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Adding Equipment Id to Bulk Import XML from 5.19 to 5.20Adding Equipment Id to Bulk Import XML from 5.19 to 5.20
When using the bulk import and you see that the handling of Equipment IDs, in your XML (i.e. serial number), seems to have changed between Pure 5.19 and 5.20 - the XML schemas / examples seem to no longer include this field between the two versions of Pure.
In 5.19 you could obtain the logic for adding Equipment ID through the examples directly in Pure from Administrator > Bulk Import > Equipment:
<ids> <id pureId="710283" typeUri="/dk/atira/pure/equipment/equipmentsources/serialnumber" type="Serial Number">111-111-111</id> <id pureId="710284" typeUri="/dk/atira/pure/equipment/equipmentsources/manufacturerid" type="Manufacturer ID">222-222-222</id> </ids>
However, from 5.20 the logic, as pictured above have changed. To add this content you should use the following format:
<ids> <id pureId="710283"> <value formatted="false">111-111-111</value> <type uri="/dk/atira/pure/equipment/equipmentsources/serialnumber"> <term formatted="false"> <text locale="en_GB">Serial Number</text> </term> </type> </id> <id pureId="710284"> <value formatted="false">222-222-222</value> <type uri="/dk/atira/pure/equipment/equipmentsources/manufacturerid"> <term formatted="false"> <text locale="en_GB">Manufacturer ID</text> </term> </type> </id> </ids>
More information
KB-636 Add photo in XML for Equipment
See the XSD for more information at
Note: Some of this information is for internal use only and might not be accessible.
Published at July 27, 2024