How Can We Help?
Pure Academy: Reporting - Start herePure Academy: Reporting - Start here
Get started using the reporting module - Available in 3 languages - please select below:
Training and documentation on the new report module that is the recommended reporting engine for Pure from 5.14.0. and going forward. | Pure Academy: Reporting in Pure |
Aquí encontrará documentación y herramientas de capacitación sobre el nuevo módulo de informes recomendado para usuarios que tienen su instancia Pure desde la versión 5.14.0 en adelante. | Spanish: Reportes/Informes en Pure |
你将可以在这里寻找关于新报告模块的质料和培训影片。新报告模块是Pure 15.4.0后特别推荐的报告引擎。 | 新报告模块 |
Published at July 27, 2024