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Pure maintenance mode (upgrade) Pure maintenance mode (upgrade)
A working Pure installation. If this is a new installation see Pure maintenance mode (installation)
Pure needs to be able to access the internet for this part to work, as it will read some of the customer specific configuration from the Atira wiki.
Pure maintenance mode
After deploying a new version of Pure, Pure will enter maintenance mode if there are any upgrade jobs that needs to be run. If this is a minor upgrade Pure might skip maintenance mode and go directly to the login page.
If Pure enters maintenance mode something similar to the following will be in the log file:
[INFO 20131007095644 ootManager: WebBootSequenceInteractionManager] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO 20131007095644 ootManager: WebBootSequenceInteractionManager] | Entering maintenance mode! |
[INFO 20131007095644 ootManager: WebBootSequenceInteractionManager] | Go to http://<your server>/admin/prestartup/maintenance.xhtml |
[INFO 20131007095644 ootManager: WebBootSequenceInteractionManager] | Password: 123ab45c-67de-8910-f2g3-h9900i80j509 |
[INFO 20131007095644 ootManager: WebBootSequenceInteractionManager] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Database migration jobs
The first page is a list of database migration jobs that will be run to update table structures and data.

Press the Yes, proceed button, and Pure will run the listed jobs.
Additional database migration jobs
After the jobs have run, a list of additional jobs will be shown.
These are jobs that require some parts of Pure to be running.

press the Yes, proceed button, and Pure will run the listed jobs.
The list here can be identical to the first list of jobs, as the same job can be split in two parts.
Database differences
This step will only be shown if there are any differences in the database compared to what we expect.

The most likely reason for this is if you have created your own (non Pure) tables in the Pure database. If this is the case, you should just press Accept and continue.
In most other cases you can just copy the SQL listed here and run it to get the schema in sync, but if you are in any doubt about what the differences mean, you should contact Pure support.
In most cases you will be able to just copy the SQL and then run it after the upgrade is done.
Pure login
When the jobs are done you should see the Pure login screen

Updated at July 27, 2024