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Person-level metricsPerson-level metrics
PlumX H-index
PlumX H-index
Metrics available:
- h-index (All year)
- h5-index
- h10 index
The h-indicies is based on publications in Pure with PlumX-citations.
Updating metrics:
Step 1: Import PlumX metrics to Pure (see PlumX metrics)
Step 2: Navigate to Administration → Metrics → h-index
- Enable h-index from PlumX
- Enable h-index, h5-index, h10-index
Step3: Save the metrics page (this will trigger the job "Person H-Index Calculation" - that will calculate the different h-indicies)
Available in editor/Pure:
PlumX h-index can be shown in the Plum-X bar at the top right corner in the Person overview screen along with other PlumX metrics.
The can be configured at Administration → Metrics → h-index → Make h-index visible in personal overview
Pure portal:
PlumX h-index can be shown on the Pure portal.
Configuration can be found on Administrator > Pure Portal > Configuration > Persons
Note: If multiple h-index sources has been shown, only the highest h-index of the person will be shown on portal
Available in reporting:
PlumX h-index is available in reporting
Title | Description | File (To be used 5.24→5.26) | File (To be used 5.27→) |
PlumX h-index | With this report workspace, you get the PlumX h-index, h5-index and h10-index of all Persons |
Further information
- 5.24.0 Release notes: see 1.2. h-index source and time range expansion
- 5.14.0 Release notes: see 3.2. PlumX: Added import of metrics from PlumX
SciVal H-index
SciVal H-index
Metrics available:
- h-index (All year)
- h5-index
- h10 index
The h-indicies is based on publications in Pure with SciVal-citations.
Updating metrics:
Step 1: Import Scival citations into Pure (see SciVal metric)
Step 2: Navigate to Administration → Metrics → h-index
- Enable h-index from SciVal
- Enable h-index, h5-index, h10-index
Step3: Save the metrics page (this will trigger the job "Person H-Index Calculation" - that will calculate the different h-indicies)
Available in editor/Pure:
SciVal h-indies can be shown alongside the Plum-X bar at the top right corner in the Person overview screen.
The can be configured at Administration → Metrics → h-index → Make h-index visible in personal overview
Pure Portal:
SciVal h-index can be shown on the Pure portal.
Configuration can be found on Administrator > Pure Portal > Configuration > Persons
Note: If multiple h-index sources has been shown, only the highest h-index of the person will be shown on portal
Available in reporting:
PlumX h-index is available in reporting
Title | Description | File (to be used from version 5.24 → 5.26) | File (to be used from version 5.27 → ) |
SciVal h-index | With this report workspace, you get the SciVal h-index, h5-index and h10-index of all Persons |
Further information
- 5.24.0 Release notes: see 1.2. h-index source and time range expansion
Scopus H-index
Scopus h-index
Updating metrics:
Step 1: Import Scopus citations into Pure (see Scopus metrics)
Step 2: Navigate to Administration → Metrics → h-index
- Enable h-index from Scopus
- Enable h-index, h5-index, h10-index
Step3: Save the metrics page (this will trigger the job "Person H-Index Calculation" - that will calculate the different h-indicies)
Available in editor/Pure:
Scopus h-indies can be shown alongside the Plum-X bar at the top right corner in the Person overview screen.
The can be configured at Administration → Metrics → h-index → Make h-index visible in personal overview
Pure portal:
Scopus h-index can be shown on the Pure portal.
Configuration can be found on Administrator > Pure Portal > Configuration > Persons
Note: If multiple h-index sources has been shown, only the highest h-index of the person will be shown on portal
Available in reporting:
Scopus h-index is available in reporting
Title | Description | File (To be used 5.24→5.26) | File (To be used 5.27→) |
Scopus h-index | With this report workspace, you get the Scopus h-index, h5-index and h10-index of all Persons |
Further information
- 5.24.0 Release notes: see 1.2. h-index source and time range expansion
Web of Science h-index
WoS H-index
Updating metrics:
Step 1: Import Web of Science citations into Pure (see Article level metrics from WoS)
Step 2: Navigate to Administration → Metrics → h-index
- Enable h-index from Web of Science
- Enable h-index, h5-index, h10-index
Step3: Save the metrics page (this will trigger the job "Person H-Index Calculation" - that will calculate the different h-indicies)
Available in editor/Pure:
Web of Science h-indies can be shown alongside the Plum-X bar at the top right corner in the Person overview screen.
The can be configured at Administration → Metrics → h-index → Make h-index visible in personal overview
Pure portal:
Web of Science h-index can be shown on the Pure portal.
Configuration can be found on Administrator > Pure Portal > Configuration > Persons
Note: If multiple h-index sources has been shown, only the highest h-index of the person will be shown on portal
Available in reporting:
WoS h-index is available in reporting
Title | Description | File (To be used 5.24→5.26 ) | File (To be used 5.27→) |
Web of Science h-index | With this report workspace, you get the Web of Science h-index, h5-index and h10-index of all Persons |
Further information
- 5.24.0 Release notes: see 1.2. h-index source and time range expansion
Published at July 27, 2024