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When you are relating (1) a Project to a Research output (2) - either by adding the relation on the Project or on the Research output, then if the Project has an associated Award you can choose an Award (3) to relate it with:
- The relation you create is between the Project and the Research output. You have the option to choose an Award, but it won't create any relations between the Research output and the Award.
- The idea is that it indicates that the Research output was created in relation to/with funding from the Award. So if a Project has multiple Awards you can indicate which Award provided the funding for a specific Research output.
- The Unified Project Model was designed in the way that it is not possible to relate Awards and Research outputs - it is always the Project, which is related. Hence no relation is created between the Research output and the Award directly.
- But the Research outputs will be grouped by the Award in the Project editor, like this:
- It is also possible to relate to no Award:
- If no Awards have been chosen, when relating Research outputs to a Project, then there will be no grouping on Awards.
- There has to be chosen an Award on at least one of the related Research outputs for the grouping to be shown.
Note: Currently - at least on version 5.20.1, we try to determine if any groups are present by looking at the Award title for the current UI locale. This means that if you have the UI language set to English, and the title field in English is blank on the Award, then it is not possible to group the Research outputs by Award, see more information in this issue: PURESUPPORT-73426
More information
KB-544 Mandatory Title field is blank
Note: Some of this information is for internal use only and might not be accessible.
Published at July 27, 2024