How Can We Help?
Electronic version(s) of Research OutputElectronic version(s) of Research Output
Ways of capturing the electronic version of a document
Pure has 3 ways of handling full text on the Research Output template (also known as electronic version of the document).
You can:
- upload full text
- add the DOI of the article
- add a link to the document

The access status of the Research Output can be specified for each of these versions. When a document is published in Green Open Access, information on the embargo period should be included.

Open access guidance on Research output
In order to help researchers determine the requirements of the Journal/Publishers in making full text publicly available, the Research Output editor (Journal article + Specialist publication editors) contains an "Open Access Guidance" section that can be used as reference.
The section contains the following elements:
- Institutional information
- This information is taken from the related Journal - the text in this field can be updated by the Administrator role in Administrator > Open Access > Open Access communication
- Sherpa Romeo information - the data is taken from the related Journal and is only displayed if the Sherpa Romeo job is enabled. For further information see Journal-level Sources
- Journal-specific additional information - the data is taken from the related Journal. The text can be updated manually on the journal.
Updated at July 27, 2024