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How to Format a System MessageHow to Format a System Message
To get a bit of structure in your system message you can take advantage of a few HTML-tags for line breaks, simple formatting like bold and italic.
Also, a link in a system message is currently a light gray color. If you want to change this to, for example, blue to make it more visible, you can do that as well.
- Go to Administrator > Messages and text resources > System Messages > New system message
- You'll get a pop up window where you can set the message.
- Insert <br/> as a line break.
- Insert <b> for bold
- insert <i> for italic
- When writing the message, use one of these HTML to ensure the blue text.
- Example 1:
<a style="color: blue" href="" onclick="target='_blank';">This is a link</a>
- Example 2:
<a style="color: blue" href="">This is a link</a>
Here is a full example:
Dear Pure user,<br/><br/> Do not forget to submit your remaining <i>Research outputs</i> before the deadline at:<br/> <b>November 1st</b><br/><br/> <a style="color: blue" href="" onclick="target='_blank';">Contact your Pure Support</a> for more information. <br/><br/> Best wishes,<br/> Pure Support
More information
KB-473 Use CDATA for formatting in Abstract field
KB-373 How to add hyperlinks in text box
Note: Some of this information is for internal use only and might not be accessible.
Published at July 27, 2024