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Adding UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Pure BackendAdding UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Pure Backend
In 5.20.0 we introduced the possibility of tagging content with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) keywords.
The content possible to tag in 5.20.0 is Research outputs and Persons and for 5.21.0 Projects and Organisations were added. More content types is expected to be added later on.
These keywords can be added either automatically through a specific job or added manually by individual users. Read about adding SDGs on Persons through the Configurable synchronisation job in UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) synchronised from Configurable Person Synchronisation Job.
- The SDGs are added as a classification scheme used by different keyword groups found under Administrator > Keywords > Keywords on Persons or Keywords on Research outputs and they are called Sustainable Development Goals. From 5.21 you will also find one under Projects and Organisations.
Note: If you open up the keyword group, then it is possible under Display on content type to choose "Only allow selection of classification leaf nodes" and "Allow user-defined keywords":
This is only there, because we have reused the keyword settings used on other keyword groups. For the SDGs you should not be using these options. The "Allow user-defined keywords" is not relevant to use, because the SDGs are a controlled vocabulary.
The "Only allow selection of classification leaf nodes" option is specifically for hierarchical classification schemes, where you don't want the user to be able to select the "root" nodes. Because SDG isn't hierarchical this is not relevant to use either.
You can manually add the SDG keywords on specific content.
- Go to the content editor window for Research output or Person.
- Find Keywords section and SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS and click on "Add Sustainable Development Goals":
If you use the job it can be found under Administrator > Jobs > Cron job scheduling > Create new job > Management Of Keywords Reflecting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Note: It is important that you have indexed your content before running the job. If the content is not indexed the job will not be able to add the SDGs.
- For Research outputs, the job will only consider the title, abstract and keywords.
- For Persons, it will consider only the profile information and keywords.
- For Organisations and Projects the keywords can only be aggregated from related content.
- The SDG queries are defined within Pure, and are not currently available for editing.
- There is no weighting or ranking of keywords on content. These are binary definitions, based on whether they do or do not match the search queries.
- SDGs added by the SDGs Job will have the tag "Auto-populated" on them:
Last Run Date
On the first run this field is blank, and is then updated after each subsequent run. It is important to note that the setting "Add/Remove keywords based on content state" will use this date, when determining what has been added or modified - it will look at what new has been added or modified since this date. -
Job Run Mode
You can specify whether you want the job to add or remove SDG keywords from content. -
Add/Remove content based on content state
You can specify whether the tags should be added to content that is:- Modified or newly added since the Last Run Date
- Only newly added since the Last Run Date.
Example: If a user removes a keyword that was added by the job - it will be added again if the job runs again and the configuration in Running mode section > Add/Remove keywords based on content state is set to Modified and new
Remove keywords on content
If you wish to remove SDG keywords from content, you can specify whether to remove:- all SDG keywords
- only the keywords added by the job
This setting is only used, when you have the "Job run mode" set to Remove keywords
Development/Debug mode
This setting allows to enable verbose logging. -
Content types section
Administrators will need to actively enable each content type the job can add keywords to. All content types are disabled by default.
Last Run Date
Use case examples:
Under Content types choose the content you want to add it on - Persons or Research outputs.
- You would like to add keywords on all content inside your Pure both new and modified:
- You will like to only add keywords on new and modified content added to Pure since 01.01.20:
- You would like to remove keywords on content that has been added or modified since 31.12.19. The keywords removed is both those added manually or by the job (ALL is chosen under "Remove keywords on content":
If you only want to remove it on new content, then change Add/Remove keywords based on content state to "Only new" - Remove all manually added keywords on all your modified and new content. This would require the job to run twice.
- On first run remove all modified and new keywords - both manually and added by the job:
- On second run you want to add SDGs again based on the job:
Now all the manually added SDGs are gone, but the SDGs from the job are added on the content again.
Note: the "Remove keywords on content" is not applicable when adding keywords only when removing keywords
- On first run remove all modified and new keywords - both manually and added by the job:
- Where to find SDG content after having added them?
- Content with SDG keywords can be filtered by using the Sustainable Development Goals filter for the Research output and Person content types:
- Content with SDG keywords can be filtered by using the Sustainable Development Goals filter for the Research output and Person content types:
- In 5.21.0 we have added the possibility of propagating SDGs from Research output to Perso.0ns, Research output to Projects and Research output to organisations. Read more about this in Propagating UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) keywords
More information
Overview of all the KB articles on UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
5.20.0 release notes
5.21.0 release notes
Published at July 27, 2024