How Can We Help?
We are pleased to announce that version 5.2.2 (4.21.2) of Pure is now released.
Always read through the release notes before installing or upgrading to a new version of Pure. In particular, pay attention to the section "Before installing or upgrading" - failure to adhering to this, may result in loss of functionality.
Released date: 1.04.2015
Before Installing or Upgrading
Future changes
Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) will not be supported in Pure from version 5.3/4.22 and forward:
As of version 5.3/4.22 of Pure, which will be released in June 2015, Pure will no longer support IE8. IE8 users will from Pure version 5.2/4.21 (to be release February 2015) be meet with a warning about this in the interface. Users can choose to hide the warning for a month, after which the warning will be shown again. In Pure version 5.1/4.20 there will be no warning.
1. Updated SHERPA/RoMEO Journal Synchronisation
Affected Bases: All
Roles affected: Administrator and User administrator
Feature purpose: Reduce the amount of computer processing needed when running the SHERPA/RoMEO synchronisation
Feature description:
For each journal the updated SHERPA/RoMEO job will match ISSNs in the order of their appearance, until first match is made. If no match is found the job will try matching the e-ISSN in their order of appearance until first match is made.
Updated at July 27, 2024