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How to Display Funder and Funding Amount on PortalHow to Display Funder and Funding Amount on Portal
It is not possible to display Applications and Awards on the Pure Portal, but if you display Projects on your portal, then it is possible to display the funder, funder logo and funding amount on the Project on the portal derived from the associated Award record.
The following settings need to be applied for the funder and funding amount to be displayed:
- Does the Project have an associated Award?
- Check under Related applications and awards on the Project in the back-end.
- The visibility need to be Public on both the Award, the funding on the Award and on the funding Organisation on the Award:
External/funding organisation - Ask Pure Support if the rendering called "portal-fundingPortal" is added under Administrator > Pure portal > Portal > configurations > Projects (this is not something you can check yourself).
- Check under Administrator > Unified Project Model > Portal configuration if both Display funding information and Display funding amount information is enabled:
- If you have checked all this and you are still not able to see the Funder nor Funding amount, then you can also try to republish Projects under Administrator > Pure portal > Portal > configurations > Projects.
More information
KB-331 Awards do not show properly on Pure Portal
KB-687 Missing renders including "portal-fundingPortal"
Note: Some of this information is for internal use only and might not be accessible.
Published at July 27, 2024