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Application XMLApplication XML
This page details the Application content type. On this page you will find different representations of the data elements contained within this type.
Below is the xsd for the Application content type that defines the import xml format. Also provided is mapping tables generated based on this XSD as well as an example xml that shows how the fields can be populated.
This is logical broken down into the different elements to help you gain a better understanding of the Application content type and how to create, read and update these records using the mechanisms provided in Pure.
Note: for the mapping tables all attributes and elements are listed, along with descriptions of the purposes of the field and any data requirements. Attribute are prefaced with an "@" to differentiate from elements, but as shown in the examples this isn't used when generating the xml.
Some elements offer options of which elements to include (such as whether to provide the ID of a person or organisation or name for lookup). These are denoted by reference to "Option Groups" where numbers are used to indicate where multiple elements are part of the same option. See example xmls for demonstrations of how to use these elements.
An Application in Pure is a record with information about researchers' applications for research funding
from a specific funder. The record holds basic information about the application, applicants and collaborators,
as well as the amount and the type of funding applied for. It can also hold information about the budget for
spending the funding.
Below are a series of attachments for your reference:
- Simple Example XML - This shows only the mandatory fields that need to be populated
- Advanced Example XML - This shows all fields that can be used. Snippets of this file are shown with their related elements below.
- XSD (Xml Schema Definition) - This is a definition of what structure the XML must follow. This page has been generated based on the contents of the xsd file, and snippets of the definition are shown with their relevant element below
- Editor Example PNG - This image shows the result of loading the advanced example xml into Pure, to allow for easy reference of which fields in Pure point to which elements in the XML. Note that the way the data is presented within your Pure instance may be different due to different configuration
- Webservice Example Response - This shows an example response of retrieving the record generated via this xml via the webservice
- Pure API Example Response - This shows an example response of retrieving the record generated via this xml via the Pure API. Note as the Pure API allows for creation of records, this format could also be used to create a new record with these details, but some fields would be ignored in that case (such as audit fields like created/modified by and internal Pure identifiers like UUID and Pure ID which wouldn't exist yet). UUIDs for related content (such as organisational units) would need to be updated as well.
A list of upmapplication elements of type upmapplication
The root element of the document
XML Example
<upmapplications xmlns="" xmlns:cmns=""><!--
There should be one occurrence of this element for every application you want to create in Pure.
The type should match the URIs of type that are defined under Administration -> Applications -> Types
<upmapplication id="application1"
managedInPure="false"><!-- These activity type values should be defined in the "Unified Project Model: Nature of activity types" classification scheme-->
<!-- Title and shortTitle can contain a seperate text element for each supported submission language of your system -->
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Application for Research Funding</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Reseach funding</cmns:text>
You can have multiple descriptions by adding new types to the
"Unified Project Model: Application Descriptions" classification scheme.
<cmns:description type="applicationdescription">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris faucibus sem vitae nisl dapibus semper. Praesent iaculis lorem turpis, id dapibus mi tincidunt id.
Suspendisse aliquet magna turpis, quis dignissim elit mollis ut. Donec ut imperdiet ligula. Donec luctus malesuada laoreet.
Maecenas interdum dui ornare pharetra tempor. Vestibulum consectetur mollis magna. Vivamus tristique sem in sem imperdiet, laoreet vestibulum turpis commodo.
Duis nulla quam, bibendum eu turpis ut, venenatis imperdiet urna. Praesent sed ante purus.
<!-- The types of these IDs is defined in the "Unified Project Model: Types of Classified sources" classification scheme-->
<cmns:id type="agresso" id="identification_id">actual_agresso_id</cmns:id>
<!-- The internal applicants should already exist in Pure to be referenced here. NOTE: There must be at least one internal or external applicant -->
<internalApplicant><!-- The ID of the person in Pure. Normally the source id they were imported with -->
<!-- The IDs of the internal organisation units this person is affiliated with for this application. Must already exist in Pure -->
<organisation id="organisation1"/>
<!-- Role must exist in the "Unified Project Model: Application Roles" classification scheme -->
<!-- Needs to be enabled under the Unified Project Model configuration. Value should be between 0.0 and 1.0-->
<!-- Needs to be enabled under the Unified Project Model configuration -->
<researcherCommitment><!-- Needs to be the ID of an internal person who is already listed as an applicant -->
<!-- Value between 0.0 and 1.0 -->
<!-- External applicants can reference existing external persons by ID or attempt to match on name. If name is not found a record will be created-->
<cmns:externalOrgName>University of Pandora</cmns:externalOrgName>
<!-- Internal organisations who will be listed as applicants. Normally used for organisations not already affiliated with other applicants -->
<organisation id="organisation3"/>
<!-- External organisations who will be listed as applicants. Normally used for external organisations not already affiliated to another applicant -->
<cmns:externalOrgName>University of Pandora</cmns:externalOrgName>
<!-- The internal organisation responsible for overseeing the application. Must already exist in Pure -->
<managedByOrganisation id="organisation1"/>
<!-- Any other internal organisation units sharing responsible for overseeing the application. Needs to be enabled under the Unified Project Model administration -->
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<!-- The date the research project is expected to begin if awarded -->
<!-- The date the research project is expected to end if awarded -->
<!-- Whether this application involves collaborating with other organisations -->
<!-- Details of the external organisations collaborating on the application. Should only be used if collaborative is true -->
<collaborators><!-- Collaborator type should be defined in the "Unified Project Model: Types of Collaborators" classification scheme -->
<cmns:collaborator type="jointapplicant">
<!-- Only one collaborator should be lead. If none are, then the institution itself is assumed to be lead -->
<!-- Must be at least one funding, whether financial or non-financial -->
<financialFunding id="application1FinFunding1"><!-- Budgets can be enabled under the Unified Project Model administration -->
<budget id="application1FinFunding1Budget1">
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Can be enabled under UPM Administration. Values should be listed in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme as well as "Unified Project Model: Types of cost centre keywords on budget lines"-->
<!--This can be used to specify the purpose of the budgeted funds-->
<specification>Text used to make a descriptive text of the line</specification>
<!-- Relevant for FEC requirements for UK customers -->
Yearly budgets should be enabled under UPM Administration for these values to display in Pure.
Each line in the yearly budget should be reflected in the budgetLines already
<budgetLinesYearlyBudget><!-- There should be a value loaded for each line for each year of the application. If values aren't entered 0 will be presumed -->
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Must be defined in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme-->
<!-- These are the details of the organisation providing the funding. Pure will attempt to match existing organisations and create one if not found -->
<externalOrgName>Department of Science and Innovation</externalOrgName>
<fundingSources><!--Full classification uri, from a classification scheme defined under the Funding Classification Configuration section of the Unified Project Model-->
<fundingProjectScheme>Waynes Protocol</fundingProjectScheme>
<!--Needs to be defined in the "Subset of ISO-4217 currencies" classification scheme-->
<!--Applied amount in applied currency-->
<!--Applied amount in system currency-->
<!-- Full Economic Cost -->
<!-- How much the institution gets of the applied amount-->
<fundingCollaborators><!-- Collaborator should already be listed under collaborators for application -->
<!--Non financial funding (in-kind)-->
<nonFinancialFunding id="application1NonFinFunding1">
<externalOrgName>University of Pandora</externalOrgName>
<fundingProjectScheme>Partnership for Research Development</fundingProjectScheme>
Use of research facilities throughout life of the project
If award management is enabled the following applies:
inpreparation : not supported in Award Management (import/sync Error)
submittedtofunder : status = pending + submission date set with value from statusDate
awardedbyfunder : status = awarded + awarded date set with value from statusDate
rejectedbyfunder : status = rejected + rejected date set with value from statusDate
withdrawn : not supported in Award Management (import/sync Error)
<!-- Applications should already exist in Pure or can be included in the same xml file -->
<!-- Funding Opportunity that applications is applying for. Must already exist in Pure -->
<cmns:upmdocuments id="application1Document1"><!-- Type should be defined in "Award Management: Application Document types" classification scheme -->
<cmns:file><!--You have a CHOICE of the next 3 items at this level-->
<!-- If not provided Pure will attempt to derive the following fields -->
<!-- Can be free text and/or classified tags but must be configured in the Keywords section of the Administration area -->
<cmns:keyword>Free text keyword</cmns:keyword>
<cmns:keyword logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas" key="1100/1108"/>
<!-- Options include Public, Campus, Restricted and Confidential -->
<cmns:link id="link1"><!--Mandatory:-->
<!--Type should be defined in "Types of links for Applications" classification scheme-->
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">description of the link</cmns:text>
Basic Workflow valid values: entryInProgress, forApproval, approved, validated
Award Management Workflow valid values: draftProposal,
<upmapplication id="application2"
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Application for Renewal of Research Funding</cmns:text>
<managedByOrganisation id="organisation1"/>
<organisation id="organisation1"/>
<financialFunding id="application2FinancialFunding1">
<externalOrgName>University of Pandora</externalOrgName>
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="upmapplications">
<xs:documentation>The root element of the document</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="upmapplication" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="resumptionToken" type="xs:string">
To enable resumption tokens, add an URL to the "XML source data location" in the job configuration with "{resumptionToken}" as a placeholder, for instance "{resumptionToken}".
The endpoint must handle the resumptionToken in the following manner:
If an empty resumptionToken is sent, the endpoint must return all data. If a non-empty resumptionToken is sent, the endpoint must return all data that has changed since the time the resumptionToken was sent.
For each application to be created in Pure there should be a new instance of this element
XML Example
<upmapplication xmlns=""
managedInPure="false"><!-- These activity type values should be defined in the "Unified Project Model: Nature of activity types" classification scheme-->
<!-- Title and shortTitle can contain a seperate text element for each supported submission language of your system -->
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Application for Research Funding</cmns:text>
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">Reseach funding</cmns:text>
You can have multiple descriptions by adding new types to the
"Unified Project Model: Application Descriptions" classification scheme.
<cmns:description type="applicationdescription">
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris faucibus sem vitae nisl dapibus semper. Praesent iaculis lorem turpis, id dapibus mi tincidunt id.
Suspendisse aliquet magna turpis, quis dignissim elit mollis ut. Donec ut imperdiet ligula. Donec luctus malesuada laoreet.
Maecenas interdum dui ornare pharetra tempor. Vestibulum consectetur mollis magna. Vivamus tristique sem in sem imperdiet, laoreet vestibulum turpis commodo.
Duis nulla quam, bibendum eu turpis ut, venenatis imperdiet urna. Praesent sed ante purus.
<!-- The types of these IDs is defined in the "Unified Project Model: Types of Classified sources" classification scheme-->
<cmns:id type="agresso" id="identification_id">actual_agresso_id</cmns:id>
<!-- The internal applicants should already exist in Pure to be referenced here. NOTE: There must be at least one internal or external applicant -->
<internalApplicant><!-- The ID of the person in Pure. Normally the source id they were imported with -->
<!-- The IDs of the internal organisation units this person is affiliated with for this application. Must already exist in Pure -->
<organisation id="organisation1"/>
<!-- Role must exist in the "Unified Project Model: Application Roles" classification scheme -->
<!-- Needs to be enabled under the Unified Project Model configuration. Value should be between 0.0 and 1.0-->
<!-- Needs to be enabled under the Unified Project Model configuration -->
<researcherCommitment><!-- Needs to be the ID of an internal person who is already listed as an applicant -->
<!-- Value between 0.0 and 1.0 -->
<!-- External applicants can reference existing external persons by ID or attempt to match on name. If name is not found a record will be created-->
<cmns:externalOrgName>University of Pandora</cmns:externalOrgName>
<!-- Internal organisations who will be listed as applicants. Normally used for organisations not already affiliated with other applicants -->
<organisation id="organisation3"/>
<!-- External organisations who will be listed as applicants. Normally used for external organisations not already affiliated to another applicant -->
<cmns:externalOrgName>University of Pandora</cmns:externalOrgName>
<!-- The internal organisation responsible for overseeing the application. Must already exist in Pure -->
<managedByOrganisation id="organisation1"/>
<!-- Any other internal organisation units sharing responsible for overseeing the application. Needs to be enabled under the Unified Project Model administration -->
<organisation id="organisation2"/>
<!-- The date the research project is expected to begin if awarded -->
<!-- The date the research project is expected to end if awarded -->
<!-- Whether this application involves collaborating with other organisations -->
<!-- Details of the external organisations collaborating on the application. Should only be used if collaborative is true -->
<collaborators><!-- Collaborator type should be defined in the "Unified Project Model: Types of Collaborators" classification scheme -->
<cmns:collaborator type="jointapplicant">
<!-- Only one collaborator should be lead. If none are, then the institution itself is assumed to be lead -->
<!-- Must be at least one funding, whether financial or non-financial -->
<financialFunding id="application1FinFunding1"><!-- Budgets can be enabled under the Unified Project Model administration -->
<budget id="application1FinFunding1Budget1">
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Can be enabled under UPM Administration. Values should be listed in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme as well as "Unified Project Model: Types of cost centre keywords on budget lines"-->
<!--This can be used to specify the purpose of the budgeted funds-->
<specification>Text used to make a descriptive text of the line</specification>
<!-- Relevant for FEC requirements for UK customers -->
Yearly budgets should be enabled under UPM Administration for these values to display in Pure.
Each line in the yearly budget should be reflected in the budgetLines already
<budgetLinesYearlyBudget><!-- There should be a value loaded for each line for each year of the application. If values aren't entered 0 will be presumed -->
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Must be defined in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme-->
<!-- These are the details of the organisation providing the funding. Pure will attempt to match existing organisations and create one if not found -->
<externalOrgName>Department of Science and Innovation</externalOrgName>
<fundingSources><!--Full classification uri, from a classification scheme defined under the Funding Classification Configuration section of the Unified Project Model-->
<fundingProjectScheme>Waynes Protocol</fundingProjectScheme>
<!--Needs to be defined in the "Subset of ISO-4217 currencies" classification scheme-->
<!--Applied amount in applied currency-->
<!--Applied amount in system currency-->
<!-- Full Economic Cost -->
<!-- How much the institution gets of the applied amount-->
<fundingCollaborators><!-- Collaborator should already be listed under collaborators for application -->
<!--Non financial funding (in-kind)-->
<nonFinancialFunding id="application1NonFinFunding1">
<externalOrgName>University of Pandora</externalOrgName>
<fundingProjectScheme>Partnership for Research Development</fundingProjectScheme>
Use of research facilities throughout life of the project
If award management is enabled the following applies:
inpreparation : not supported in Award Management (import/sync Error)
submittedtofunder : status = pending + submission date set with value from statusDate
awardedbyfunder : status = awarded + awarded date set with value from statusDate
rejectedbyfunder : status = rejected + rejected date set with value from statusDate
withdrawn : not supported in Award Management (import/sync Error)
<!-- Applications should already exist in Pure or can be included in the same xml file -->
<!-- Funding Opportunity that applications is applying for. Must already exist in Pure -->
<cmns:upmdocuments id="application1Document1"><!-- Type should be defined in "Award Management: Application Document types" classification scheme -->
<cmns:file><!--You have a CHOICE of the next 3 items at this level-->
<!-- If not provided Pure will attempt to derive the following fields -->
<!-- Can be free text and/or classified tags but must be configured in the Keywords section of the Administration area -->
<cmns:keyword>Free text keyword</cmns:keyword>
<cmns:keyword logicalName="ASJCSubjectAreas" key="1100/1108"/>
<!-- Options include Public, Campus, Restricted and Confidential -->
<cmns:link id="link1"><!--Mandatory:-->
<!--Type should be defined in "Types of links for Applications" classification scheme-->
<cmns:text lang="en" country="GB">description of the link</cmns:text>
Basic Workflow valid values: entryInProgress, forApproval, approved, validated
Award Management Workflow valid values: draftProposal,
XSD Definition
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="upmapplication">
<xs:documentation>For each application to be created in Pure there should be a new instance of this element</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="activityTypes" type="activityTypes" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>A collection of nature of activity tags. Must be defined in the /dk/atira/pure/upm/nature classification scheme</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="title" type="commons:localized_string">
<xs:documentation>The title of the application</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="shortTitle" type="commons:localized_string" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The short title of the application</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="acronym" type="commons:string_64" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The acronym of the application</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="descriptions" type="commons:descriptions" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The descriptions of the application. Description types must be defined in the /dk/atira/pure/application/descriptions classification scheme</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="ids" type="commons:ids" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The ids of the application. Types of IDs must be defined in the /dk/atira/pure/upm/classifiedsource classification</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="internalApplicants" type="internalApplicants" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The internal persons related to the application</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="internalApplicantsResearcherCommitment"
<xs:documentation>The internal applicants commitment for the application. NOTE there needs to be at least one internalAwardHolder OR externalAwardholder</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalApplicants" type="externalApplicants" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The external persons related to the application</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="coManagingOrganisations" type="organisations" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The Co-ManagingOrganisations, can not be the managedByOrganisation. Can be enabled under Administrator -> Unified Project Model in Pure</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="organisations" type="organisations" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The internal organisations related to the application. This would normally only be used for internal organisations that aren't already affiliated as part of an internal applicant</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrganisations"
<xs:documentation>The external organisations related to the application. This would normally only be used for external organisations that aren't already affiliated as part of an internal or external applicant</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="managedByOrganisation" type="organisation">
<xs:documentation>The internal organisation that manages the application</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="expectedStartDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The expected start date of the proposed work</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="expectedEndDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The expected end date of the proposed work</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="collaborative" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Specifies whether it is a collaborative application</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="collaborators"
The collaborative partners on the application. Should only be used if collaborative is true.
The type of the collaborator should be defined in the /dk/atira/pure/upm/collaborator classification scheme
<xs:element name="financialFundings" type="financialFundings" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The financial fundings added to the application. At least one of either financialFunding or nonFinancialFunding must be present.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="nonFinancialFundings"
<xs:documentation>The non financial fundings added to the application. At least one of either financialFunding or nonFinancialFunding must be present.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="applicationStatuses" type="applicationStatuses" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Details and dates of the application progression</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="relatedApplications" type="relatedApplications" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Applications related to this application</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="relatedFundingOpportunity"
<xs:documentation>The ID of the funding opportunity this application is applying for</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="documents" type="commons:upmdocuments" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Documents attached to the application. Types must be defined in /dk/atira/pure/application/document/types classification scheme</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="keywords" type="commons:keywords" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The keywords for the application.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="visibility" type="commons:visibility">
<xs:documentation>The visibility of the application. Accepted values are Public, Campus, Restricted or Confidential</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="links" type="commons:links" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The links for the application. Types should be defined in the /dk/atira/pure/links/application classification scheme</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="workflow" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
Basic Workflow valid values: entryInProgress, forApproval, approved, validated
Award Management Workflow valid values: draftProposal,
<xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="id" use="required">
<xs:documentation>The unique identifier for the application. This is referred to as the source id in Pure</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="type" type="commons:classification" use="required">
<xs:documentation>token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/application/applicationtypes</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute type="xs:boolean" name="managedInPure" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>Whether the record is managed in Pure after creation or by the XML synchronisation. If you wish to update the record via XML post creation, this must be "false"</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
The unique identifier for the application. This is referred to as the source id in Pure |
xsd:string |
Yes |
@type |
token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/application/applicationtypes |
Yes |
@managedInPure |
Whether the record is managed in Pure after creation or by the XML synchronisation. If you wish to update the record via XML post creation, this must be "false" |
xsd:boolean |
Yes |
activityTypes |
A collection of nature of activity tags. Must be defined in the /dk/atira/pure/upm/nature classification scheme |
No |
title |
The title of the application |
Yes |
shortTitle |
The short title of the application |
No |
acronym |
The acronym of the application |
No |
descriptions |
The descriptions of the application. Description types must be defined in the /dk/atira/pure/application/descriptions classification scheme |
No |
ids |
The ids of the application. Types of IDs must be defined in the /dk/atira/pure/upm/classifiedsource classification |
No |
internalApplicants |
The internal persons related to the application |
No |
internalApplicantsResearcherCommitment |
The internal applicants commitment for the application. NOTE there needs to be at least one internalAwardHolder OR externalAwardholder |
No |
externalApplicants |
The external persons related to the application |
No |
coManagingOrganisations |
The Co-ManagingOrganisations, can not be the managedByOrganisation. Can be enabled under Administrator -> Unified Project Model in Pure |
No |
organisations |
The internal organisations related to the application. This would normally only be used for internal organisations that aren't already affiliated as part of an internal applicant |
No |
externalOrganisations |
The external organisations related to the application. This would normally only be used for external organisations that aren't already affiliated as part of an internal or external applicant |
No |
managedByOrganisation |
The internal organisation that manages the application |
Yes |
expectedStartDate |
The expected start date of the proposed work |
No |
expectedEndDate |
The expected end date of the proposed work |
No |
collaborative |
Specifies whether it is a collaborative application |
xsd:boolean |
No |
collaborators |
The collaborative partners on the application. Should only be used if collaborative is true. The type of the collaborator should be defined in the /dk/atira/pure/upm/collaborator classification scheme |
No |
financialFundings |
The financial fundings added to the application. At least one of either financialFunding or nonFinancialFunding must be present. |
No |
nonFinancialFundings |
The non financial fundings added to the application. At least one of either financialFunding or nonFinancialFunding must be present. |
No |
applicationStatuses |
Details and dates of the application progression |
No |
relatedApplications |
Applications related to this application |
No |
relatedFundingOpportunity |
The ID of the funding opportunity this application is applying for |
No |
documents |
Documents attached to the application. Types must be defined in /dk/atira/pure/application/document/types classification scheme |
No |
keywords |
The keywords for the application. |
No |
visibility |
The visibility of the application. Accepted values are Public, Campus, Restricted or Confidential |
Yes |
links |
The links for the application. Types should be defined in the /dk/atira/pure/links/application classification scheme |
No |
workflow |
Basic Workflow valid values: entryInProgress, forApproval, approved, validated Award Management Workflow valid values: draftProposal, preApproval, submittedToFunder, awaitingReplyFromFunder, receivedReplyFromFunder, aborted |
xsd:string |
No |
Activity Types
A list of activityType elements of type commons:classification
XML Example
<activityTypes xmlns="" xmlns:cmns="">
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="activityTypes">
<xs:element name="activityType"
<xs:documentation>token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/upm/nature</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
activityType |
token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/upm/nature |
No |
A list of organisation elements of type organisation
XML Example
<organisations xmlns="" xmlns:cmns="">
<organisation id="organisation3"/>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="organisations">
<xs:element name="organisation" type="organisation" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
An id used to lookup an organisation
XML Example
<organisation xmlns=""
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="organisation">
<xs:documentation>An id used to lookup an organisation</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="id" type="commons:string_400">
<xs:documentation>The source ID of the organisation</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
The source ID of the organisation |
Yes |
A list of internalApplicant elements of type internalApplicant
XML Example
<internalApplicants xmlns="" xmlns:cmns="">
<internalApplicant><!-- The ID of the person in Pure. Normally the source id they were imported with -->
<!-- The IDs of the internal organisation units this person is affiliated with for this application. Must already exist in Pure -->
<organisation id="organisation1"/>
<!-- Role must exist in the "Unified Project Model: Application Roles" classification scheme -->
<!-- Needs to be enabled under the Unified Project Model configuration. Value should be between 0.0 and 1.0-->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="internalApplicants">
<xs:element name="internalApplicant"
Internal applicants should be existing person records in Pure
XML Example
<internalApplicant xmlns="" xmlns:cmns=""><!-- The ID of the person in Pure. Normally the source id they were imported with -->
<!-- The IDs of the internal organisation units this person is affiliated with for this application. Must already exist in Pure -->
<organisation id="organisation1"/>
<!-- Role must exist in the "Unified Project Model: Application Roles" classification scheme -->
<!-- Needs to be enabled under the Unified Project Model configuration. Value should be between 0.0 and 1.0-->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="internalApplicant">
<xs:documentation>Internal applicants should be existing person records in Pure</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="personId" type="commons:string_400">
<xs:documentation>The source id of the person</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="organisationId" type="commons:string_400">
<xs:documentation>DEPRECATED: This element has been replaced by organisationIds</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="organisationIds" type="organisations" minOccurs="0">
The source id of the organisation.
The internal organisations affiliated to the applicant on this application
<xs:element name="role" type="commons:classification">
<xs:documentation>token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/application/roles/application</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="academicOwnership" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The academic ownership percentage of the application for this participant, must be enabled in Unified Project Model administration to display. Value should be between 0 and 1</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="plannedResearcherCommitment" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The planned researcher commitment for this participant, must be enabled in Unified Project Model administration to display. Value should be between 0 and 1</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
personId |
The source id of the person |
Yes |
role |
token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/application/roles/application |
Yes |
academicOwnership |
The academic ownership percentage of the application for this participant, must be enabled in Unified Project Model administration to display. Value should be between 0 and 1 |
xsd:double |
No |
plannedResearcherCommitment |
The planned researcher commitment for this participant, must be enabled in Unified Project Model administration to display. Value should be between 0 and 1 |
xsd:double |
No |
A list of researcherCommitment elements of type researcherCommitment
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="researcherCommitmentList">
<xs:element name="researcherCommitment"
XML Example
<researcherCommitment xmlns="" xmlns:cmns=""><!-- Needs to be the ID of an internal person who is already listed as an applicant -->
<!-- Value between 0.0 and 1.0 -->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="researcherCommitment">
<xs:element name="personId" type="commons:string_400">
<xs:documentation>The source id of the person</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="year" type="xs:int">
<xs:documentation>The year of this researcher commitment</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="month" type="xs:int">
<xs:documentation>The month of this researcher commitment</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="plannedCommitment" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The planned researcher commitment</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="actualCommitment" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The actual researcher commitment</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
personId |
The source id of the person |
Yes |
year |
The year of this researcher commitment |
xsd:int |
Yes |
month |
The month of this researcher commitment |
xsd:int |
Yes |
plannedCommitment |
The planned researcher commitment |
xsd:double |
No |
actualCommitment |
The actual researcher commitment |
xsd:double |
No |
A list of externalApplicant elements of type externalApplicant
XML Example
<externalApplicants xmlns="" xmlns:cmns="">
<cmns:externalOrgName>University of Pandora</cmns:externalOrgName>
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="externalApplicants">
<xs:element name="externalApplicant"
External applicants can reference existing external person records by ID or Pure will attempt to match on name. If no match is found a new record will be created.
XML Example
<externalApplicant xmlns="" xmlns:cmns="">
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="externalApplicant">
External applicants can reference existing external person records by ID or
Pure will attempt to match on name. If no match is found a new record will be created.
<xs:element name="externalPersonId" type="commons:string_400" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The source id of the external person</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="firstName" type="commons:string_1024">
<xs:documentation>First name of the participant</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="lastName" type="commons:string_1024">
<xs:documentation>Last name of the participant</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="country" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="role" type="commons:classification">
<xs:documentation>token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/application/roles/application</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrgName" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>DEPRECATED: This element has been replaced by externalOrganisations</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrgType" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>DEPRECATED: This element has been replaced by externalOrganisations</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrgId" type="commons:string_400" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>DEPRECATED: This element has been replaced by externalOrganisations</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrganisations"
<xs:documentation>The external organisations related to the applicant. If IDs are not provided Pure will attempt to match on name and country and create a new record if not found</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="commons:string_400" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>The ID of the external applicant association</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
The ID of the external applicant association |
Yes |
externalPersonId |
The source id of the external person |
No |
firstName |
First name of the participant |
Yes |
lastName |
Last name of the participant |
Yes |
country |
token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/countries |
No |
role |
token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/application/roles/application |
Yes |
externalOrganisations |
The external organisations related to the applicant. If IDs are not provided Pure will attempt to match on name and country and create a new record if not found |
No |
A list of financialFunding elements of type financialFunding
XML Example
<financialFundings xmlns="" xmlns:cmns="">
<financialFunding id="application1FinFunding1"><!-- Budgets can be enabled under the Unified Project Model administration -->
<budget id="application1FinFunding1Budget1">
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Can be enabled under UPM Administration. Values should be listed in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme as well as "Unified Project Model: Types of cost centre keywords on budget lines"-->
<!--This can be used to specify the purpose of the budgeted funds-->
<specification>Text used to make a descriptive text of the line</specification>
<!-- Relevant for FEC requirements for UK customers -->
Yearly budgets should be enabled under UPM Administration for these values to display in Pure.
Each line in the yearly budget should be reflected in the budgetLines already
<budgetLinesYearlyBudget><!-- There should be a value loaded for each line for each year of the application. If values aren't entered 0 will be presumed -->
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Must be defined in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme-->
<!-- These are the details of the organisation providing the funding. Pure will attempt to match existing organisations and create one if not found -->
<externalOrgName>Department of Science and Innovation</externalOrgName>
<fundingSources><!--Full classification uri, from a classification scheme defined under the Funding Classification Configuration section of the Unified Project Model-->
<fundingProjectScheme>Waynes Protocol</fundingProjectScheme>
<!--Needs to be defined in the "Subset of ISO-4217 currencies" classification scheme-->
<!--Applied amount in applied currency-->
<!--Applied amount in system currency-->
<!-- Full Economic Cost -->
<!-- How much the institution gets of the applied amount-->
<fundingCollaborators><!-- Collaborator should already be listed under collaborators for application -->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="financialFundings">
<xs:element name="financialFunding"
A funding commitment from an external organisation towards the application. Depending on the financial funding configuration options under the Unified Project Model administration many more detailed elements can be included, such as budgets.
XML Example
<financialFunding xmlns=""
id="application1FinFunding1"><!-- Budgets can be enabled under the Unified Project Model administration -->
<budget id="application1FinFunding1Budget1">
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Can be enabled under UPM Administration. Values should be listed in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme as well as "Unified Project Model: Types of cost centre keywords on budget lines"-->
<!--This can be used to specify the purpose of the budgeted funds-->
<specification>Text used to make a descriptive text of the line</specification>
<!-- Relevant for FEC requirements for UK customers -->
Yearly budgets should be enabled under UPM Administration for these values to display in Pure.
Each line in the yearly budget should be reflected in the budgetLines already
<budgetLinesYearlyBudget><!-- There should be a value loaded for each line for each year of the application. If values aren't entered 0 will be presumed -->
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Must be defined in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme-->
<!-- These are the details of the organisation providing the funding. Pure will attempt to match existing organisations and create one if not found -->
<externalOrgName>Department of Science and Innovation</externalOrgName>
<fundingSources><!--Full classification uri, from a classification scheme defined under the Funding Classification Configuration section of the Unified Project Model-->
<fundingProjectScheme>Waynes Protocol</fundingProjectScheme>
<!--Needs to be defined in the "Subset of ISO-4217 currencies" classification scheme-->
<!--Applied amount in applied currency-->
<!--Applied amount in system currency-->
<!-- Full Economic Cost -->
<!-- How much the institution gets of the applied amount-->
<fundingCollaborators><!-- Collaborator should already be listed under collaborators for application -->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="financialFunding">
<xs:documentation>A funding commitment from an external organisation towards the application. Depending on the financial funding configuration options under the Unified Project Model administration many more detailed elements can be included, such as budgets.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="budgets" type="budgets" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The budgets related to the financial funding. Should be enabled under Unified Project Model administration to display in Pure</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrgName" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Name of the external organisation providing this financial funding. Not needed if externalOrgId is used. If existing organisation is not found then new organisation will be created.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrgType" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Type of the external organisation providing this financial funding. Not needed if externalOrgId is used. key token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/ueoexternalorganisation/ueoexternalorganisationtypes, eg ueoexternalorganisation/researchFundingBody</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrgId" type="commons:string_400" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>ID of the external organisation providing this financial funding.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fundingSource" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>DEPRECATED: This element has been replaced by fundingSources. Key token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/project/financingsources, e.g. publicResearchCouncil</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fundingSources" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="fundingSource"
<xs:documentation>A classification uri, where the scheme listed on the Funding classification configuration page of the Unified Project Model administration</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fundingProjectScheme"
<xs:documentation>Free text value to describe the funding project scheme</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="appliedCurrency" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Currency that the application is made in. Token from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/isocurrencies</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="appliedAmountAppliedCurrency" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The amount to apply for (in the applied currency)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="appliedAmount" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The amount to apply for (in the system currency)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="institutionalContribution" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>amount contributed by institution</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="institutionalFEC" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The total value for the funding</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fECPercentage" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Full Economic Cost percentage, values between 0 and 1. fEC fields need to be enabled under UPM administration for this to be available</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="institutionalPart" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Should only be provided if this is a collaborative award</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fundingProgrammeId" type="commons:string_400" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The ID of the related funding programme</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fundingCollaborators"
<xs:documentation>Collaborators, and their contributions, on this funding</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="costCode" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Financial account code. Note under UPM administration this can be configured to be available either on funding or budget</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="visibility" type="commons:visibility" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Visibility of the funding</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="commons:string_400" use="required">
<xs:documentation>Id of the funding</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Id of the funding |
Yes |
budgets |
The budgets related to the financial funding. Should be enabled under Unified Project Model administration to display in Pure |
No |
externalOrgName |
Name of the external organisation providing this financial funding. Not needed if externalOrgId is used. If existing organisation is not found then new organisation will be created. |
No |
externalOrgType |
Type of the external organisation providing this financial funding. Not needed if externalOrgId is used. key token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/ueoexternalorganisation/ueoexternalorganisationtypes, eg ueoexternalorganisation/researchFundingBody |
No |
externalOrgId |
ID of the external organisation providing this financial funding. |
No |
fundingSources |
Contains below components |
No |
fundingSources.fundingSource |
A classification uri, where the scheme listed on the Funding classification configuration page of the Unified Project Model administration |
No |
fundingProjectScheme |
Free text value to describe the funding project scheme |
No |
appliedCurrency |
Currency that the application is made in. Token from classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/core/isocurrencies |
No |
appliedAmountAppliedCurrency |
The amount to apply for (in the applied currency) |
xsd:double |
No |
appliedAmount |
The amount to apply for (in the system currency) |
xsd:double |
No |
institutionalContribution |
amount contributed by institution |
xsd:double |
No |
institutionalFEC |
The total value for the funding |
xsd:double |
No |
fECPercentage |
Full Economic Cost percentage, values between 0 and 1. fEC fields need to be enabled under UPM administration for this to be available |
xsd:double |
No |
institutionalPart |
Should only be provided if this is a collaborative award |
xsd:double |
No |
fundingProgrammeId |
The ID of the related funding programme |
No |
fundingCollaborators |
Collaborators, and their contributions, on this funding |
No |
costCode |
Financial account code. Note under UPM administration this can be configured to be available either on funding or budget |
No |
visibility |
Visibility of the funding |
No |
A list of nonFinancialFunding elements of type nonFinancialFunding
XML Example
<nonFinancialFundings xmlns="" xmlns:cmns="">
<nonFinancialFunding id="application1NonFinFunding1">
<externalOrgName>University of Pandora</externalOrgName>
<fundingProjectScheme>Partnership for Research Development</fundingProjectScheme>
Use of research facilities throughout life of the project
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="nonFinancialFundings">
<xs:element name="nonFinancialFunding"
A funding commitment from an external organisation of a non-financial nature (often called in-kind) towards the award. Depending on the financial funding configuration options under the Unified Project Model administration many more detailed elements can be included
XML Example
<nonFinancialFunding xmlns=""
<externalOrgName>University of Pandora</externalOrgName>
<fundingProjectScheme>Partnership for Research Development</fundingProjectScheme>
Use of research facilities throughout life of the project
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="nonFinancialFunding">
<xs:documentation>A funding commitment from an external organisation of a non-financial nature (often called in-kind) towards the award. Depending on the financial funding configuration options under the Unified Project Model administration many more detailed elements can be included</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrgName" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Name of the external organisation providing this financial funding. Not needed if externalOrgId is used. If existing organisation is not found then new organisation will be created.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrgType" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Type of the external organisation providing this financial funding. Not needed if externalOrgId is used. key token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/ueoexternalorganisation/ueoexternalorganisationtypes, eg ueoexternalorganisation/researchFundingBody</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="externalOrgId" type="commons:string_400" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>ID of the external organisation providing this financial funding.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fundingProjectScheme"
<xs:documentation>Free text describing the funding project scheme</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="estimatedValue" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Estimated value of the funding</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="institutionalEstimatedValue" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Should only be provided if this is a collaborative award.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="description" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Description of the commitment</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="fundingCollaborators"
<xs:documentation>Collaborators, and their contributions, on this funding</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="visibility" type="commons:visibility" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Visibility of the funding</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="commons:string_400" use="required">
<xs:documentation>Id of the funding in an external system</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
Id of the funding in an external system |
Yes |
externalOrgName |
Name of the external organisation providing this financial funding. Not needed if externalOrgId is used. If existing organisation is not found then new organisation will be created. |
No |
externalOrgType |
Type of the external organisation providing this financial funding. Not needed if externalOrgId is used. key token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/ueoexternalorganisation/ueoexternalorganisationtypes, eg ueoexternalorganisation/researchFundingBody |
No |
externalOrgId |
ID of the external organisation providing this financial funding. |
No |
fundingProjectScheme |
Free text describing the funding project scheme |
No |
estimatedValue |
Estimated value of the funding |
xsd:double |
No |
institutionalEstimatedValue |
Should only be provided if this is a collaborative award. |
xsd:double |
No |
description |
Description of the commitment |
No |
fundingCollaborators |
Collaborators, and their contributions, on this funding |
No |
visibility |
Visibility of the funding |
No |
A list of budget elements of type budget
XML Example
<budgets xmlns="" xmlns:cmns="">
<budget id="application1FinFunding1Budget1">
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Can be enabled under UPM Administration. Values should be listed in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme as well as "Unified Project Model: Types of cost centre keywords on budget lines"-->
<!--This can be used to specify the purpose of the budgeted funds-->
<specification>Text used to make a descriptive text of the line</specification>
<!-- Relevant for FEC requirements for UK customers -->
Yearly budgets should be enabled under UPM Administration for these values to display in Pure.
Each line in the yearly budget should be reflected in the budgetLines already
<budgetLinesYearlyBudget><!-- There should be a value loaded for each line for each year of the application. If values aren't entered 0 will be presumed -->
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Must be defined in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme-->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="budgets">
<xs:element name="budget" type="budget" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
A budget details a breakdown of how the funding is expected to be spent. This should be enabled under the Unified Project Model administration page and can be configued as to whether support multiple account lines or yearly breakdowns
XML Example
<budget xmlns=""
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Can be enabled under UPM Administration. Values should be listed in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme as well as "Unified Project Model: Types of cost centre keywords on budget lines"-->
<!--This can be used to specify the purpose of the budgeted funds-->
<specification>Text used to make a descriptive text of the line</specification>
<!-- Relevant for FEC requirements for UK customers -->
Yearly budgets should be enabled under UPM Administration for these values to display in Pure.
Each line in the yearly budget should be reflected in the budgetLines already
<budgetLinesYearlyBudget><!-- There should be a value loaded for each line for each year of the application. If values aren't entered 0 will be presumed -->
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Must be defined in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme-->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="budget">
<xs:documentation>A budget details a breakdown of how the funding is expected to be spent. This should be enabled under the Unified Project Model administration page and can be configued as to whether support multiple account lines or yearly breakdowns</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="budgetLines" type="budgetLines">
<xs:documentation>The budget lines of the budget</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="budgetLinesYearlyBudget"
<xs:documentation>The budget lines of the yearly budget, if enabled under the UPM administration</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="organisationId" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
The ID of the organisation this budget is associated with
If you have more than one budget per funding then this field is mandatory.
<xs:element name="costCenter" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
The cost center this budget is associated with, if you have more than one budget per funding then this field is mandatory.
key token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/upm/costcenter
<xs:element name="costCode" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="0">
Financial account code. Note under UPM administration this can be configured to be available either on funding or budget
<xs:attribute name="id" type="commons:string_400" use="required">
<xs:documentation>id of the budget</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
@id |
id of the budget |
Yes |
budgetLines |
The budget lines of the budget |
Yes |
budgetLinesYearlyBudget |
The budget lines of the yearly budget, if enabled under the UPM administration |
No |
organisationId |
The ID of the organisation this budget is associated with If you have more than one budget per funding then this field is mandatory. |
No |
costCenter |
The cost center this budget is associated with, if you have more than one budget per funding then this field is mandatory. key token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/upm/costcenter |
No |
costCode |
Financial account code. Note under UPM administration this can be configured to be available either on funding or budget |
No |
A list of budgetLine elements of type budgetLine
XML Example
<budgetLines xmlns="" xmlns:cmns="">
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Can be enabled under UPM Administration. Values should be listed in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme as well as "Unified Project Model: Types of cost centre keywords on budget lines"-->
<!--This can be used to specify the purpose of the budgeted funds-->
<specification>Text used to make a descriptive text of the line</specification>
<!-- Relevant for FEC requirements for UK customers -->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="budgetLines">
<xs:element name="budgetLine" type="budgetLine" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
A breakdown of the funding against different budget lines. To break down different account lines, single totals account should be disabled under the UPM administration
XML Example
<budgetLine xmlns="" xmlns:cmns=""><!--
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
<!--Can be enabled under UPM Administration. Values should be listed in "Unified Project Model: Organisation cost centre types" classification scheme as well as "Unified Project Model: Types of cost centre keywords on budget lines"-->
<!--This can be used to specify the purpose of the budgeted funds-->
<specification>Text used to make a descriptive text of the line</specification>
<!-- Relevant for FEC requirements for UK customers -->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="budgetLine">
<xs:documentation>A breakdown of the funding against different budget lines. To break down different account lines, single totals account should be disabled under the UPM administration</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="budgetLine" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="1">
The budget line to add the budget value for. If you do not want to provide budget against individual budget lines, please make sure the module the module is configured for this and that the budget line classification schema only contains one single classification value called Total. Please consult your Atira project manager to make sure this is setup correctly.
Key token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/award/account
<xs:element name="budgetValue" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
The actual budget value to add to the application
<xs:element name="costCenter" type="commons:classification" minOccurs="0">
The cost center this budget is associated with, if you have more than one budget per funding then this field is mandatory.
key token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/upm/costcenter
<xs:element name="specification" type="commons:string_256" minOccurs="0">
A descriptive text for this budget line.
<xs:element name="fec" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
The FEC of the budget line
<xs:element name="funderContributionGBP" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
The funder contribution GBP
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
budgetLine |
The budget line to add the budget value for. If you do not want to provide budget against individual budget lines, please make sure the module the module is configured for this and that the budget line classification schema only contains one single classification value called Total. Please consult your Atira project manager to make sure this is setup correctly. Key token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/award/account |
Yes |
budgetValue |
The actual budget value to add to the application |
xsd:double |
No |
costCenter |
The cost center this budget is associated with, if you have more than one budget per funding then this field is mandatory. key token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/upm/costcenter |
No |
specification |
A descriptive text for this budget line. |
No |
fec |
The FEC of the budget line |
xsd:double |
No |
funderContributionGBP |
The funder contribution GBP |
xsd:double |
No |
A list of budgetLineYearlyBudget elements of type budgetLineYearlyBudget
If yearly budgets are enabled under the UPM administration then this can provide a breakdown of each budget line per year
XML Example
<budgetLinesYearlyBudget xmlns="" xmlns:cmns=""><!-- There should be a value loaded for each line for each year of the application. If values aren't entered 0 will be presumed -->
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="budgetLinesYearlyBudget">
<xs:documentation>If yearly budgets are enabled under the UPM administration then this can provide a breakdown of each budget line per year</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="budgetLineYearlyBudget"
XML Example
<budgetLineYearlyBudget xmlns="" xmlns:cmns=""><!--
These should be listed in the Unified Project Model: Account Types classification scheme.
If you are using single total account then this value should be "total"
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="budgetLineYearlyBudget">
<xs:element name="budgetLine" type="commons:string_1024" minOccurs="1">
The budget line to add the budget value for. If you do not want to provide budget against individual budget lines, please make sure the module the module is configured for this and that the budget line classification schema only contains one single classification value called Total. Please consult your Atira project manager to make sure this is setup correctly.
Key token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/award/account
<xs:element name="budgetValue" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
The actual budget value to add to the award
<xs:element name="year" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="1">
The year for the budget value. Eg. 2012
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
budgetLine |
The budget line to add the budget value for. If you do not want to provide budget against individual budget lines, please make sure the module the module is configured for this and that the budget line classification schema only contains one single classification value called Total. Please consult your Atira project manager to make sure this is setup correctly. Key token from the classification scheme /dk/atira/pure/award/account |
Yes |
budgetValue |
The actual budget value to add to the award |
xsd:double |
No |
year |
The year for the budget value. Eg. 2012 |
xsd:integer |
Yes |
Application Statuses
A list of applicationStatus elements of type applicationStatus
XML Example
<applicationStatuses xmlns="" xmlns:cmns="">
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="applicationStatuses">
<xs:element name="applicationStatus"
If award management is enabled the following applies:
inpreparation : not supported in Award Management (import/sync Error)
submittedtofunder : status = pending + submission date set with value from statusDate
awardedbyfunder : status = awarded + awarded date set with value from statusDate
rejectedbyfunder : status = rejected + rejected date set with value from statusDate
withdrawn : not supported in Award Management (import/sync Error)
XML Example
<applicationStatus xmlns="" xmlns:cmns="">
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="applicationStatus">
If award management is enabled the following applies:
inpreparation : not supported in Award Management (import/sync Error)
submittedtofunder : status = pending + submission date set with value from statusDate
awardedbyfunder : status = awarded + awarded date set with value from statusDate
rejectedbyfunder : status = rejected + rejected date set with value from statusDate
withdrawn : not supported in Award Management (import/sync Error)
<xs:element name="status" type="commons:classification">
Classification from /dk/atira/pure/application/status
<xs:element name="statusDate" type="commons:date" minOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>Depending on the status, the date the application was submitted/awarded/rejected</xs:documentation>
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
status |
Classification from /dk/atira/pure/application/status |
Yes |
statusDate |
Depending on the status, the date the application was submitted/awarded/rejected |
Yes |
Related Content
A list of relatedApplicationId elements of type commons:string_400
XML Example
<relatedApplications xmlns="" xmlns:cmns="">
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="relatedApplications">
<xs:element name="relatedApplicationId"
The ID of a related application. Note that these should align with relationships defined on the application type
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
relatedApplicationId |
The ID of a related application. Note that these should align with relationships defined on the application type |
Yes |
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs=""
<xs:element name="relatedFundingOpportunityId" type="commons:string_400">
The ID of the funding opportunity this application is to
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
relatedFundingOpportunityId |
The ID of the funding opportunity this application is to |
Yes |
A list of fundingCollaborator elements of type fundingCollaborator
XML Example
<fundingCollaborators xmlns="" xmlns:cmns=""><!-- Collaborator should already be listed under collaborators for application -->
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="fundingCollaborators">
<xs:element name="fundingCollaborator"
An external organisation who is partnering with the institution on the application
XML Example
<fundingCollaborator xmlns="" xmlns:cmns="">
XSD Definition
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="fundingCollaborator">
<xs:documentation>An external organisation who is partnering with the institution on the application</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="collaborator"
The collaborator external organisation
<xs:element name="institutionalPart" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
The institutional part for this collaborator (on financial fundings)
<xs:element name="estimatedValue" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
The estimated value of the contribution by this collaborator (on non-financial fundings)
XML Attribute/Element |
Description |
Type |
Mandatory |
collaborator |
The collaborator external organisation |
Yes |
institutionalPart |
The institutional part for this collaborator (on financial fundings) |
xsd:double |
No |
estimatedValue |
The estimated value of the contribution by this collaborator (on non-financial fundings) |
xsd:double |
No |
Updated at February 03, 2025