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Add Photo in XML for EquipmentAdd Photo in XML for Equipment
You can Bulk import Facilities/Equipment with a XML in Administrator > Bulk import > Equipment.
In the Bulk import overview page you can find examples on how to structure your XML. And you can find the XSD for further development.
If you are adding a photo in the XML here is an example on how to do this.
Attached is a more detailed example. And here is the photo part.
Note, that photos can only be fetched using URL (Only http (and https) is supported).
<photos> <photo pureId="34309323"> <type pureId="65175" uri="/dk/atira/pure/equipment/equipmentfiles/photo"> <term formatted="false"> <text locale="en_GB">Photo</text> <text locale="da_DK">Foto</text> </term> </type> <url>[]</url> <filename>Pug.png</filename> <mimetype>image/png</mimetype> <size>749412</size> </photo> </photos>
Note: If you are having trouble finding the parameters you need. You can find an example in your Pure and use the web service to search for the specific ID and it should return the format you need.
More information
Adding Equipment Id to Bulk Import XML from 5.19 to 5.20
Note: Some of this information is for internal use only and might not be accessible.
Example with photo (XML file)
Published at July 27, 2024