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What is Publication Category on Research OutputsWhat is Publication Category on Research Outputs
A Research output can target different audiences. Typically it is written from one researcher to another and the target category, or Publication category will be Academic.
But it is also possible to configure Pure to include additional target audiences. For example Professional, Popular and more.
This can be done by enabling the field called “Publication Category” on Research output subtypes and thereby get these options:

By default, Pure automatically puts all publications into the publication category “Academic” though it is not visible in the interface. If you configure the field, it's enabled on the editor and will appear like the image above.
Configuration of the field for each Research output subtype is done from Administrator > Research Output > Templates and types.
Steps to configure/enable the field:
- Locate and click Edit next to the subtype you wish to enable the field on, e.g. Contribution to Journals.
- Click Edit next to the subtype you wish to enable the field on, e.g. Articles.
- Navigate to the section Relations, then click Add peer review relation.
- Select the Publication category you wish to use on the subtype, and select a relation for Peer review.
- Click Create, then Update.
- Don't forget to click Save next to the type name!

Existing records under the subtype will be assigned the default Publication category, which is normally “Academic”, but you may change it. It is the first available option in the classification scheme, named Publication categories (/dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/category).
Updated at January 14, 2025