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Running the Configurable Synchronisation Jobs in the Right OrderRunning the Configurable Synchronisation Jobs in the Right Order
Configurable Synchronisation Jobs for Organisations, Users, Persons, Supervisor need to run in a specific order otherwise you might see that some of the jobs cannot find references to other content, like an associated User to a Person.
The synchronisation job would throw errors like: could not find the ID of..
- If you run the Configurable Person synchronisation job before the Configurable User synchronisation job, or the Configurable User synchronisation job has not finished, before the Configurable Person synchronisation job starts, then you might see cases of the Configurable Person synchronisation job not being able to associate a new Person to a new User, if the User has not yet been created by the Configurable User synchronisation job.
- Same, if running the Configurable Supervisor synchronisation job before the Configurable Person synchronisation job, you might see that the Configurable Supervisor synchronisation job was not able to find the Person ID, because the Person does not yet exist in Pure until the Configurable Supervisor synchronisation job runs and adds it.
Make sure you schedule your Configurable Synchronisation jobs in the correct order, which is:
- Configurable Organisation Synchronisation
- Configurable User Synchronisation
- Configurable Person Synchronisation
- (Configurable Supervisor Synchronisation) - optional, depending on whether you have supervisor data to synchronise in.
- Person Maintenance Job (system job)
This sequence is also known as:
SOUP (Synchronisation Organisation User Person) or
SOUPS (Synchronisation Organisation User Person Supervisor)
Note: Make sure to schedule each job with the right amount of time apart, so the jobs are able to complete before the next job starts.
Person Maintenance Job:
This job should run shortly after the completion of user, person (and supervisor) jobs.
This will ensure the access rights are updated according to the Person and User data in a timely manner, but make sure the Configurable User synchronisation job and Configurable Person synchronisation job get to finish, before the Person Maintenance job starts running.
New users are getting locked/new users cannot log in:
- If you see that new users are getting locked or new users cannot log in, start by checking if the Configurable User synchronisation job and then the Configurable Person synchronisation job has completed, before the Person Maintenance job ran. If the Person Maintenance job sees that a User is not associated to a Person (and has no roles) at the time the Person Maintenance runs, this job will lock the User account, so the user cannot access Pure (once a Person is associated with the User by the synchronisation jobs, the User Account will be unlocked when the Person Maintenance job runs).
More information
KB-87 Transitioning to the Configurable synchronisation
KB-381 What is Person Maintenance job
KB-66 Configurable rules for data synchronisation
KB-765 Configurable User Synchronisation: Delete/Lock Strategy
Note: Some of this information is for internal use only and might not be accessible.
Published at July 27, 2024