How Can We Help?
Having trouble logging into the Pure Client Community to access support cases and user groupsHaving trouble logging into the Pure Client Community to access support cases and user groups
In order to access the Pure Client Community, you need to have an account enabled in the platform.
If you are new to Pure Support, you will need to ask one of the Pure Administrators at your institution to reach out to us to enable your access.
The Pure Client Community uses the Elsevier+ sign-in system:
- If you are already using an ID+ account to sign into various Elsevier services, simply use the same information to sign in to Pure Client Community.
- If you do not already have an Elsevier ID+ account, you will create one the first time you try to login.
- The username should be your work email address.
For all Pure Administrators who had access to the Pure Support Jira system prior to November 24th 2023, your account has been migrated and you should be able login. However, please note that your username and password for Jira may no longer be valid as the Pure Client Community uses the Elsevier ID+ signon system.
Are you having issues logging in?
There may be a number of scenarios where login does not work. Below are some examples and what to do next.
I am trying to log in using my old Pure Jira login
You cannot use your old login. You have to use your existing Elsevier ID+ account or create one if you do not already have one.
I am using my Elsevier ID+ account but can't login
There are a number of things you can try:
- Use a fresh browser. We recommend you try Google Chrome and make sure that cookies and cache have been cleared. Please follow this guide:
- Can you login from a mobile phone or computer that is not part of your work network?
- When at the login screen, click "Try another account" and then “Sign in via your organization”.
- If none of the above works, please copy/screenshot the error message AND your browser address line and provide these to us to assist with troubleshooting.
I need support but can't login to the Pure Client Community
You can always contact us via email: and we’ll help you in this way until your login is working as intended.
Published at October 22, 2024