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5.15.3 Upgrade Notes5.15.3 Upgrade Notes
Please follow the general Upgrading Pure documentation as well as the 5.15.0 (4.33.0) specific instructions below.
In order to upgrade to 5.15.3 (4.34.3), you must be upgrading from at least 5.9.x (4.28.x). We strongly recommend that you do not attempt to skip any more than three major releases when upgrading as to do so increases the risk of migration errors.
Content validation
You are generally encouraged to check all content in the re-validation workflow step prior to upgrade as changes to the underlying data model may not be reflected in the re-validation overview screen (see example)
Further, you are encouraged to check if all content can validate prior to an upgrade of Pure. This check is done by running the Check content and files job and resolving any data validation issues that are flagged by the job
Custom and Advanced Portals
Phasing out Custom and Advanced Portals
As previously communicated, we will be phasing out our support for Custom and Advanced Portals.
Current clients will continue to receive support (new enhancements and bug fixing) through 2021, however please bear in mind that we will be reallocating development resources during this period, so the volume of enhancement work we can take on will be limited.
As of January 2022 only critical bug fixing will be supported.
In the meantime, Pure Portals are being enhanced with key features found in Advanced and Custom Portals as part of our continuous, ongoing product development. This work is being undertaken on a product level, and in direct collaboration with current customers.
We are committed to supporting the migration of current clients and would be very glad to discuss your additional needs and requirements in facilitating a smooth migration as soon as possible - should you be interested in going down this route. This conversation will help us better prioritise our development plans. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or requests for consultation via our Pure Support team.
See the End of Support Announcements for Pure page for all end of support announcements.
Published at July 27, 2024