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Add Keyword Group to ContentAdd Keyword Group to Content
When you have a set of keywords stored in a classification scheme, this scheme needs to be related to the content type where it is used as keywords.
Only an Administrator of Pure or a Technical Administrator can relate a keyword group to content.
- Go to Administrator > Keywords
- Click on "+ Add keyword group" in top right corner and a new window will open.
- Search for the classification scheme containing the keywords.
- After selecting it Name and Logical name is auto-filled.
- Add description if needed. See KB-218 Keyword description - helptext to keyword group for more information
- Fill in "Display on content type".
- Find the content type that will contain the keywords from the dropdown.
- Only allow selection of classification leaf nodes: See KB-614 Only allow selection of classification leaf nodes on keyword group for more information on this.
- Allow user-defined keywords: Adds a text field for each selected keyword on the content type, where a free text keyword can be added.
- Selection order of keywords: Define the sorting of the keywords when selecting.
- Limit access to keyword group on content: Keyword selection and maintenance can be limited to only selected user roles.
- The decide if keywords should be:
- Shown on portal and OAI
- Shown as filter on Portal (if 'Shown on portal and OAI' is enabled for the keyword group)
- Shown in long renderers (Long format)
- Shown in Web Service
Save the keyword group
Now open a Research output and verify keywords are available for selecting.
More information
KB-218 Keyword description - helptext to keyword group
KB-614 Only allow selection of classification leaf nodes on keyword group
KB-180 How to add keywords on Person and Organisation relation
KB-711 Create custom classification scheme for use as keywords
Note: Some of this information is for internal use only and might not be accessible.
Published at July 27, 2024