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5.12.0 Upgrade Notes5.12.0 Upgrade Notes
Please follow the general Upgrading Pure documentation as well as the 5.12.0 (4.31.0) specific instructions below.
Automated search
After the upgrade, the automated search feature for the Scopus import source will be automatically enabled for all customers who have enabled Scopus as an import source. Administrators are able to switch this off again after the upgrade, if desired. Further details are available in the release notes.
Old Pure web service API will be deprecated in 5.13.0 (October 2018) and removed with 5.14.0 (February 2019)
We announced in the Pure 5.9.0 release (June 2017) our plans to remove the old web service API upon the Pure 5.13.0 release in October 2018. Over the past few months, we have received feedback that our users would like to extend the overlap period of the old web service API. As such we will not be removing the old web service API with the release of Pure 5.13.0, but we will deprecate* it with the 5.13.0 release and remove it in the 5.14.0 release in February 2019.
We encourage everyone to make sure you have adopted your applications to use the new web service API. Details of the new web service API can be found here.
*Deprecation means that we will no longer fix or improve the old web service API, but you can continue using it, until its removal in 5.14.0.
Changes in Google Maps pricing policy affecting Custom Portal customers
From 11 June 2018 Google will be changing how they manage access to their Maps and location APIs. All usage will require a linked API key and billing account. Custom Portal users will need to ensure they have both these set up; heavier users may potentially be billed by Google based on their usage. Full details can be found in the release notes.
GDPR : Disallowing login from "root" and "atira" users
As the final part of Pure's GDPR compliance, we now disallow logins with the old shared "root" and "atira" user credentials. The "root" and "atira" user roles will still be present in the system as they're used in other scenarios; but logins with these credentials are blocked.
This means that if the "root" user is in active use, you must create individual users for all individuals currently sharing the credentials before upgrading to 5.12. It is very important that you do this without further delay. Please check now and contact us if you have any questions.
In order to upgrade to 5.12.0 (4.31.0), you must be upgrading from at least 5.9.x (4.28.x). We strongly recommend that you do not attempt to skip any more than three major releases when upgrading as to do so increases the risk of migration errors.
Content validation
You are generally encouraged to check all content in the re-validation workflow step prior to upgrade as changes to the underlying data model may not be reflected in the re-validation overview screen (see example)
Further, you are encouraged to check if all content can validate prior to an upgrade of Pure. This check is done by running the Check content and files job and resolving any data validation issues that are flagged by the job
Pure Portals
Backwards compatibility for Pure Portals
As previously communicated, we provide support for only the three most recent major releases of the Pure Portal. This means that as of the launch of Pure 5.12.0, versions 5.9.0 and earlier will not be officially supported by the Pure team.
If you continue to run an earlier version, new features and bug-fixes will not be available. We are also unable to make any commitment as to the performance and stability of your Portal. We therefore strongly recommend you regularly upgrade Pure to ensure Pure Portal compatibility.
NOTE : this issue is only relevant for customers who have the Pure Portal AND are responsible for managing their own upgrades
Browser support
Changes that influence the user experience in older browsers
The Pure team is refreshing the user interface in Pure, starting with the Report Technology Preview. The goal is to provide a modern, highly interactive user experience.
As the user interface moves towards more interactivity and more complex features, it puts a larger demand on the performance of the browser. Internet Explorer 11 users may therefore experience performance issues (such as stuttering) for features that run smoothly in other browsers such as Chrome and Firefox.
For this reason, we recommend that users migrate away from using Internet Explorer 11 and onto modern browsers like Chrome or Firefox to get the optimal user experience.
User documentation
Retiring old Pure tutorial videos
To promote use of up-to-date Pure Academy content, we are beginning to remove some of the older Pure-related videos hosted on YouTube. These contain old content (produced between 2010 and 2014) about previous versions of Pure.
During June 2018, the videos that have received fewer than ten views per month will be removed. In September/October 2018 we plan to delete all of the Pure YouTube content, except for videos that are still linked from within the Pure user interface. Once no institutions are using versions of Pure that link to these videos, the channel will be closed.
If you are maintaining local resources that link to this content, please update your links to point to the Pure Academy.
Changes that affect Pure 5.12
Changes to recommended Tomcat JVM parameters
We have changed the recommended JVM settings for the Tomcat running Pure in order to address a potential JIT compiler issue with significant performance implications. Specifically we recommend adding -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m to the JVM settings.
See the End of Support Announcements for Pure page for all end of support announcements.
Published at July 27, 2024