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Pure Mount pointsPure Mount points
Mount points are used to define the URL where Pure is running. This will be used to generate some of the links used in Pure. They are especially important for the Pure Portal.

Default URL
The default URL is the main URL used by Pure, and the only one that is required to be configured.
If the other URLs are not defined, this URL will be used with the webapp name appended, resulting in a URL like http://localhost/admin for the admin webapp.
Full URL for <webapp name>
Here you can specify the full URL for each Pure webapp.
It should only be defined if it is different from the default URL.
An example is if you want the admin to run HTTPS while the rest runs HTTP, you could then have the default URL be http://localhost and have the admin URL be https://localhost/admin.
Another example is if you want the Portal to run in / and have deployed the webapp with the name ROOT, you will need to defined the Portal URL as http://localhost
This is a full URL, so the webapp name should be included.
Updated at July 27, 2024