDuration" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Expected duration of the student's studies expressed as integer</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="minStudyDuration" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Minimum duration of the student's studies expressed as integer</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="maxStudyDuration" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Maximum duration of the student's studies expressed as integer</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="programmeYear" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Year of the study program that the student is participating in</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="65"/>
<xs:element name="initialSubmissionDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Date that the student initially submitted for examination. Format is dd-MM-yyyy</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="expectedEndDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Date that the student is expected to complete their studies. Format is dd-MM-yyyy</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="studentNationality"
<xs:documentation>Nationality of the student. Should be a token of the classification /dk/atira/pure/core/countries which is based on the ISO 2 Digit Country code standard</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="studentResidencyFlag" type="residencyFlag" minOccurs="0">
Where the student is based. Possible values are "unknown", "home" or "overseas"
<xs:element name="studentCountryOfDomicile"
<xs:documentation>Country of Domicile of the student. Should be a token of the classification /dk/atira/pure/core/countries which is based on the ISO 2 Digit Country code standard</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="awardGained" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Free text description of the award recieved by the student</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="projectTitle"
<xs:documentation>Free text title of the project undertaken by the student in their studies</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="awardDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Date that the student was awarded their degree. Format is dd-MM-yyyy</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fte" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Full time equivalent expressed as a decimal number</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fundingAssociations" type="fundingAssociations" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Deprecated - Funding associations.</xs:documentation>
In addition to below items, this element contains all fields as defined by organisationAssociation
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
status |
The current status of the student's studies. Must be a token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/person/studentstatus |
No |
startYear |
The year the student commenced this program of study |
xsd:string |
No |
programme |
Free text description of the student study programme |
No |
studentTypeDescription |
Description of the student type. Must be a valid key from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/person/studentTypeDescription. |
No |
expectedStudyDuration |
Expected duration of the student's studies expressed as integer |
xsd:integer |
No |
minStudyDuration |
Minimum duration of the student's studies expressed as integer |
xsd:integer |
No |
maxStudyDuration |
Maximum duration of the student's studies expressed as integer |
xsd:integer |
No |
programmeYear |
Year of the study program that the student is participating in |
xsd:string |
No |
initialSubmissionDate |
Date that the student initially submitted for examination. Format is dd-MM-yyyy |
No |
expectedEndDate |
Date that the student is expected to complete their studies. Format is dd-MM-yyyy |
No |
studentNationality |
Nationality of the student. Should be a token of the classification /dk/atira/pure/core/countries which is based on the ISO 2 Digit Country code standard |
No |
studentResidencyFlag |
Where the student is based. Possible values are "unknown", "home" or "overseas" |
No |
studentCountryOfDomicile |
Country of Domicile of the student. Should be a token of the classification /dk/atira/pure/core/countries which is based on the ISO 2 Digit Country code standard |
No |
awardGained |
Free text description of the award recieved by the student |
No |
projectTitle |
Free text title of the project undertaken by the student in their studies |
No |
awardDate |
Date that the student was awarded their degree. Format is dd-MM-yyyy |
No |
fte |
Full time equivalent expressed as a decimal number |
xsd:double |
No |
fundingAssociations |
Funding associations. |
No |
XML Example
<honoraryOrganisationAssociation xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en">Adjunct Professor in Microbology</cmns:text>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
<xs:extension base="organisationAssociationType">
<xs:element name="jobTitle" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
The title of the job. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/jobtitles classification.
<xs:element name="jobDescription"
A free text description of the job.
In addition to below items, this element contains all fields as defined by organisationAssociation
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
jobTitle |
The title of the job. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/jobtitles classification. |
No |
jobDescription |
A free text description of the job. |
No |
XML Example
<visitingOrganisationAssociation xmlns=""
<cmns:text lang="en">Scientific Research</cmns:text>
<!-- Rather than specifying the id for the organisation you can specify the details below, Pure will attempt to match to existing organisations and create if not found -->
</externalOrganisation> -->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
<xs:extension base="organisationAssociationType">
<xs:element name="jobTitle" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
The title of the job. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/jobtitles classification.
<xs:element name="jobDescription"
A free text description of the job.
<xs:element name="purposeOfStay" type="commons:string_512" minOccurs="0">
A free text description of the purpose for the visitor's stay
<xs:element name="visitorFrom"
The external organisation the visitor has come from
In addition to below items, this element contains all fields as defined by organisationAssociation
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
jobTitle |
The title of the job. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/jobtitles classification. |
No |
jobDescription |
A free text description of the job. |
No |
purposeOfStay |
A free text description of the purpose for the visitor's stay |
No |
visitorFrom |
The external organisation the visitor has come from |
No |
XSD Definition
<xs:simpleType xmlns:xs="" name="residencyFlag">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="unknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="home"/>
<xs:enumeration value="overseas"/>
Restricted value: xs:string
Type |
Value |
Comments |
xs:enumeration |
unknown |
xs:enumeration |
home |
xs:enumeration |
overseas |
An association to either and internal or external organisation unit
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
<xs:documentation>An association to either and internal or external organisation unit</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="organisation" type="commons:classifiedIdentification">
<xs:documentation>An identifier for the organisation</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrganisationAssociation"
<xs:documentation>Details of an external organisation, either by ID or name.</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
organisation |
An identifier for the organisation |
Yes |
externalOrganisationAssociation |
Details of an external organisation, either by ID or name. |
Yes |
An association to an external organisation unit. It can either be associated based on identifiers or by providing the name of the organisation. If it isn't found, one will be created
XML Example
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
<xs:documentation>An association to an external organisation unit. It can either be associated based on identifiers or by providing the name of the organisation. If it isn't found, one will be created</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="identification" type="commons:identification">
<xs:documentation>An ID for the organisation to perform a lookup on.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrganisation" type="externalOrganisation">
<xs:documentation>The details of the organisation, such as name and country. If a match is not found a new record will be created.</xs:documentation>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
<xs:documentation>An association to an external organisation unit. It can either be associated based on identifiers or by providing the name of the organisation. If it isn't found, one will be created</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="identification" type="commons:identification">
<xs:documentation>An ID for the organisation to perform a lookup on.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrganisation" type="externalOrganisation">
<xs:documentation>The details of the organisation, such as name and country. If a match is not found a new record will be created.</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
identification |
An ID for the organisation to perform a lookup on. |
Yes |
externalOrganisation |
The details of the organisation, such as name and country. If a match is not found a new record will be created. |
Yes |
Details of an external organisation. Pure will attempt to match on name. If no match is found, one will be created with the provided details
XML Example
<externalOrganisation xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="externalOrganisation">
<xs:documentation>Details of an external organisation. Pure will attempt to match on name. If no match is found, one will be created with the provided details</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="name" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="1">
The name of the external organisation. Pure will attempt to match to an existing organisation using this name. If no match is found a new external organisation will be created.
<xs:element name="type" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/ueoexternalorganisation/ueoexternalorganisationtypes</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="country" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
name |
The name of the external organisation. Pure will attempt to match to an existing organisation using this name. If no match is found a new external organisation will be created. |
Yes |
type |
Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/ueoexternalorganisation/ueoexternalorganisationtypes |
No |
country |
Classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries |
No |
Supervisory Relationships
A list of supervisorRelation elements of type supervisorRelation
A collection of supervisor relations related to an organisation association
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="supervisorRelations">
<xs:documentation>A collection of supervisor relations related to an organisation association</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="supervisorRelation"
Details of the supervisory relationship of one person to another, it can be matched to an internal person based on ID or an external person using either ID or name matching. If no external person is matched on name then they will be automatically created based on the information provided
XML Example
<supervisorRelation xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="supervisorRelation">
<xs:documentation>Details of the supervisory relationship of one person to another, it can be matched to an internal person based on ID or an external person using either ID or name matching. If no external person is matched on name then they will be automatically created based on the information provided</xs:documentation>
<xs:choice minOccurs="1">
<xs:element name="supervisor" type="commons:classifiedIdentification">
<xs:documentation>ID of Internal person</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalSupervisor" type="externalPerson">
<xs:documentation>External person defined by id or name. If name is provided and no match is found, then a new external person will be created</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="supervisorOrganisationRelationId"
<xs:documentation>Deprecated. Is replaced by supervisorRole, for legacy support this field still exists, but it will be removed in future.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="supervisionPercentage" type="commons:percent" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The percentage of the supervision this person is responsible for. Should be a number between 0 and 1</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="period" type="commons:dateRange">
<xs:documentation>The period that the supervisory relationship covered. To indicate on ongoing relationship omit the end date element. Note that a person being considered "current" in Pure means having at least one association where the period includes today.</xs:documentation>
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="leadSupervisor" type="xs:boolean">
<xs:documentation>Deprecated. Is replaced by supervisorRole, for legacy support this field still exists, but it will be removed in future.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="supervisorRole" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The supervisor role. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/roles/supervisor classification scheme</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_400" name="id" use="required">
<xs:documentation>Unique identifier of the supervisory relationship. This is used to update appropriate records when values change in the XML while running the Sync job. Not displayed in the editor</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Unique identifier of the supervisory relationship. This is used to update appropriate records when values change in the XML while running the Sync job. Not displayed in the editor |
Yes |
supervisor |
ID of Internal person |
Yes |
externalSupervisor |
External person defined by id or name. If name is provided and no match is found, then a new external person will be created |
Yes |
supervisorOrganisationRelationId |
Deprecated. Is replaced by supervisorRole, for legacy support this field still exists, but it will be removed in future. |
No |
supervisionPercentage |
The percentage of the supervision this person is responsible for. Should be a number between 0 and 1 |
No |
period |
The period that the supervisory relationship covered. To indicate on ongoing relationship omit the end date element. Note that a person being considered "current" in Pure means having at least one association where the period includes today. |
Yes |
leadSupervisor |
Deprecated. Is replaced by supervisorRole, for legacy support this field still exists, but it will be removed in future. |
xsd:boolean |
No |
supervisorRole |
The supervisor role. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/person/roles/supervisor classification scheme |
No |
Details of a external person. This can either be matched on ID or details can be provided which will be used to find matches. If a match isn't found a new external person will be created.
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="externalPerson">
<xs:documentation>Details of a external person. This can either be matched on ID or details can be provided which will be used to find matches. If a match isn't found a new external person will be created.</xs:documentation>
<xs:choice minOccurs="1">
<xs:element name="id" type="commons:identification" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>ID of external Person will be used for matching against external Persons in Pure.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="firstName" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>First name of external Person, will be matched against external Persons in Pure, if not found an external Person with the Name will be created.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="lastName" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>Last name of external Person, will be matched against external Persons in Pure, if not found an external Person with the Name will be created.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="country" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Country of external Person. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/core/countries
If specified it will be used when matching external person by name and when creating an external person
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
id |
ID of external Person will be used for matching against external Persons in Pure. |
Yes |
firstName |
First name of external Person, will be matched against external Persons in Pure, if not found an external Person with the Name will be created. |
No |
lastName |
Last name of external Person, will be matched against external Persons in Pure, if not found an external Person with the Name will be created. |
Yes |
country |
Country of external Person. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/core/countries If specified it will be used when matching external person by name and when creating an external person |
No |
Student Funding Associations
A list of fundingAssociation elements of type fundingAssociation
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="fundingAssociations">
<xs:element name="fundingAssociation"
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="fundingAssociation">
<xs:element name="academicYear" type="commons:string_20" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="amount" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="amountCurrency" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The currency of the amount. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/core/isocurrencies classification scheme</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="costCentreCode" type="commons:string_40" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="analysisCode" type="commons:string_40" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="percent" type="commons:percent" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="funderType" type="funderType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="organisation"
<xs:element name="externalOrganisation"
<xs:element name="project"
<xs:attribute type="commons:string_512" name="id" use="required"/>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Yes |
academicYear |
No |
amount |
xsd:double |
No |
amountCurrency |
The currency of the amount. Must be a valid classification from the /dk/atira/pure/core/isocurrencies classification scheme |
No |
costCentreCode |
No |
analysisCode |
No |
percent |
No |
funderType |
No |
organisation |
No |
externalOrganisation |
No |
project |
No |
XSD Definition
<xs:simpleType xmlns:xs="" name="funderType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="selffunded"/>
<xs:enumeration value="internalfunding"/>
<xs:enumeration value="externalfunding"/>
Restricted value: xs:string
Type |
Value |
Comments |
xs:enumeration |
selffunded |
xs:enumeration |
internalfunding |
xs:enumeration |
externalfunding |
Published at July 27, 2024