How Can We Help?
Journal metrics for assessmentsJournal metrics for assessments
Metrics available:
- BFI journal level
- JUFO Journal metrics
Updating metrics:
- BFI assessment module is required
- BFI journal level can be added to journals using the job "BFI Journal Synchronisation" (Administrator → Cron jobs → BFI Journal Synchronisation)
- Before running the job, a BFI certificate needs to be added (Administrator → BFI → Settings → API certificate)
- JUFO journal level can be added to journals using the job "Import Metrics From Julkaisufoorumi (JUFO)" (Administrator → Cron jobs → Import Metrics From Julkaisufoorumi (JUFO))
- Matching on journal is based on ISSN
- (Notice, this job will also import JUFO metrics to Publishers)
Available in Pure:
- The BFI levels are stored on the Journal editor.
- The rating is shown in the short renderer of a journal (eg. for searching for a journal to add to a Research Output)
- The rating is shown on the BFI tab of the Research Output template
- The JUFO levels are stored on the Journal editor.
- The rating is shown in the short renderer of a journal (eg. for searching for a journal to add to a Research Output)
Pure portal:
- BFI levels are not available in Pure portal
- JUFO levels are not available in Pure portal
Available in reporting:
- BFI Journal rating is available for reporting
- JUFO levels are currently not available for reporting
Further information:
- Den bibliometriske forskningsindikator
- 5.8.0 Release notes: see 6.7. Finland : JUFO : Introducing the Finnish national metric for publishers and journals
Published at July 27, 2024