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Rendering Keywords on Pure PortalRendering Keywords on Pure Portal
Keywords have been added to a content type (Organisational unit in this example) but they are not showing on Portal.
Example, where no keywords are shown:
- Make sure keywords are actually added on the content (if no keywords on any content, there is nothing to show on portal)
- If yes, then check keyword group settings (Administrator > Keywords > Keyword group for content) and check if 'Shown on portal' is toggled ON:
- If not, toggle this to ON and wait for portal to republish content:
Note: there's no distinction between structured and free text Keywords on Portal.
More information
KB-718 Add keyword group to content
KB-614 Only allow selection of classification leaf nodes on keyword group
KB-604 Propagating UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) keywords
Note: Some of this information is for internal use only and might not be accessible.
Published at July 27, 2024