How Can We Help?
We are pleased to announce that version 5.4.2 (4.23.2) of Pure is now released.
Always read through the release notes before installing or upgrading to a new version of Pure.
Pay attention to the Upgrade Notes - failing to adhere to these may result in loss of functionality.
Released date: 2nd of December 2015
Installation and downloading
See the Request Pure distribution file page for information about how to request a new version of Pure.
Other Resources and Links
If you have problems with this release please contact Pure Support to get help.
Pure hosting requirements
See the Pure Requirements page for more information about the current hosting requirements for Pure.
Administration module
1. Added user retirement synchronisation strategy
Affected Bases: All
Roles affected: Administrators
Feature purpose: A retirement strategy for users has been added that allows to lock a user account when it's no longer available in the synchronisation rather than to delete the account. This feature only available for the configurable user syncronisation
Feature description:
- In the user synchronisation we now have two retirement strategies:
LOCK_USER_STRATEGY - Will set the "Lock user account" checkbox to true and thus lock the user account. The user is no longer able to login, the account is not deleted
DELETE_USER_STRATEGY - Will delete the user account in Pure.
The default strategy is the LOCK_USER_STRATEGY
Country specific functionality
2. UK : REF2020 Module : REF Open Access compliance monitoring screens
Affected Bases: UK
Roles affected: REF2020 roles
Feature purpose: Give users an overview of the compliance status of all outputs subject to the REF Open Access policy, and to enable real-time tracking of outputs to help ensure appropriate actions are taken to ensure eligibility, in terms of compliance with the published policy.
Feature description:
In the REF2020 module, we have developed two new screens to help monitor compliance with the REF OA policy:
- REF OA Monitoring : Real-time tracking
- REF OA Monitoring : Overall compliance summary
Further information:
Further documentation is available in the REF2020 wiki
3. Web service bugfixes and improvements
Affected Bases: All
Roles affected: n/a (web service clients)
Feature purpose: Bugfixes and improvements
Feature description:
Collaboration (co-author)
A new operation was added to the web service which makes it possible to query for collaboration. Collaboration is gerneric and can be for example be (internal person - internal person), (internal person - external person) or (internal organisation - internal organisation).
The request operation is GetCollaborators and takes a numer of arguments which determines what is included in the search and response document. See more details on Collaboration -
Limit by external ID
The web service was extended with an option of limiting by source and source ID.
Example 1 - Limit publications to by the PubMed ID stored in Pure : /ws/rest/publication.current?,11017075
Example 2 - Get all publications that have a Scopus ID : /ws/rest/publication.current?
Published at July 27, 2024