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Person Profile ConfigurationPerson Profile Configuration
Administrators of Pure can enable or disable a range of metadata fields on the Person profile. This is done by navigating to Administrator > System settings > Person.
Setting | Description |
Enable affiliation period on organization relations |
Enabling this will make Pure display the organization relations on persons with their affiliation period. |
Control duration fields on Student-Organization associations |
Enable or disable the following fields on Student-Organization associations: "Expected study duration", "Minimum study duration", "Maximum study duration", "Programme year", "Initial submission date", "Expected end date". |
Enable private address |
This enables the private address group in the person editor. |
Enable Professional Qualifications? |
When enabled the qualifications are available for editing in the Person editor and visible in the portal, CV and report module. |
Enable affiliation note field |
By activating this field, it is possible to record information about a persons affiliation note. This is a general field on the person. |
Enable Willingness To PhD on person |
When enabled, the field Willingness To PhD will become available on the person editor. |
Enable expert field on person |
Choose whether or not to make this field available. |
Leave of Absence information on person |
Choose whether or not it is possible to enter Leave of Absence on a person or not. |
Change person education qualification to a classification |
Change the person education qualification to a classification, instead of a string. Note: This will NOT convert any values. |
Change the external positions, appointment to use a classification |
Change the external positions, appointment to use a classification instead of a string. Note: This will NOT convert any values. |
Change person education field of study as a classification |
Change the person education field of study to a classification, instead of a string. Note: This will NOT convert any values. |
Personal users can view and edit their own sensitive information |
When enabled, personal users can view and edit sensitive information in the person editor. This includes gender, date of birth, researcher start and retirement dates. |
Enable sort name fields |
Enabling this will make Pure use the sort first name and sort last name fields when sorting persons. |
Control indexing of primary source ID. |
If this is turned on, a person can be found by searching for the primary source ID. |
Control indexing of the secondary source IDs. |
If this is turned on, a person can be found by searching for one of the secondary source IDs. |
Person name rendering format |
Use this to specify how names should be rendered using John (first name) Doe (last name) as example. |
Show edit profile button |
Show the edit profile button on the personal overview page. The button opens the person in the Pure content editor. |
Show custom edit profile link |
Show a link that points to an external location where the user can edit his or her associated person. Changes should be synchronized into Pure. |
Custom edit profile link title |
The title of the custom link that allows the user to edit his or her profile. |
Custom edit profile web address |
The web address of the custom edit profile link, e.g. |
Persons can be created by |
You must logout before the changes take effect. |
Amount of Organizations shown in the person editor |
When a person have more than the specified amount of organizations associated, these are hidden in the editor, but can be shown by clicking the "show all relations" link. If the value is set to nothing or 0, all organizations are always shown. SEE Organization affiliation sorting (Person content type) |
Primary person-organization association |
Control whether or not it is possible to select a primary person-organization association. |
Enable/disable creation of student organization associations |
This toggles the possibility to create student organization associations in the person editor. |
Enable/disable creation of honorary organization associations |
This toggles the possibility to create honorary organization associations in the person editor. |
Enable/disable creation of visiting organization associations |
This toggles the possibility to create visiting organization associations in the person editor. |
Classified name: Allowed multiple classifications |
Classified names are (per default) only allowed to have one of each type in the list. The exceptions to this rule are to be inserted into this list. If multiple known as names are allowed, insert the known as classification URI (/dk/atira/pure/person/names/knownas) here. Delimiter is whitespace, for example a newline or space. |
Allow entry of multiple names for 'name variant' classification |
Where you have defined special name variants using classification schemes, users can by default only enter one name for each classification. For example, only one 'Portal sort name' name variant is allowed per person. However, you may wish to allow multiple names per person for some name variants, such as 'Former name'. If you want to allow users to enter multiple names for a name variant, paste the URI for its classification in the text box below. Separate multiple URIs by whitespace (a space or a newline). You can access the name variant classification URIs from the Master data > Classification schemes tab. Search for /dk/atira/pure/organisation/namevariants then copy the URI for an individual classification. |
Lock all fields for synchronized persons |
Enabling this feature will enforce that all fields on synchronized persons are locked in the editor. |
Published at July 27, 2024