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Create Custom Classification Scheme for Use as KeywordsCreate Custom Classification Scheme for Use as Keywords
You need a set of custom keywords for use with a specific content type. These keywords must be created in a Classification scheme and then related to the content type afterwards. The scheme will be populated manually.
This example will create a set of keywords with custom ratings:
Only an Administrator of Pure of can create classification schemes.
- Go to Master Data > Classification schemes
- Click+ and a new window will open.
- Fill in section 'Scheme'
- URI: As this will be used for keywords, the URI is filled like this: /dk/atira/pure/keywords/custom_rating
Note: The above is an example. The URI always starts with this /dk/atira/pure/keywords/ followed by a given name relevant for what it contains. - Type: Set to Misc, but it has no practical consequences, this is just for categorisation of the classification schemes.
- Description: This is the name the scheme is found/listed by.
- URI: As this will be used for keywords, the URI is filled like this: /dk/atira/pure/keywords/custom_rating
- Next, fill in the actual values in section 'Classifications':
- Click "Add Classification"
- Fill in the value(s). Here Rating1:
- URI is filled in automatically
- Description is not needed but it can be an explanation of the value in Term. It is not visible anywhere.
- Click 'Create'
- Repeat step 4.1 until all values are added
- Alternative, faster method:
- Click Table and Add row
- Add as many rows as needed. Description is still not needed and URI will be filled in automatically.
- Click Table and Add row
- When done you can see the result in List mode again, here with all the details filled in:
- Click save
Please refer to KB-718 for details on how to relate and use the newly created keywords on a given content type.
Note: This approach described above is recommended only if there's a limited amount of terms to be added. An alternative would be to upload the terms using an Excel sheet. See KB-250 for more information on this.
More information
KB-718 Add keyword group to content
KB-432 Create Custom Funding Classifications
KB-250 Creating a Classification Scheme by importing with Excel/How to import a controlled vocabulary
KB-842 Classification Schemes: URI Validation on special characters
Note: Some of this information is for internal use only and might not be accessible.
Published at July 27, 2024