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Staff Type: Academic and Non-academicStaff Type: Academic and Non-academic
On the Person content type it is possible to set a Staff type on the Staff organisation relation. You can choose between Academic and Non-academic.
- Academic is counted against the license agreement (if the person is active or have a future affiliation). It usually consists of researchers and faculty for example persons whom have considerable presence at the institution or actively publish and the institution wishes to showcase to the public (on the Portal).
- Non-Academic is not counted against the license and Pure can contain as many non-academics as you would like. Usually non-academics are persons such as support staff, librarians, etc. Non-academics don't usually have publications and are not usually recommended to be shown on the portal (however, based on your own discretion, you can choose to give a non-academic publications and show them on the portal. This is only a recommendation and does not mean that being a non-academic prevents either option).
More information
KB-29 License count
KB-541 Person relation type to organisations
Note: Some of this information is for internal use only and might not be accessible.
Published at July 27, 2024